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  • applications/etuc/hubl
  • applications/hubl
  • decentral1se/hubl
  • rngadam/hubl
  • jvtrudel/hubl
  • 3wc/hubl
6 results
Show changes
with 10961 additions and 3932 deletions
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('Edit Channel Browser Testing', () => {
let channelName = 'Edited Test Channel ',
description = 'Edited Test Description ',
menuQuery = [
before(() => {
cy.randomNum().then(num => {
channelName += num;
description += num;
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('Channel Edition process', () => {
it('should visit the channel list screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should visit the last channel edit screen', () => {
cy.get(menuQuery.join(' '))
.invoke('attr', 'data-src')
.then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => {
cy.visit('/circles/@' + id + '/circles-information/circles-edit');
cy.location().should((loc) => {
expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/circles/@' + id + '/circles-information/circles-edit');
it('should enter new channel data', () => {
cy.get('#circles-edit input[name="name"]').clear().type(channelName);
cy.get('#circles-edit input[name="name"]').should('have.value', channelName);
cy.get('#circles-edit input[name="description"]').clear().type(description);
cy.get('#circles-edit input[name="description"]').should('have.value', description);
it('should click button to save the channel', () => {
cy.get('#circles-edit input[value="Enregistrer"]').click();
it('should land on channel information screen', () => {
cy.get(menuQuery.join(' '))
.invoke('attr', 'data-src')
.then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/circles/@' + id + '/circles-information');
it('should show edited channel data on channel information screen', () => {
cy.contains('solid-display-value[name="name"]', channelName).should("exist");
cy.contains('solid-display-value[name="description"]', description).should("exist");
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('Edit Job Offer Browser Testing', () => {
let jobDate = '',
jobTitle = 'Edited Test Job Offer ',
description = 'Edited Test Description ',
menuQuery = [
before(() => {
cy.nextYear(2).then(year => {
jobDate = year + '-12-31';
cy.randomNum().then(num => {
jobTitle += num;
description += num;
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('Job Offer Edition process', () => {
it('should visit the job offers list screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should visit the last job offer edit screen', () => {
cy.get(menuQuery.join(' '))
.invoke('attr', 'data-src')
.then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => {
cy.visit('/job-offers/job-offers-edit/@' + id);
cy.location().should((loc) => {
expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/job-offers/job-offers-edit/@' + id);
it('should enter new job offer data', () => {
cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[name="closingDate"]').clear().type(jobDate);
cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[name="closingDate"]').should('have.value', jobDate);
cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[name="title"]').clear().type(jobTitle);
cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[name="title"]').should('have.value', jobTitle);
cy.get('#job-offers-edit textarea[name="description"]').clear().type(description);
cy.get('#job-offers-edit textarea[name="description"]').should('have.value', description);
it('should click button to save the job offer', () => {
cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[type="submit"]').click();
it('should land on job offers list screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should show edited job offer data on job offer information screen', () => {
cy.contains('solid-display-value[name="title"]', jobTitle).should("exist");
cy.contains('solid-display-value[name="description"]', description).should("exist");
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('Edit Project Browser Testing', () => {
let projectName = 'Edited Test Project ',
customerName = 'Edited Test Customer ',
description = 'Edited Test Description ',
menuQuery = [
before(() => {
cy.randomNum().then(num => {
projectName += num;
customerName += num;
description += num;
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('Project Edition process', () => {
it('should visit the project list screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should visit the last project edit screen', () => {
cy.get(menuQuery.join(' '))
.invoke('attr', 'data-src')
.then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => {
cy.visit('/projects/@' + id + '/projects-information/projects-edit');
cy.location().should((loc) => {
expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/projects/@' + id + '/projects-information/projects-edit');
it('should enter new project data', () => {
cy.get('#projects-edit input[name=""]').clear().type(customerName);
cy.get('#projects-edit input[name=""]').should('have.value', customerName);
cy.get('#projects-edit input[name="name"]').clear().type(projectName);
cy.get('#projects-edit input[name="name"]').should('have.value', projectName);
cy.get('#projects-edit textarea[name="description"]').clear().type(description);
cy.get('#projects-edit textarea[name="description"]').should('have.value', description);
it('should click button to save the project', () => {
cy.get('#projects-edit input[value="Enregistrer"]').click();
it('should land on project information screen', () => {
cy.get(menuQuery.join(' '))
.invoke('attr', 'data-src')
.then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/projects/@' + id + '/projects-information');
it('should show edited project data on project information screen', () => {
cy.contains('solid-display-value[name=""]', customerName).should("exist");
cy.contains('solid-display-value[name="name"]', projectName).should("exist");
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('Edit User Browser Testing', () => {
let userFirstName = 'Edited User First Name ',
userLastName = 'Edited User Last Name ',
jobDescription = 'Edited Job Description ',
city = 'Edited City ',
phone = '+1234',
website = '';
before(() => {
cy.randomNum().then(num => {
userFirstName += num;
userLastName += num;
jobDescription += num;
city += num;
phone += num;
website += num;
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('User Edition process', () => {
it('should visit the user edit screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
/// Workaround - Routing bug - user won't land on edit profile screen
it('should navigate to user edit screen', () => {
cy.get('#members-my-profile solid-link[next="members-edit-profile"]').click();
/// End workaround
it('should enter new user data', () => {
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name="first_name"]').clear().type(userFirstName);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name="first_name"]').should('have.value', userFirstName);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name="last_name"]').clear().type(userLastName);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name="last_name"]').should('have.value', userLastName);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile textarea[name="profile.job"]').clear().type(jobDescription);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile textarea[name="profile.job"]').should('have.value', jobDescription);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name=""]').clear().type(city);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name=""]').should('have.value', city);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name=""]').clear().type(phone);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name=""]').should('have.value', phone);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name=""]').clear().type(website);
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[name=""]').should('have.value', website);
it('should click button to save the user', () => {
cy.get('#members-edit-profile input[value="ENREGISTRER"]').click();
it('should land on user information screen', () => {
cy.location().should(location => {
/// Workaround - Routing bug - route pathname won't be /profile as it should
// expect(location.pathname).to.eq('/members');
/// End workaround
it('should show edited user data on user information screen', () => {
cy.contains('solid-display-value[name="name"]', userFirstName + ' ' + userLastName).should("exist");
cy.contains('solid-display-value[name="profile.job"]', jobDescription).should("exist");
cy.contains('solid-display-value[name=""]', city).should("exist");
cy.contains('directory-link-tel a', phone).should("exist");
cy.contains('directory-website a', website).should("exist");
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('Leave Channel Browser Testing', () => {
let tableQuery = [
tableListQuery = [
'div >',
before(() => {
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screend', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('Channel Leaving process', () => {
it('should visit the channels list screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should click the last channel leave button', () => {
cy.get(tableListQuery.join(' ')).its('length').as('channelsLength');
cy.get(tableQuery.join(' ')).click();
it('should check if channel was left', () => {
cy.get(tableListQuery.join(' ')).its('length').should(length => {
expect(length).to.eq(this.channelsLength - 1);
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('Leave Project Browser Testing', () => {
let tableQuery = [
tableListQuery = [
'div >',
before(() => {
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screend', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('Project Leaving process', () => {
it('should visit the projects list screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should click the last project leave button', () => {
cy.get(tableListQuery.join(' ')).its('length').as('projectsLength');
cy.get(tableQuery.join(' ')).click();
it('should check if project was left', () => {
cy.get(tableListQuery.join(' ')).its('length').should(length => {
expect(length).to.eq(this.projectsLength - 1);
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('List Job Offers Browser Testing', () => {
let listQuery = 'solid-display.job-board__list',
filtersQuery = [
listingCountQuery = [
firstListingQuery = [
before(() => {
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('Job Offer Listing process', () => {
let listingTitle,
it('should visit the job offers listing screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should get the listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).its('length').then(length => listingCount = length);
it('should get the first job offer listing data', () => {
cy.get(firstListingQuery.join(' ') + '[name="title"]').invoke('text').then(text => listingTitle = text);
cy.get(firstListingQuery.join(' ') + '[name="description"]').invoke('text').then(text => listingDesccription = text);
// TO-DO: Search by title and description
/*it('should filter the listing by first name', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="title"]').clear().type(listingTitle);
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="title"]').should('have.value', listingTitle);
it('should get filtered listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).its('length').then(length => {
it('should clear the first name filter', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="title"]').clear();
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="title"]').should('have.value', '');
it('should get previous listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).its('length').then(length => {
it('should filter the listing by first name', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="description"]').clear().type(listingDesccription);
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="description"]').should('have.value', listingDesccription);
it('should get filtered listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).its('length').then(length => {
it('should clear the first name filter', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="description"]').clear();
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="description"]').should('have.value', '');
it('should get previous listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).its('length').then(length => {
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('List Users Browser Testing', () => {
let listQuery = 'solid-display#members-list__content',
filtersQuery = [
listingCountQuery = [
firstListingQuery = [
before(() => {
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('User Listing process', () => {
let listingFirstName,
it('should visit the users listing screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should get the listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).invoke('text').then(text => listingCount = text);
it('should get the first user listing data', () => {
cy.get(firstListingQuery.join(' ') + '[name="first_name"]').invoke('text').then(text => listingFirstName = text);
cy.get(firstListingQuery.join(' ') + '[name="last_name"]').invoke('text').then(text => listingLastName = text);
cy.get(firstListingQuery.join(' ') + '[name="profile.job"]').invoke('text').then(text => listingJob = text);
cy.get(firstListingQuery.join(' ') + '[name=""]').invoke('text').then(text => listingCity = text);
it('should filter the listing by first name', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="name"]').clear().type(listingFirstName);
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="name"]').should('have.value', listingFirstName);
it('should get filtered listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).invoke('text').then(text => {
expect(text).to.eq('1 membres');
it('should clear the first name filter', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="name"]').clear();
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="name"]').should('have.value', '');
it('should get previous listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).invoke('text').then(text => {
it('should filter the listing by last name', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="name"]').clear().type(listingLastName);
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="name"]').should('have.value', listingLastName);
it('should get filtered listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).invoke('text').then(text => {
expect(text).to.eq('1 membres');
it('should clear the last name filter', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="name"]').clear();
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="name"]').should('have.value', '');
it('should get previous listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).invoke('text').then(text => {
it('should filter the listing by job description', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="profile.job"]').clear().type(listingJob);
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="profile.job"]').should('have.value', listingJob);
it('should get filtered listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).invoke('text').then(text => {
expect(text).to.eq('1 membres');
it('should clear the job description filter', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="profile.job"]').clear();
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name="profile.job"]').should('have.value', '');
it('should get previous listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).invoke('text').then(text => {
it('should filter the listing by city', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name=""]').clear().type(listingCity);
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name=""]').should('have.value', listingCity);
it('should get filtered listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).invoke('text').then(text => {
expect(text).to.eq('1 membres');
it('should clear the city filter', () => {
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name=""]').clear();
cy.get(filtersQuery.join(' ') + '[name=""]').should('have.value', '');
it('should get previous listing count', () => {
cy.get(listingCountQuery.join(' ')).invoke('text').then(text => {
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('Retire Channel Browser Testing', () => {
let menuQuery = [
menuCountQuery = [
before(() => {
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screend', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('Channel Retirement process', () => {
let channelsLength;
it('should visit the channels list screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should visit the last channel edit screen', () => {
cy.get(menuQuery.join(' '))
.invoke('attr', 'data-src')
.then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => {
cy.visit('/circles/@' + id + '/circles-information/circles-edit');
cy.location().should((loc) => {
expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/circles/@' + id + '/circles-information/circles-edit');
it('should count the number of joined channels', () => {
cy.get(menuCountQuery.join(' ')).its('length').then(length => channelsLength = length);
it('should click button to retire the channel', () => {
cy.get('solid-multiple[name="members"] solid-delete[data-label="Retirer"] button').click();
it('should stay on channel edit screen', () => {
cy.get(menuQuery.join(' '))
.invoke('attr', 'data-src')
.then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/circles/@' + id + '/circles-information/circles-edit');
it('should check if channel was retired', () => {
cy.get(menuCountQuery.join(' ')).its('length').should(length => {
expect(length).to.eq(channelsLength - 1);
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('Retire Project Browser Testing', () => {
let menuQuery = [
menuCountQuery = [
before(() => {
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage());
afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage());
it('should visit user login screend', () => cy.userLogin());
it('should login', () => cy.login());
describe('Project Retirement process', () => {
let projectsLength;
it('should visit the projects list screen', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
it('should visit the last project edit screen', () => {
cy.get(menuQuery.join(' '))
.invoke('attr', 'data-src')
.then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => {
cy.visit('/projects/@' + id + '/projects-information/projects-edit');
cy.location().should((loc) => {
expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/projects/@' + id + '/projects-information/projects-edit');
it('should count the number of joined projects', () => {
cy.get(menuCountQuery.join(' ')).its('length').then(length => projectsLength = length);
it('should click button to retire the project', () => {
cy.get('solid-multiple[name="members"] solid-delete[data-label="Retirer"] button').click();
it('should stay on project edit screen', () => {
cy.get(menuQuery.join(' '))
.invoke('attr', 'data-src')
.then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/projects/@' + id + '/projects-information/projects-edit');
it('should check if project was retired', () => {
cy.get(menuCountQuery.join(' ')).its('length').should(length => {
expect(length).to.eq(projectsLength - 1);
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy, expect */
context('Browser testing', () => {
before(() => {
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null});
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin());
describe('Login process', () => {
it('should write "admin" on username field and "password" on password field', () => {
cy.get('#id_username').should('have.value', 'admin');
cy.get('#id_password').should('have.value', 'password');
it('should click on login button', () => {
cy.get(':nth-child(1) > .flex-column > [type="submit"]').click();
it('should provide an error, username and password mismatch.', () => {
cy.get('.error').should('contain.text', 'Ton nom d\'utilisateur et ton mot de passe ne correspondent pas. Réessaye.');
it('should write "admin" on password field then press the login button', () => {
cy.get('#id_password').should('have.value', 'admin');
cy.get(':nth-child(1) > .flex-column > [type="submit"]').click();
it('should ask for user permission to access their datas.', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
// it('should redirect the user to the app.', () => {
// cy.get('.accept-button').click();
// cy.location().should((loc) => {
// expect(loc.protocol + "//" +;
// expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/');
// });
// });
// });
// describe('Main interface', () => {
// // it('should show my name on top right', () => {
// // cy.get('solid-display-value').contains('Admin');
// // });
// it('should show my username on the left menu', () => {
// cy.get('[fields="username, badge"][data-src="http://localhost:8000/users/admin/"] > :nth-child(1) > solid-display-div > div').contains('admin');
// });
// it('should open a chat with myself', () => {
// cy.get('[fields="username, badge"][data-src="http://localhost:8000/users/admin/"] > :nth-child(1) > solid-display-div > div').click();
// cy.get('.name').contains('admin');
// });
// it('should not work, because I have no Prosody configured', () => {
// cy.get('.content-box > .chat-view > solid-xmpp-chat').should('be.empty');
// });
// describe('Circles', () => {
// it('should navigate the Administration from left menu', () => {
// cy.get('.create > solid-link').click();
// cy.get('#admin-circles > .content-box > .content-box__header > .without-margin').contains('Administration');
// cy.get('#admin-circles > .content-box__info > .admin-header > .admin-header__title').contains('Circles');
// });
// it('should navigate to Circle creation', () => {
// cy.get('#admin-circles > .content-box__info > .admin-header > .button').click();
// cy.location().should((loc) => {
// expect(loc.pathname).to.contain('admin-circles-create');
// });
// });
// var name = new Uint32Array(1);
// crypto.getRandomValues(name);
// name = "Test Circle " + name;
// it('should allow Circle Creation', () => {
// cy.get('form > solid-form-label-text[name="name"] > label > input').type(name);
// cy.get('.content-box__info > solid-form > form > solid-form-label-text[name="description"] > label > input').type('With a great description!');
// cy.get('#admin-circles-create > .content-box__info > solid-form > form > [type="submit"]').click();
// cy.get('#admin-circles > div > div.table > solid-display').contains(name);
// });
// it('should open the circle information page', () => {
// cy.screenshot();
// cy.get('#navbar-router').contains(name).click();
// cy.get('[name="circles-information"] > li').click();
// });
// it('should delete the circle', () => {
// cy.get('.box-button > solid-ac-checker > .button').click();
// cy.get('#navbar-router').should('not.contain', name);
// });
// });
// });
// describe('Logout process', () => {
// it('should properly log out the user', () => {
// cy.get('#user-controls__profile > div').click();
// cy.get('#user-controls__panel > nav > button').click();
// // Dirty fix for logout, targeting logout button is not enough.
// cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
// cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
// cy.location().should((loc) => {
// expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/auth/login/');
// });
// });
/// <reference types="Cypress" />
/* globals cy */
context('Signup Browser Testing', () => {
let username = 'testuser_creation_',
email = '',
password = 'testpwd';
before(() => {
cy.randomNum().then(num => {
username += num;
email = username + '';
cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null });
cy.clearCookies({ domain: null });
it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin());
describe('Signup process', () => {
it('should click on signup page link', () => {
it('should write incorrect user data', () => {
cy.get('#id_username').should('have.value', '!"#$%&');
cy.get('#id_email').should('have.value', email.split('.')[0]);
cy.get('#id_password1').type(password + 'wrong1');
cy.get('#id_password1').should('have.value', password + 'wrong1');
cy.get('#id_password2').type(password + 'wrong2');
cy.get('#id_password2').should('have.value', password + 'wrong2');
it('should click on signup button', () => {
it('should provide errors about incorrect user data', () => {
cy.get('tbody tr:nth-child(1) ul.errorlist li')
.should('contain.text', 'Enter a valid username. This value may contain only letters, numbers, and ./+/-/_ characters.');
cy.get('tbody tr:nth-child(2) ul.errorlist li')
.should('contain.text', 'Enter a valid email address.');
cy.get('tbody tr:nth-child(4) ul.errorlist li')
.should('contain.text', 'The two password fields didn\'t match.');
it('should write correct user data', () => {
cy.get('#id_username').should('have.value', username);
cy.get('#id_email').should('have.value', email);
cy.get('#id_password1').should('have.value', password);
cy.get('#id_password2').should('have.value', password);
it('should click on signup button', () => {
it('should show email confirmation dialog', () => {
cy.contains('h1.text-center', 'Un e-mail d\'activation a été envoyé.').should("exist");
cy.contains('p.text-center', 'Vérifie ta boite mail et clique sur le lien pour activer ton compte.').should("exist");
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin"
\ No newline at end of file
"name": "Using fixtures to represent data",
"email": "",
"body": "Fixtures are a great way to mock data for responses to routes"
\ No newline at end of file
// ***********************************************
// This example commands.js shows you how to
// create various custom commands and overwrite
// existing commands.
// For more comprehensive examples of custom
// commands please read more here:
// ***********************************************
// -- This is a parent command --
// Cypress.Commands.add("login", (email, password) => { ... })
// -- This is a child command --
// Cypress.Commands.add("drag", { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This is a dual command --
// Cypress.Commands.add("dismiss", { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This will overwrite an existing command --
// Cypress.Commands.overwrite("visit", (originalFn, url, options) => { ... })
/* globals Cypress, cy, expect */
import 'cypress-localstorage-commands';
Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {
cy.fixture('admin.json').then(admin => {
cy.get('#id_username').should('have.value', admin.username);
cy.get('#id_password').should('have.value', admin.password);
cy.location('pathname').should('include', '/authorize');
cy.location().should(location => {
Cypress.Commands.add('userLogin', () => {
cy.location().should((loc) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('encodeUrl', url => {
const encodeIdReplacement = [
['~', '~~'],
['.', '~!'],
[':', '~@'],
['/', '~_'],
encodeIdReplacement.forEach(([char, repl]) => {
url = url.split(char).join(repl);
return url;
Cypress.Commands.add('randomNum', () => {
return Math.floor(1000 + Math.random() * 9000);
Cypress.Commands.add('nextYear', increment => {
return new Date().getFullYear() + ( increment || 1 );
// ***********************************************************
// This example support/index.js is processed and
// loaded automatically before your test files.
// This is a great place to put global configuration and
// behavior that modifies Cypress.
// You can change the location of this file or turn off
// automatically serving support files with the
// 'supportFile' configuration option.
// You can read more here:
// ***********************************************************
/* globals Cypress */
// Import commands.js using ES2015 syntax:
import './commands';
// Alternatively you can use CommonJS syntax:
// require('./commands')
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
// returning false here prevents Cypress from
// failing the test
console.log('Cypress detected uncaught exception', err);
return false;
Cypress.on('fail', (error) => {
if ( typeof Cypress.runner.abort == 'function' ) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ @root.client.i18n.lang }}" translate="no">
{{> head }}
<body class="bg-color-grey">
{{> integrated/autoLogin }}
{{> integrated/registering }}
<div class="notLoggedIn" style="visibility: hidden; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;">
{{> integrated/menu-left }}
<main id="content" class="segment three-quarter sm-full text-top">
{{> integrated/menu-top }}
{{> widgets }}
{{#each @root.components as | component |}}
{{#unless component.parameters.disabled}}
{{#if component.route}}
<div id="{{component.route}}" data-view="{{component.route}}" hidden="">
{{#if (includes component.integration "replacement")}}
<{{component.parameters.replacement}}{{mergeAttributes component.attributes}}></{{component.parameters.replacement}}>
{{#if (includes component.integration "routing")}}
<div class="scrollbar-content whitespace-normal padding-top-xlarge padding-right-xsmall padding-bottom-xlarge padding-left-xsmall sm-padding-top-medium">
<solid-{{component.type}}{{mergeAttributes component.attributes}}></solid-{{component.type}}>
{{#if (any_are component.type "about" "rocketchat" "chat" "circles" "events" "job-board" "polls" "directory" "projects" "resources")}}
{{> (get_legacy_view component.type) component=component }}
{{#if (includes component.integration "replacement")}}
{{#if (includes component.integration "routing")}}
<{{component.parameters.replacement}}{{mergeAttributes component.attributes}}></{{component.parameters.replacement}}>
{{#if (is component.type "admin")}}
{{> (get_legacy_view "admin") }}
{{#if (is component.type "analytics")}}
<solid-analytics type="{{component.parameters.type}}" url="{{component.parameters.url}}" id="{{}}"></solid-analytics>
{{#if (is component.type "notification")}}
{{> notifications }}
{{#if (is component.type "lang")}}
<orbit-lang hidden="" lang="{{}}" file="{{component.parameters.file}}"></orbit-lang>
{{#if (hasComponent "circles")}}
<div class="scrollbar-content bg-color-white" id="{{getRoute 'circles' true}}-left" hidden="" data-view="{{getRoute 'circles' true}}-left" no-render="">
{{> (get_legacy_view "circles/circle-left")}}
{{#if (hasComponent "projects")}}
<div class="scrollbar-content bg-color-white" id="{{getRoute 'projects' true}}-left" hidden="" data-view="{{getRoute 'projects' true}}-left" no-render="">
{{> (get_legacy_view "projects/project-left")}}
<div class="loggedIn-loader bg-color-grey global-loader">
<solid-loader position="none"></solid-loader>
<div id="something-goes-wrong" hidden="">
<br />
<span data-trans="errors.somethingGoesWrong"></span>
<a data-trans='errors.reload' href="/"></a>
{{#if @root.client.i18n}}
<orbit-fallback-lang hidden="" lang="{{@root.client.i18n.lang}}"{{#if @root.client.i18n.force}} force="{{@root.client.i18n.force}}"{{/if}}></orbit-fallback-lang>
<div id="swal-content-text" hidden="" data-trans="success"></div>
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@helpers/*": ["./src/helpers/*"],
"@partials/*": ["./src/partials/*"],
"@styles/*": ["./src/styles/*"]
This diff is collapsed.
"name": "sib-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "orbit",
"version": "2.0.0",
"license": "MIT",
"private": true,
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"build": "run-p copy:* build:*",
"build:css": "node-sass src/styles/index.scss -o dist/styles/",
"build:js": "babel 'src/scripts/*.js' -o dist/scripts/index.js",
"build:html": "pug src/index.pug -o dist/ --obj config.json",
"copy:font": "copyfiles -f src/fonts/* dist/fonts",
"copy:image": "copyfiles -f src/images/* dist/images",
"serve": "pushstate-server -d ./dist -p 3000",
"watch": "run-p copy:* watch:* serve",
"watch:css": "npm run build:css && npm run build:css -- -w",
"watch:js": "babel --watch \"src/scripts/*.js\" -o dist/scripts/index.js",
"watch:pug": "pug --watch src/index.pug -o dist/ --obj config.json"
"release": {
"branches": [
"plugins": [
"preset": "angular",
"releaseRules": [
"type": "major",
"release": "major"
"type": "minor",
"release": "minor"
"type": "*",
"release": "patch"
"watch": "vite",
"build": "vite build",
"serve": "vite preview",
"cypress:open": "cypress open",
"cypress:verify": "cypress verify",
"cypress:info": "cypress info",
"test": "cypress run"
"browserslist": [
"last 2 Chrome versions"
"dependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "^7.7.0",
"@babel/core": "^7.7.0",
"copyfiles": "^2.1.1",
"include-media": "^1.4.9",
"node-sass": "^4.13.0",
"normalize.css": "^8.0.1",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
"pug": "^2.0.4",
"pug-cli": "^1.0.0-alpha6",
"pushstate-server": "^3.1.0"
"@lit/task": "^1.0.1",
"@startinblox/orbit-styling-framework": "^1.9.21",
"autoprefixer": "^10.4.20",
"cssnano": "^7.0.6",
"default-composer": "^0.6.0",
"lit": "^3.2.1",
"markdown-it": "^14.1.0",
"markdown-it-link-attributes": "^4.0.1",
"postcss": "^8.4.47",
"postcss-preset-env": "^9.6.0",
"postcss-scss": "^4.0.9",
"sass": "^1.80.6",
"sweetalert2": "^11.14.5",
"vite": "^5.4.10",
"vite-plugin-handlebars": "^2.0.0",
"vite-plugin-html": "^3.2.2",
"vite-plugin-pwa": "^0.20.5"
"devDependencies": {
"cypress": "^13.15.2",
"cypress-localstorage-commands": "^2.2.6"