diff --git a/src/includes/footer.pug b/src/includes/footer.pug
index c44d671144354581e0a440007073c6fef9bc4155..e0e3d8ba37d647e71289cf2f7cdf87c3d07f35c0 100644
--- a/src/includes/footer.pug
+++ b/src/includes/footer.pug
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-    .flex.flex_espace.flex_item_center
-        a.logo_footer(href='https://coopseurope.coop/')
-            figure.margin_bord_ecran
-                img(src="../images/logo_CE.png" alt="Coopstarter")
-        a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
-            figure.margin_bord_ecran
-                img(src="../images/logo_coops4dev.jpg" alt="Coopstarter")
-        a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
-            figure.flex.flex_item_center
-                img.textMore(src="../images/ica_logo.png" alt="Coopstarter")
-                div
-                    p International
-                    p Co-operative
-                    p Alliance
-        a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
-            figure.flex.flex_item_center
-                img.textMore(src="../images/logo_UE.jpg" alt="Coopstarter")
-                div
-                    p Co-funded 
-                    p by the 
-                    p European Union
-    p.footer_warning.flex_item_center  This software has been co-funded by the European Union. The contents of this software are the sole responsibility of Cooperatives Europe and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
\ No newline at end of file
+//- .container
+//-     .flex.flex_espace.flex_item_center
+//-         a.logo_footer(href='https://coopseurope.coop/')
+//-             figure.margin_bord_ecran
+//-                 img(src="../images/logo_CE.png" alt="Coopstarter")
+//-         a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
+//-             figure.margin_bord_ecran
+//-                 img(src="../images/logo_coops4dev.jpg" alt="Coopstarter")
+//-         a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
+//-             figure.flex.flex_item_center
+//-                 img.textMore(src="../images/ica_logo.png" alt="Coopstarter")
+//-                 div
+//-                     p International
+//-                     p Co-operative
+//-                     p Alliance
+//-         a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
+//-             figure.flex.flex_item_center
+//-                 img.textMore(src="../images/logo_UE.jpg" alt="Coopstarter")
+//-                 div
+//-                     p Co-funded 
+//-                     p by the 
+//-                     p European Union
+//-     p.footer_warning.flex_item_center  This software has been co-funded by the European Union. The contents of this software are the sole responsibility of Cooperatives Europe and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/includes/head.pug b/src/includes/head.pug
index d541cdd32e7a82afa30ac4018d54d1b264947f4e..34fcd45b3bef534277c441ffefafebfef075fba6 100644
--- a/src/includes/head.pug
+++ b/src/includes/head.pug
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ head
     script(type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@startinblox/core@0.9")
     script(type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@startinblox/router@0.7")
-    script(type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@startinblox/oidc@0.8")
+    script(type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@startinblox/oidc@0.8.4")
     script(type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@startinblox/component-conversation@0.4")
     script(src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous")
diff --git a/src/includes/mentor/dashboard.pug b/src/includes/mentor/dashboard.pug
index 324fd8abe4f719a28dfbbe3b8aded862f9d713f5..64fd74b86ce725610bba613be1d54c3255ba00a8 100644
--- a/src/includes/mentor/dashboard.pug
+++ b/src/includes/mentor/dashboard.pug
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ section#home
         include resources/list.pug
-        sib-router
-            sib-ac-checker(permission="acl:Write" bind-resources)
-                sib-route(id-prefix=`${endpoints.resources}`, name='mentor-resource-validate', use-id)
-                sib-route(name='resource-validation-process')
-                sib-route(id-prefix=`${endpoints.resources}`, name='mentor-resource-detail', use-id)
+    sib-router
+        sib-ac-checker(permission="acl:Write" bind-resources)
+            sib-route(id-prefix=`${endpoints.resources}`, name='mentor-resource-validate', use-id)
+            sib-route(name='resource-validation-process')
+            sib-route(id-prefix=`${endpoints.resources}`, name='mentor-resource-detail', use-id)
             include resources/validate.pug  
diff --git a/src/index.pug b/src/index.pug
index ad5d7fe2d28d94ea33d1cbb7b19876c305a3d59d..93d9e71fc967dd24721ab35df3220cc80a3f7075 100644
--- a/src/index.pug
+++ b/src/index.pug
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ html
             include includes/public/dashboard.pug
-        #main-loader(hidden) Loading…
+        #main-loader(hidden style="display: none") Loading…
@@ -36,64 +36,6 @@ sib-auth
-      import { store } from 'https://unpkg.com/@startinblox/core@0.8';
-      const sibAuth = document.querySelector('sib-auth');
-      class CoopStarterLoginComponent extends HTMLElement {
-        async connectedCallback() {
-          mentor_login.onclick = () => this.triggerLogin();
-          this.update();
-        }
+script(type='module' src='/scripts/dispatch-space-n-user.js')
-        async triggerLogin() {
-          let loader = document.getElementById('main-loader');
-          loader.removeAttribute('hidden');
-          await sibAuth.login();
-        }
-        async update() {
-          let loader = document.getElementById('main-loader');
-          loader.removeAttribute('hidden');
-          let user = await sibAuth.getUser();
-          let idToken = await sibAuth.getUserIdToken();
-          console.log(window.location);
-          if ( !user && window.location.href.indexOf('public-dashboard/public-resource-detail') === -1) {
-            console.log("We have no user and not in public")
-            loader.setAttribute("hidden", true);
-            window.dispatchEvent(
-              new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { route: 'splash' } })
-            );
-          }
-          if(!user && window.location.href.indexOf('public-dashboard/public-resource-detail') > -1) {
-            console.log("We are targetting the public space !")
-            //- window.dispatchEvent(
-            //-   new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { 
-            //-     route: 'public-resource-detail'
-            //-   } })
-            //- );
-            loader.setAttribute("hidden", true);
-          }
-          user = await store.get(user);
-          if (user && user.mentor_profile) {
-            window.dispatchEvent(
-              new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { route: 'mentor-dashboard' } })
-            );
-          } else if (user && user.entrepreneur_profile) {
-            window.dispatchEvent(
-              new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { route: 'entrepreneur-dashboard' } })
-            );
-          } else {
-            window.dispatchEvent(
-              new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { route: 'account-creation' } })
-            );
-          }
-        }
-        empty(){}
-        populate(){}
-      }
-      customElements.define('cs-login', CoopStarterLoginComponent);
diff --git a/src/scripts/coopstarter.js b/src/scripts/coopstarter.js
index 9421d3999775e3384226e0527fbe26c654b9cea0..72410ef743667fad7af143c0e9e4959538562c56 100644
--- a/src/scripts/coopstarter.js
+++ b/src/scripts/coopstarter.js
 jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
   window.addEventListener('requestNavigation', function(e) {
     setTimeout(function() {
-      let loader = document.getElementById('main-loader');
-      loader.setAttribute('hidden', true);
+      // let loader = document.getElementById('main-loader');
+      // loader.setAttribute('hidden', true);
     }, 2000);
diff --git a/src/scripts/dispatch-space-n-user.js b/src/scripts/dispatch-space-n-user.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..571c470e32174828b2a84636f0327d4ad6bfc6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/dispatch-space-n-user.js
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import { store } from 'https://unpkg.com/@startinblox/core@0.8';
+const sibAuth = document.querySelector('sib-auth');
+//We create a custom element
+class CoopStarterLoginComponent extends HTMLElement {
+// Those function will be call the element is connected to the dom
+  async connectedCallback() {
+    document.getElementById("mentor_login").onclick = () => this.triggerLogin();
+    this.update();
+  }
+  async triggerLogin() {
+    let loader = document.getElementById('main-loader');
+    loader.removeAttribute('hidden');
+    await sibAuth.login();
+  }
+  async update() {
+    let loader = document.getElementById('main-loader');
+    loader.removeAttribute('hidden');
+    let user = await sibAuth.getUser();
+    // let idToken = await sibAuth.getUserIdToken();
+    // console.log(window.location);
+    // //Not connected and not sharing public resource
+    // // console.log( user, sibAuth, window.location.href.indexOf('public-dashboard/public-resource-detail') === -1) 
+    // if ( !user && window.location.href.indexOf('public-dashboard/public-resource-detail') === -1) {
+    //   console.log("We have no user and not in public")
+    //   loader.setAttribute("hidden", true);
+    //   window.dispatchEvent(
+    //     new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { route: 'splash' } })
+    //   );
+    // }
+    // //Not connected but sharing public resource
+    // if(window.location.href.indexOf('public-dashboard/public-resource-detail') > -1) {
+    //   console.log("We are targetting the public space !")
+    //   //- window.dispatchEvent(
+    //   //-   new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { 
+    //   //-     route: 'public-resource-detail'
+    //   //-   } })
+    //   //- );
+    //   loader.setAttribute("hidden", true);
+    //   return
+    // }
+    // Idenfify the space we should go
+    user = await store.get(user);
+    console.log("the curent user is ", user)
+    //Set a userprefix default status
+    var userPrefix = "public"
+    //If the user is a mentor or an entreprenur, change user prefix
+    if(user && user.mentor_profile) {
+        userPrefix = "mentor"
+        console.log("he is a ",userPrefix )
+    } else if (user && user.entrepreneur_profile) {
+        userPrefix = "entrepreneur"
+        console.log("he is a ",userPrefix )
+    }
+    //If the url asked pointed to a resource
+    if(window.location.href.indexOf('resource-detail') > -1) {
+      console.log(" the link contains ressource detail")
+      console.log("the current link is ", window.location.href)
+      //We adapt the url with its status
+      console.log("userPrefix", userPrefix)
+      var newUrl = window.location.href.replace(/\/([a-z]+)-dashboard\/([a-z]+)-resource-detail/, `/${userPrefix}-dashboard/${userPrefix}-resource-detail`)
+     // http://localhost:9000/fr/mentor-dashboard/@https~@~_~_api-staging~!coopstarter~!happy-dev~!fr~_resources~_7~_/mentor-resource-detail/@https~@~_~_api-staging~!coopstarter~!happy-dev~!fr~_resources~_7~_
+      console.log("After treatement, the link is ", newUrl)
+      //If the url is different after the treatment, we reload with the good url
+      if(newUrl !== window.location.href){
+        console.log("the url are ifférent, we relaod")
+        var newRoute = new URL(newUrl).pathname.replace(/^\/([a-z]{2})\//, "")
+        window.dispatchEvent(
+          new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { route: newRoute } })
+        );
+        console.log("newRoute", newRoute)
+        // window.location.href = newUrl
+      }
+      else{
+        console.log("the url identique, let it go")
+        loader.toggleAttribute('hidden', true);
+      }
+    }else {
+      console.log("the current link doesn't concern a detail resource")
+      if (user && user.mentor_profile) {
+        //si y a un lien public alors on traite la chaine
+        window.dispatchEvent(
+            new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { route: 'mentor-dashboard' } })
+          );
+      //User is a entrepreneur
+      } else if (user && user.entrepreneur_profile) {
+        window.dispatchEvent(
+          new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { route: 'entrepreneur-dashboard' } })
+        );
+      } else {
+        window.dispatchEvent(
+          new CustomEvent('requestNavigation', { detail: { route: 'account-creation' } })
+        );
+      }
+    //user-dashboard
+    }
+    // //???
+    // user = await store.get(user);
+    // console.log(user)
+    //User is a mentor
+  }
+  empty(){}
+  populate(){}
+// We can use <cs-login/>
+customElements.define('cs-login', CoopStarterLoginComponent);
\ No newline at end of file