Clément authored7207f943
compile-pug.js 2.00 KiB
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs').promises
const objectAssignDeep = require(`object-assign-deep`)
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const pug = require('pug')
const chokidar = require('chokidar')
//Set default language
const default_lang = 'en'
const pugDir = './src'
const pugFile = `${pugDir}/index.pug`
//Set the translation directory
const dataDir = './translation'
const outDir = './www'
const paramFile = './src/config.json'
//Compile custom function
async function compile() {
//Retrieve langues proposed
const langs = (await fs.readdir(dataDir))
.filter(f => path.extname(f) === '.yml')
.map(f => path.basename(f, '.yml'))
const langData = {}
//Retrieve traduction
await Promise.all(
langs.map(lang =>
.readFile(`${dataDir}/${lang}.yml`, 'utf8')
.then(text => (langData[lang] = yaml.safeLoad(text))),
for (const lang in langData) {
if (lang === default_lang) continue
langData[lang] = objectAssignDeep(
const options = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(paramFile, 'utf-8'))
const pugFct = pug.compileFile(pugFile)
await fs.mkdir(outDir, { recursive: true })
//Creation of folders by language with their index.html dans wwww
await Promise.all(
Object.entries(langData).map(async([lang, data]) => {
const opt = Object.assign({}, options, { lang, data });
const dir = `${outDir}/${lang}`
await fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true })
const html = pugFct(opt)
const filename = `${dir}/index.html`
console.log(`write ${filename}`)
return fs.writeFile(filename, html)
// Compile with --watch option
compile().then(() => {
if (!process.argv.includes('-w') && !process.argv.includes('--watch')) return
console.log('watching for changes…')
chokidar.watch([`${pugDir}/**/*.pug`, `${dataDir}/**/*.yml`, paramFile]).on('change', editedFilePath => {
console.log(`\nchanged: ${editedFilePath}`)