diff --git a/src/includes/footer.pug b/src/includes/footer.pug
index e0e3d8ba37d647e71289cf2f7cdf87c3d07f35c0..c44d671144354581e0a440007073c6fef9bc4155 100644
--- a/src/includes/footer.pug
+++ b/src/includes/footer.pug
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-//- .container
-//-     .flex.flex_espace.flex_item_center
-//-         a.logo_footer(href='https://coopseurope.coop/')
-//-             figure.margin_bord_ecran
-//-                 img(src="../images/logo_CE.png" alt="Coopstarter")
-//-         a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
-//-             figure.margin_bord_ecran
-//-                 img(src="../images/logo_coops4dev.jpg" alt="Coopstarter")
-//-         a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
-//-             figure.flex.flex_item_center
-//-                 img.textMore(src="../images/ica_logo.png" alt="Coopstarter")
-//-                 div
-//-                     p International
-//-                     p Co-operative
-//-                     p Alliance
-//-         a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
-//-             figure.flex.flex_item_center
-//-                 img.textMore(src="../images/logo_UE.jpg" alt="Coopstarter")
-//-                 div
-//-                     p Co-funded 
-//-                     p by the 
-//-                     p European Union
-//-     p.footer_warning.flex_item_center  This software has been co-funded by the European Union. The contents of this software are the sole responsibility of Cooperatives Europe and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
\ No newline at end of file
+    .flex.flex_espace.flex_item_center
+        a.logo_footer(href='https://coopseurope.coop/')
+            figure.margin_bord_ecran
+                img(src="../images/logo_CE.png" alt="Coopstarter")
+        a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
+            figure.margin_bord_ecran
+                img(src="../images/logo_coops4dev.jpg" alt="Coopstarter")
+        a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
+            figure.flex.flex_item_center
+                img.textMore(src="../images/ica_logo.png" alt="Coopstarter")
+                div
+                    p International
+                    p Co-operative
+                    p Alliance
+        a.logo_footer(href='mentor-resource-list')
+            figure.flex.flex_item_center
+                img.textMore(src="../images/logo_UE.jpg" alt="Coopstarter")
+                div
+                    p Co-funded 
+                    p by the 
+                    p European Union
+    p.footer_warning.flex_item_center  This software has been co-funded by the European Union. The contents of this software are the sole responsibility of Cooperatives Europe and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/scripts/dispatch-space-n-user.js b/src/scripts/dispatch-space-n-user.js
index e56c474e433d123ea68e275a8ce215add3585876..b4dc198100d9386a789161a9d357123ea7167ad1 100644
--- a/src/scripts/dispatch-space-n-user.js
+++ b/src/scripts/dispatch-space-n-user.js
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class CoopStarterLoginComponent extends HTMLElement {
       let userFromStore = await store.get(user['@id']);
       //If the user is a mentor or an entreprenur, change user prefix
-      if(user) {
+      if(userFromStore) {
         let is_mentor = await userFromStore.mentor_profile;
         let is_entrepreneur = await userFromStore.entrepreneur_profile;
         if (is_mentor) {