diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/Bug.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Bug.md
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+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Bug.md
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+/label ~BUG
+### Expected behavior
+*Describe in a few words what should happen*
+### What's happening?
+*Describe in a few words what's happening*
+### Steps to reproduce
+*How one can reproduce the issue - this is very important*
+1. Step 1
+2. Step 2
+3. Step 3
+### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
+*If possible, please add a some error/console logs.*
+*If possible, please add a screenshot.*
+### Your Environment
+(Include relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in)
+* Library version:
+* Browser name and version:
+* Operating System and version (desktop or mobile):
+* Targeted application:
diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/Feature.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Feature.md
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+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Feature.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+## What needs to be done?
+Please describe the goal of this new feature as best as you can
+/estimate Xh
+/label ~feature
+## Technical details
+Are there any technical details worth mentioning?
+## Links
+1. Link to user story in wiki
+2. other related Gitlab issues
+## How to complete
+1. How to complete a Feature
+2. Ask any question you have in the issue comments before starting
+3. Create a new branch named ${ISSUE_NUMBER}-issue-name
+4. Implement a simple test to illustrate the desired functionality
+5. Write some code to complete this task
+6. Write some additional tests to cover edge cases and some possible errors
+7. Write documentation about what have you done and why you have done it this way
+8. Submit a merge request
diff --git a/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/checklist_before_merging.md b/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/checklist_before_merging.md
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+++ b/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/checklist_before_merging.md
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+## Checklist based on our Definition of Done
+Please, make sure you have changed the topic and also
+described briefly what have you done. Thanks!
+I have done {describe the following issue}
+- [ ] This commits targets only one specific issue
+- [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines
+- [ ] Unit Tests for the changes have been added
+- [ ] Ideally acceptance Tests for the changes have been added
+- [ ] Docs have been added or updated
+- [ ] Associated Release notes have been added or updated
+- [ ] I have assigned one of my peer to review this merge request
+- [ ] I have checked how to create a [merge request]()
+## Issues
+Which issue this PR closes? It can close only one issue.
+Which issues this PR references?
+Please, specify all issues.
+Format is: Closes #X or Refs #Y
+Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/closing_issues.html#via-merge-request
+## Time spent
+This information is only required for statistics and analysis.
+But we need to know exactly how much time you have spent,
+please try to be as accurate as possible.
+Format is: /spend 1h
+Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/workflow/time_tracking.html
+/spend Xh
+## Assignee
+You need to assign your architect to review your merge request.
+Format: /assign @username
+Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/quick_actions.html
+## Feedback
+Did you encounter any other problems you want to share with us?
+Optional. Feel free to remove this section if you don't have any feedback.
+<!--- Thank you for you contribution! -->
diff --git a/AUTHORS.md b/AUTHORS.md
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+# Project Authors
+## Project technical leads:
+     * Benoit Alessandroni (benoit@startinblox.com) - lead developper and maintainer - Anecy (France)
+## Developers:
+     * Alice Poggioli (alice@startinblox.com) - developper and maintainer- Marseille (France)
+## Designer
+     * Sophie Rocher - UX designer - Paris (France)
+     * Fred Mullet - Integrator - Marseille (France)
+## Special thanks to
+     * All the Startin'blox team <3
+     * Hanna, Lorenzo and Louis 
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+# Coopstarter's contributions guidelines
+These guidelines are an extension of the [Startin'blox guidelines](https://git.startinblox.com/framework/sib-core/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
+See the [documentation of the framework](https://docs.startinblox.com/) and [contribute to the FAQ documentation](https://git.startinblox.com/documentation/doc) if you're not able to find the answer you're looking for.
+If you have any question left, come to meet us on [community.startinblox.com](https://community.startinblox.com)
+## Reporting a bug or propose a new feature
+Feel welcome to open an issue. Before submitting one, have a look on the already opened ones to avoid duplication. 
+Templates are at your disposal for bug report or feature suggestion . They will help you describe your contribution properly. Be the more explicit you can in the title to help futures contributors.
+## Improve the code
+### Create your own branch
+For each modification you want to propose, you must create a new branch. 
+Each branch must be related to one issue only. 
+We name our branches like this : 
+ * feature/#140
+ * bug/#141
+Where #140 and #141 is the number that refers to your issue or the issue you're solving
+### Take care of your commit messages
+Please prefix your commit message with the level of modification which can be : 
+* **`feature`** for modification that add a significant new behavior to the software
+* **`update`** for any modification of the behavior of the software that requires a specification update
+* **`bugfix`** for any modification making the software comply with the specification
+* **`ui`** for any modification of the software that affect its appearance but not its behavior
+* **`syntax`** for any modification that do not affect the user, like a refactoring
+Examples : 
+bugfix: set lookup field on @id
+update: configurable fields (fix #6)
+feature: representation of foreign keys as objects (fix #5)
+feature: Federation model (fix #7)
+These prefix are essential as they will trigger an automatic release for the component.
+You can also add the id of the related issue, to link it automatically to the commit. (for the issue 12, add `#12` in your commit message).
+### Propose your merge request
+When your modifications are ready, create a merge request to `master` or `dev`, depending from which branch your created your own one.
+The merge request should include:
+- The id of the related issue (ie: `Fix error #12`)
+- A simple example to test your modifications
+- Every comment useful to understand your modifications
+Assign it to someone which will review, test and approve the merge request.
+### Good First Issue
+If you see an issue which seems to you really easy and not urgent, you can let it to the new timers add a label "good first issue".
+## Documentation is everything 
+We all know how much documenting our work is important. If you find that you can add an improvement, the community is grateful to you!
+### Experimental features
+Every non experimental features *should* be documented in the repository README.md.
+Experimental features *can* be documented, but their documentation should mention clearly that the feature is experimental and is not guaranteed to continue to work in the future.
+**Thank you very much for your contribution !**