diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c368dc01a7eb3ff1e338b4724b97e227375cd779..aca6133543b949b51ac7fa93752b706ce79cafa6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -17,67 +17,17 @@ To install SiB App, you'll need to have:
 ### Installing
-#### At first, you'll need to deploy a `sib-manager` server, then configure it.
-#### `sib-manager` installation or update
-$ pip3 install -U sib-manager
-#### `sib-manager` deploy
+[Install a server and a client application](https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/devops/doc/wikis/deploy_a_sib_application)
+Or build the docker images and run it:
-$ sib startproject newserver -m djangoldp_project -m oidc_provider@django-oidc-provider -m djangoldp_circle -m djangoldp_joboffer -m djangoldp_profile -m djangoldp_skill -m djangoldp_account -m djangoldp_notification -m djangoldp_conversation
-$ sib initproject newserver
+$ docker build -t sibapp docker/
+$ docker run --rm -p -it sibapp
-We're using 
-- `djangoldp_project`,
-- `django-oidc-provider`,
-- `djangoldp_circle`,
-- `djangoldp_joboffer`,
-- `djangoldp_profile`,
-- `djangoldp_skill`,
-- `djangoldp_account`,
-- `djangoldp_notification`,
-- `djangoldp_conversation`
-As dependencies, if you don't want them, just remove the `-m packagename`.
-`sibserver` is the name of the folder that `sib-manager` will create, choose it wisely.
-In addition to the `startproject` you can add :
-- `--site-url "http://localhost:8000"`
-- `--production` to use postgresql instead of sqlite
-- `--db-host`, `--db-name`, `--db-user` and `--db-pass` are used to configure the database (mandatory with `--production`)
-- `--smtp-host`, `--smtp-user` and `--smtp-pass` are used to configure the SMTP (optional)
-#### `sibserver` configuration
-You'll have to change some settings on the `sibserver` files.
-- Add your server name to `ALLOWED_HOSTS`
-    - In `settings.py`, add your hostname on `ALLOWED_HOSTS`, eg:
-        ```
-        ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['api.myserver.com', 'localhost']
-        ```
-- Around line `96-97` of `settings.py` set your `PROSODY_HTTP_URL`, `JABBER_DEFAULT_HOST`, eg:
-    ```
-    PROSODY_HTTP_URL = 'https://jabber.happy-dev.fr'
-    JABBER_DEFAULT_HOST = 'happy-dev.fr'
-    ```
-#### `sib-manager` launching
-On the first `sibserver` folder
-$ ./manage.py runserver
-#### Create a Client ID for Prosody & Client
+Create a Client ID for Prosody & Client
 - Go to `localhost:8000/admin/`
 - Login with previously created account.
@@ -96,26 +46,7 @@ $ ./manage.py runserver
 - Keep the `6-digits` newly create `Client ID` somewhere
-#### Then, you'll have to install the client.
-#### Clone this repository
-# With SSH
-$ git clone git@git.happy-dev.fr:startinblox/applications/sib-app.git
-# Or with HTTPS
-$ git clone https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/applications/sib-app.git
-#### Install dependencies
-$ cd sib-app
-$ npm install
-#### Configure `config.json`
+Configure `config.json`:
 On the newly created `./src/config.json` change the `dev` configuration like this:
@@ -127,35 +58,6 @@ On the newly created `./src/config.json` change the `dev` configuration like thi
-#### That's all! Now let's run it!
-# For dev
-$ make watch
-$ npm run serve
-# Or for prod
-$ make build
-# Then publish the www folder
-## Deployment
-Deployment will need a registered RSA Key on production servers.
-### On Alpha
-$ make syncprod
-### On Staging
-$ make sync
 ## Built With
 * [Sib-Core](https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/framework/sib-core/) - An awesome new framework!
@@ -178,4 +80,4 @@ We may add a `LICENSE.md`
 * Maybe some thanks too
 * Inspiration
 * etc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile b/docker/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..667751579507407b09980f9f3aba8c01c832f152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+FROM happydev1/sib:3.6
+RUN pip install --user -U sib-manager
+RUN sudo chown -R sib /opt
+RUN cd /opt/ && sib startproject sib_server
+ADD packages.yml /opt/sib_server/packages.yml
+RUN cd /opt/sib_server && sib install sib_server
+EXPOSE 8000
+CMD cd /opt/sib_server && python manage.py runserver
diff --git a/docker/packages.yml b/docker/packages.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05807b4c381ddd047f7fa8db76808debe5154f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/packages.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+  djangoldp_project: djangoldp_project
+  djangoldp_uploader: djangoldp_uploader
+  djangoldp_circle: djangoldp_circle
+  djangoldp_notification: djangoldp_notification
+  djangoldp_account: djangoldp_account
+  djangoldp_skill: djangoldp_skill
+  djangoldp_joboffer: djangoldp_joboffer
+  djangoldp_conversation: djangoldp_conversation
+  djangoldp_profile: djangoldp_profile
+  djangoldp_invoice: djangoldp_invoice
+  oidc_provider: 'git+https://github.com/jblemee/django-oidc-provider.git@develop'
+  site_url: 'http://localhost:8000'
+  admin_email: admin@example.org
+  admin_name: admin
+  admin_pass: admin