diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index 6539a53fb4233cd418489956a9176cfb533f4bf6..55b8cb6a8804be612c3fa03fec9f973558aa595d 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import('./utils.js').then(utils => {
     core.Helpers.importCSS(utils.path() + '/styles/circles.css?min');
     core.Helpers.importCSS(utils.path() + '/styles/user-profile.css?min');
     core.Helpers.importCSS(utils.path() + '/styles/members-list.css?min');
+    core.Helpers.importCSS(utils.path() + '/styles/territory-profile.css?min');
     await import("./custom-tzcld.js");
     await import("./widjets-display-user-tzcld.js");
diff --git a/src/styles/territory-profile.scss b/src/styles/territory-profile.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8170f128286278626f656b6c09b69be8d41d1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/styles/territory-profile.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#communities>div {
+    padding-left: 24px;
+    padding-right: 24px;
+#communities-community-profile {
+    &>.segment.block {
+        background: none;
+        box-shadow: none; 
+        .tzcld-territory-profile-col2 {
+            vertical-align: top;
+            .children-link-reversed.color-secondary {
+                margin-right: 16px;
+            }
+            .children-link-reversed.color-secondary * {
+                background-color: var(--color-primary);
+                border: 1px solid var(--color-primary);
+            }
+        }
+        .tzcld-territory-profile-ebe {
+            .display-ebes {
+                &>div {
+                    white-space: normal;
+                }
+                .half {
+                    vertical-align: top;;
+                }
+                .half:nth-child(even) {border-left: 1px solid #F6F6F6;}
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js b/src/widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js
index 9fb854a4797e04bc87b6953467669690e849ec91..42c4e2ff145b8f67f5bbb87e230a52dbb9890655 100644
--- a/src/widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js
+++ b/src/widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js
@@ -60,5 +60,223 @@ import("./utils.js").then((utils) => {
               this.element.innerHTML = render;
+        core.Sib.register({
+          name: "customtzcld-display-territory-profile-locations",
+          use: [core.StoreMixin],
+          empty() {
+          console.debug();
+          this.element.innerHTML = "";
+          },
+          async populate() {
+          this.element.innerHTML = `
+          <div class="loader">
+              <div></div>
+              <div></div>
+              <div></div>
+              <div></div>
+          </div>`;
+          let tzcldprofile = {
+              locations: await this.resource["ldp:contains"]
+          };
+          if("label" in this.element.attributes) {
+              for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) {
+              tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
+              }
+          }
+          let render = `<div class="segment full">`;
+          for(let job of tzcldprofile.locations) {
+              render +=  `<div class="segment half padding-left-xxlarge padding-right-xxlarge margin-top-xxlarge margin-bottom-xxlarge">`;
+              if(await job.name !="") {
+                  render +=  `<h3 class="position text-medium text-color-secondary text-xlarge">${await job.name}</h3>`;
+              } else {
+              }
+              render +=  `<div class="address padding-bottom-small">${await job.address} <br/> ${await job.postal_code} ${await job.city}</div>`;
+              if ((await job.mobile_phone != '') || (await job.phone != '')) {
+                  render +=  `<div class="phone-email segment block padding-bottom-small">`;
+              }
+              render +=  `<solid-display class="segment block margin-bottom-small" bind-resources="" fields="phones"
+          widget-phones="customtzcld-display-user-profile-phones"
+          data-src="${await job}" solid-resource=""></solid-display>`;
+              render +=  `<solid-display class="segment block" bind-resources="" fields="emails"
+          widget-emails="customtzcld-display-user-profile-emails"
+          data-src="${await job}" solid-resource=""></solid-display>`;
+              render +=  `</div>`;
+              render +=  `</div>`;
+          }
+          render +=  `</div>`;
+          this.element.innerHTML = render;
+          },
+      });
+    core.Sib.register({
+            name: "customtzcld-display-territory-regions",
+            use: [core.StoreMixin],
+            empty() {
+              console.debug();
+              this.element.innerHTML = "";
+            },
+            async populate() {
+              this.element.innerHTML = `
+              <div class="loader">
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+              </div>`;
+              let tzcldprofile = {
+                regions: await this.resource["ldp:contains"]
+              };
+              if("label" in this.element.attributes) {
+                for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) {
+                  tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
+                }
+              }
+              let render = ``;
+              for(let region of tzcldprofile.regions) {
+                render +=  `<div class="region segment tag color-fourth">${await region.name}</div>`;
+              }
+              this.element.innerHTML = render;
+            },
+        });
+    core.Sib.register({
+      name: "customtzcld-display-territory-profile-widget",
+      use: [core.StoreMixin],
+      empty() {
+        console.debug();
+        this.element.innerHTML = "";
+      },
+      async populate() {
+        this.element.innerHTML = `
+        <div class="loader">
+          <div></div>
+          <div></div>
+          <div></div>
+          <div></div>
+        </div>`;
+        let tzcldprofile = {
+          id: await this.resource['@id'],
+          name: await this.resource.name,
+          profile: await this.resource.profile,
+          tzcld_profile: await this.resource.tzcld_profile
+        };
+        let etiquettes = {
+          kind: await tzcldprofile.tzcld_profile.kind,
+          step_state: await tzcldprofile.tzcld_profile.step_state,
+          locations: await this.locations
+        };
+        if("label" in this.element.attributes) {
+          for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) {
+            tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
+          }
+        }
+        let render = `
+<solid-widget name="communities-profile-linkedin-territory">
+            <template>
+              \${value != "" ? \`<a class="segment children-link-rounded children-icon-social-linkedin children-link-reversed color-secondary bordered margin-right-medium" href="\${value}" target="_blank"><span></span></a>\` : ""}
+            </template>
+          </solid-widget>
+          <solid-widget name="communities-profile-instagram-territory">
+            <template>
+              \${value != "" ? \`<a class="segment children-link-rounded children-icon-social-instagram children-link-reversed color-secondary bordered" href="\${value}" target="_blank"><span></span></a>\` : ""}
+            </template>
+          </solid-widget>
+          <solid-widget name="communities-profile-facebook-territory">
+            <template>
+              \${value != "" ? \`<a class="segment children-link-rounded children-icon-social-facebook children-link-reversed color-secondary bordered margin-right-medium" href="\${value}" target="_blank"><span></span></a>\` : ""}
+            </template>
+          </solid-widget>
+          <solid-widget name="communities-profile-twitter-territory">
+            <template>
+              \${value != "" ? \`<a class="segment children-link-rounded children-icon-social-twitter children-link-reversed color-secondary bordered margin-right-medium" href="\${value}" target="_blank"><span></span></a>\` : ""}
+            </template>
+          </solid-widget>
+          <solid-widget name="communities-logo-custom">
+            <template>
+              <div class="communities-logo">
+                \${value != "" ? \`<div \style="background-image:url(\${value});" />\` : \`<div></div>\`}
+              </div>
+            </template>
+          </solid-widget>
+        <div id="tzcld-territory-profile-wrapper" class="tzcld-territory-profile-wrapper segment full shadow bg-color-white">
+          <div class="tzcld-user-profile-col1 segment width-30 padding-right-60">
+            <div class="section-avatar padding-small padding-bottom-large text-center">
+              <div id="loader-tzcld-territory-logo" class="loader loader-top">
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+              </div>
+              <solid-display
+                class="segment full community-profile-logo"
+                bind-resources=""
+                label-logo=""
+                fields="logo"
+                loader-id="loader-tzcld-territory-logo"
+                class-logo="xlarge text-center"
+                widget-logo="communities-logo-custom"
+                data-src="${tzcldprofile.id}"
+              ></solid-display>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="tzcld-territory-profile-col2 segment width-70">`;
+            render += `<div class="segment width-60 margin-top-small text-xxlarge text-semibold text-color-secondary text-cleft">${tzcldprofile.name}</div>`;
+            render += `<div class="segment width-40 margin-top-small text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-secondary text-right padding-right-xlarge">
+<solid-display class="segment" bind-resources="" nested-field="profile" fields="tweeter, facebook, linkedin, instagram"
+          widget-linkedin="communities-profile-linkedin-territory"
+          widget-facebook="communities-profile-facebook-territory"
+          widget-tweeter="communities-profile-twitter-territory"
+          widget-instagram="communities-profile-instagram-territory"
+          data-src="${tzcldprofile.id}" solid-resource=""></solid-display>
+            </div>`;
+          render += `<div><solid-display class="segment" bind-resources="" nested-field="tzcld_profile" fields="regions"
+          widget-regions="customtzcld-display-territory-regions"
+          data-src="${tzcldprofile.id}" solid-resource=""></solid-display>
+          <div class="region segment tag color-fourth">${await etiquettes.kind.name}</div>
+          <div class="region segment tag color-fourth">${await etiquettes.step_state.name}</div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="margin-top-small"><a class="text-color-primary" href="${await tzcldprofile.profile.website}">${await tzcldprofile.profile.website}</a></div>
+          <div class="description margin-top-small">${await tzcldprofile.profile.description}</div>
+        </div>
+      </div>` ;//tzcld-territory-profile-wrapper
+        render += `<div id="tzcld-territory-profile-wrapper2" class="tzcld-territory-profile-wrapper2 segment full margin-top-large">`; 
+        render += `<div class="tzcld-territory-profile-ebe segment width-30"></div>`; 
+        render += `<div class="tzcld-territory-profile-ebe segment width-70">
+        <h2 class="tzcld-h2">Informations de contact</h2>
+        <div class="col-2-wrapper segment full shadow  bg-color-white">`; 
+        render += `<solid-display class="segment full" bind-resources="" nested-field="tzcld_profile" fields="locations" widget-locations="customtzcld-display-territory-profile-locations" class-locations="display-ebes" data-src="${tzcldprofile.id}" solid-resource=""  paginate-by="10"></solid-display>`;
+        render += `</div></div>`; //col 2
+        this.element.innerHTML = render;
+      },
+  });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widjets-display-user-tzcld.js b/src/widjets-display-user-tzcld.js
index 62c2bd8766f74616441118286a6b8d64c9e87917..a7615fc38b3ff127612232e3b0e25917d6c7c139 100644
--- a/src/widjets-display-user-tzcld.js
+++ b/src/widjets-display-user-tzcld.js
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ import("./utils.js").then((utils) => {
               let render = ``;
               for(let phone of tzcldprofile.phones) {
-                render +=  `<div class="phone">${await phone.phone} ${await phone.phone_type}</div>`;
+                render +=  `<div class="phone margin-bottom-xxsmall">${await phone.phone} ${await phone.phone_type}</div>`;
               this.element.innerHTML = render;
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ import("./utils.js").then((utils) => {
               let render = ``;
               for(let email of tzcldprofile.emails) {
-                render +=  `<div class="email"><a class="link" href="mailto:${await email.email}">${await email.email}</a> ${await email.email_type}</div>`;
+                render +=  `<div class="email margin-bottom-xxsmall"><a class="link" href="mailto:${await email.email}">${await email.email}</a> ${await email.email_type}</div>`;
               this.element.innerHTML = render;