From 971f10ab6e676235d10e1879a7268a521ef4dfbd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: antoine37120 <>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 16:18:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] feature: profile user update and css form, view

 src/custom-tzcld.js                    | 226 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/index.js                           |   3 +
 src/styles/custom-grid.scss            |  14 ++
 src/styles/dashboard.scss              |   4 +-
 src/styles/index.scss                  |  38 +++++
 src/styles/user-profile.scss           |  72 ++++++++
 src/widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js |  55 ++++++
 src/widjets-display-user-tzcld.js      | 171 +++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 558 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/styles/user-profile.scss
 create mode 100644 src/widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js
 create mode 100644 src/widjets-display-user-tzcld.js

diff --git a/src/custom-tzcld.js b/src/custom-tzcld.js
index 913a9b5..a8d17c5 100644
--- a/src/custom-tzcld.js
+++ b/src/custom-tzcld.js
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ import("./utils.js").then((utils) => {
             tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
-        let render = "<div class='border-top margin-medium border-color-grey'></div>";
+        let render = "<div class='border-top margin-medium border-color-grey'>fffffffffffffffff</div>";
         if(tzcldprofile.description) {
           render += `<div class="segment block"><span class="text-semibold text-uppercase text-color-heading">Description</span>:&nbsp;${tzcldprofile.description}</div>`;
@@ -163,6 +163,103 @@ import("./utils.js").then((utils) => {
+    core.Sib.register({
+      name: "customtzcld-display-user-profile-widget",
+      use: [core.StoreMixin],
+      empty() {
+        console.debug();
+        this.element.innerHTML = "";
+      },
+      async populate() {
+        this.element.innerHTML = `
+        <div class="loader">
+          <div></div>
+          <div></div>
+          <div></div>
+          <div></div>
+        </div>`;
+        let tzcldprofile = {
+          id: await this.resource['@id'],
+          name: await,
+          communities: await this.resource.communities,
+          tzcld_profile: await this.resource.tzcld_profile
+        };
+        let user_tzld_profile = {
+          jobs: await
+        };
+        if("label" in this.element.attributes) {
+          for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) {
+            tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
+          }
+        }
+        let render = `
+        <solid-widget name="tzcld-display-user-organisation">
+        <template>
+           <span> sur le teritoire de </span><br/>\${value}
+        </template>
+        </solid-widget>
+        <div id="tzcld-user-profile-wrapper" class="tzcld-user-profile-wrapper segment full">
+        <div id="tzcld-user-profile-col1" class="tzcld-user-profile-col1 segment width-40 padding-right-60">
+        <div class="section-avatar shadow padding-small padding-bottom-large text-center">
+          <solid-ac-checker class="button-modify-picture" permission="acl:Write" bind-resources="">
+            <solid-link class="button rounded rounded-icon icon-pencil reversed color-primary bordered" next="members-edit-picture" bind-resources="" data-src="${}"></solid-link>
+          </solid-ac-checker>
+          <div id="loader-tzcld-profile-picture" class="loader loader-top">
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+            <div></div>
+          </div>
+          <solid-display
+            class="segment avatar-wrapper"
+            bind-resources=""
+            label-account.picture=""
+            nested-field="account"
+            fields="picture"
+            loader-id="loader-tzcld-profile-picture"
+            class-picture="avatar xlarge text-center"
+            widget-picture="${window.orbit ? "orbit-user-avatar" : "solid-display-img"}"
+            data-src="${}"
+          ></solid-display>`;
+          if( {
+            render += `<div class="segment block margin-top-small text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-secondary text-center">${}</div>`;
+          }
+          render += `<solid-display id="tzcld-user-profile-first-job" class="segment padding-small" bind-resources="" nested-field="" fields="position, organisation" class-picture="avatar xlarge" 
+          widget-organisation="tzcld-display-user-organisation"
+          data-src="${}" solid-resource=""  paginate-by="1"></solid-display>`;  
+          render += `<div><solid-display class="segment" bind-resources="" nested-field="tzcld_profile" fields="regions"
+          widget-regions="customtzcld-display-user-regions"
+          data-src="${}" solid-resource=""></solid-display></div>`;
+        render += `</div>`; //section-avatar
+        render += `<div class="territoires-mini-cards-2">`; //section-territoires cards 2
+        render += `<solid-display class="segment whitespace-normal full" bind-resources="" fields="community"
+        widget-community="customtzcld-display-user-territories"
+          data-src="${await tzcldprofile.communities['@id']}" solid-resource=""></solid-display>`;
+        render += `</div>`; //section-avatar
+        render += `</div>`; //col 1
+        render += `<div id="tzcld-user-profile-col2" class="tzcld-user-profile-col2 segment width-60">
+        <h2 class="tzcld-h2">Poste(s) occuppé(s)</h2>
+        <div class="col-2-wrapper segment full shadow padding-left-small padding-bottom-small">`; 
+        render += `<solid-display class="segment" bind-resources="" nested-field="tzcld_profile" fields="jobs" widget-jobs="customtzcld-display-user-profile-jobs" data-src="${}" solid-resource=""  paginate-by="10"></solid-display>`;
+        render += `</div></div>`; //col 2
+        render += `</div>`;
+        this.element.innerHTML = render;
+      },
+    });
       class extends core.SolidTemplateElement {
@@ -228,40 +325,52 @@ import("./utils.js").then((utils) => {
-        fields="segment11(position, organisation), segment12(address, postal_code), segment13(city, department, address_public), phones, emails"
+        fields="segment11(position, organisation, link), segment12(address, postal_code), segment13(city, department), segment14(mobile_phone, mobile_phone_public), segment15(phone, phone_public), segment16(email, email_public), sep"
         class-segment11="segment full sm-full rowClear"
         class-segment12="segment full sm-full rowClear"
         class-segment13="segment full sm-full rowClear"
+        class-segment14="segment full sm-full rowClear"
+        class-segment15="segment full sm-full rowClear"
+        class-segment16="segment full sm-full rowClear"
+        class-sep="margin-top-small margin-bottom-small border-top border-color-grey"
+        widget-sep="div"
         class-position="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
-        class-organisation="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-left-small padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        class-organisation="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-left-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
         class-address="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
-        class-postal_code="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-left-small padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
-        class-city="segment margin-bottom-medium width-45 sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
-        class-department="segment margin-bottom-medium width-45 sm-full padding-left-small padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
-        class-address_public="segment margin-bottom-medium width-10 sm-full padding-left-small padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading text-uppercase tzcld-checkbox"
-        label-position="Poste occupé"
+        class-postal_code="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-left-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        class-city="segment margin-bottom-medium width-50 sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        class-department="segment margin-bottom-medium width-50 sm-full padding-left-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        class-phone="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        class-phone_public="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-left-small padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading text-uppercase tzcld-checkbox"
+        class-mobile_phone="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        class-mobile_phone_public="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-left-small padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading text-uppercase tzcld-checkbox"
+        class-email="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        class-email_public="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-left-small padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading text-uppercase tzcld-checkbox"
+        class-link="segment margin-bottom-medium half sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        label-position="Poste occupé *"
+        label-link="Site web"
         label-postal_code="Code postal"
-        label-address_public="Public"
-        widget-address_public="solid-form-checkbox-label"
-        multiple-phones
-        widget-phones="customtzcld-form-profile-phone-widget"
-        multiple-phones-label= "Téléphone"
-        multiple-phones-add-label= "Ajouter un téléphone"
-        multiple-phones-remove-label= "Supprimer"
-        multiple-emails
-        widget-emails="customtzcld-form-profile-email-widget"
-        multiple-phones-label= "Téléphone"
-        multiple-emails-add-label= "Ajouter un E-mail"
-        multiple-emails-remove-label= "Supprimer"
-        multiple-emails-remove-class= "multiple-delete"
+        label-phone="Téléphone fixe"
+        label-mobile_phone="Téléphone mobile"
+        label-email="Email"
+        label-phone_public="Public"
+        label-mobile_phone_public="Public"
+        label-email_public="Public"
+        widget-phone_public="solid-form-checkbox-label"
+        widget-mobile_phone_public="solid-form-checkbox-label"
+        widget-email_public="solid-form-checkbox-label"
+        required-position
@@ -314,12 +423,83 @@ import("./utils.js").then((utils) => {
-    </solid-widget>`;
+    </solid-widget>
+    <solid-widget name="communities-contact-add-button">
+    <template>
+      <div class="segment text-xsmall children-link-button children-link-text-bold children-link-text-uppercase children-link-color-secondary bordered">
+        <button
+          class="form-sub"
+          type="button">
+          Ajouter
+        </button>
+      </div>
+    </template>
+  </solid-widget>
+    <solid-widget name="customtzcld-form-profile-contacts-widget">
+        <template>
+        <solid-form
+        class="d-block rowClear"
+        bind-resources=""
+        nested-field="tzcld_profile.tzcld_community_contacts"
+        fields="member, addButton"
+        widget-community="solid-form-hidden"
+        value-community="\${value}"
+        range-member="\${value}members/"
+        widget-member="solid-form-dropdown-label"
+        class-segment1="segment full sm-full rowClear"
+        class-phone="segment margin-bottom-medium width-45 sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        label-member="Contacts"
+        widget-addButton="communities-contact-add-button"
+        label-addButton="Ajouter"
+        class-submit-button="submit-button segment sm-full margin-top-xsmall text-xsmall children-link-button children-link-text-bold children-link-text-uppercase children-link-reversed color-secondary bordered children-button-icon children-icon-rocket children-icon-small children-icon-margin-right-xsmall"
+      ></solid-form>
+        </template>
+        </solid-widget>
+        <solid-widget name="customtzcld-form-profile-contact-widget">
+        <template>
+        <solid-form
+        class="d-block rowClear"
+        data-src="\${value}"
+        partial
+        naked
+        fields="member, is_primary"
+        class-segment1="segment full sm-full rowClear"
+        class-phone="segment margin-bottom-medium width-45 sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+        class-is_primary="segment margin-bottom-medium width-10 sm-full padding-left-small padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading  text-uppercase tzcld-checkbox"
+        widget-is_primary="solid-form-checkbox-label"
+        label-phone_type="Type de ligne"
+        label-is_primary="Contact pricipal"
+      ></solid-form>
+        </template>
+        </solid-widget>
+    `;
+      class="d-block rowClear"
+      data-src="\${value}"
+      partial
+      naked
+      fields="tzcld_contact_member"
+      range-tzcld_contact_member="\${value}tzcld-contact-member/"
+      multiple-tzcld_contact_member
+      widget-tzcld_contact_member="customtzcld-form-profile-contact-widget"
+      class-segment1="segment full sm-full rowClear"
+      class-phone="segment margin-bottom-medium width-45 sm-full padding-right-small sm-padding-none text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-heading"
+      label-tzcld_contact_member="Contacts"
+      submit-button="Ajouter"
+      submit-widget="button"
+      class-submit-button="submit-button segment sm-full margin-top-xsmall text-xsmall children-link-button children-link-text-bold children-link-text-uppercase children-link-reversed color-secondary bordered children-button-icon children-icon-rocket children-icon-small children-icon-margin-right-xsmall"
+    ></solid-form>
+    */
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index 338c212..22a9a27 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@ import('./utils.js').then(utils => {
     core.Helpers.importCSS(utils.path() + '/styles/index.css?min');
     core.Helpers.importCSS(utils.path() + '/styles/custom-grid.css?min');
     core.Helpers.importCSS(utils.path() + '/styles/dashboard.css?min');
+    core.Helpers.importCSS(utils.path() + '/styles/user-profile.css?min');
     await import("./custom-tzcld.js");
+    await import("./widjets-display-user-tzcld.js");
+    await import("./widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/styles/custom-grid.scss b/src/styles/custom-grid.scss
index eea3c4f..7a29609 100644
--- a/src/styles/custom-grid.scss
+++ b/src/styles/custom-grid.scss
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
     .width-20 {
         width: 20%;
+    .width-25 {
+        width: 25%;
+    }
     .width-30 {
         width: 30%;
@@ -23,16 +26,27 @@
     .width-70 {
         width: 70%;
+    .width-75 {
+        width: 75%;
+    }
     .width-80 {
         width: 80%;
     .width-90 {
         width: 90%;
+    .width-100 {
+        width: 100%;
+    }
 .rowClear {
     white-space: normal;
 .d-block {
     display: block;
+/* custom paddings */
+.padding-right-60 {
+    padding-right: 60px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/styles/dashboard.scss b/src/styles/dashboard.scss
index d375689..a9c3f4e 100644
--- a/src/styles/dashboard.scss
+++ b/src/styles/dashboard.scss
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     --color-dev-secondary: #1a2c5f;
     --color-dev-third: #8dd8f8;
     --color-dev-heading: #1a2c5f;
-    --color-h2: #1F82C0;
+    --color-fourth: #1F82C0;
     --color-body: #636363;
 body {
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ body {
 #dashboard {
         h2 {
-            color: var(--color-h2);
+            color: var(--color-fourth);
         h3 {
             font-weight: 800;
diff --git a/src/styles/index.scss b/src/styles/index.scss
index b490ff0..c8c487b 100644
--- a/src/styles/index.scss
+++ b/src/styles/index.scss
@@ -304,4 +304,42 @@ solid-form {
       appearance: none;
+  .ss-multi-selected {
+    box-shadow: none!important;
+  }
+/* All link on main */ 
+main .link {
+  color: var(--color-primary);
+/* All tag */
+.tag {
+  margin-left: 4px;
+  margin-right: 4px;
+/* img */
+.segment.full>img {
+  width: 100%;
+  max-width: 100%;
+/* Breadcrum */
+main div[data-view] {
+  &>div.border-color-grey:first-of-type {
+    border: none;
+    padding-bottom: 5px;
+  }
+/* typo tzcld */
+.tzcld-h2 {
+  color: var(--color-primary);
+  font-size: 18px;
+  font-weight: 900;
+  line-height: 25px;
+  margin-top: 0;
+  margin-bottom: 8px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/styles/user-profile.scss b/src/styles/user-profile.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee4a1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/styles/user-profile.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#members-member-profile {
+    &>div:first-of-type {
+        &>div:first-of-type {
+            display: none;
+        }
+        &>div.text-right:last-of-type {
+            text-align: left;
+        }
+    }
+    &>div.shadow {
+        box-shadow: none;
+        background: transparent;
+        &>div:first-of-type {
+            display: none;
+            background-color: #fff;
+            box-shadow: 0 0 6px 0 rgba(46,63,88,.14);
+        }
+        &>.member-bio {
+            width: 100%;
+            max-width: 100%;
+            padding: 0;
+        }
+    }
+    &>div:last-of-type {
+        &>div:last-of-type {
+            display: none;
+        }
+    }
+    .tzcld-user-profile-wrapper {
+        .tzcld-user-profile-col1 {
+            margin-top: 32px;
+            .section-avatar {
+                position: relative;
+                background-color: #fff;
+            }
+            .button-modify-picture, solid-picture .button-modify-picture {
+                top: 15px;
+                position: absolute;
+                right: 15px;
+                z-index: 1;
+            }
+            .territoires-mini-cards-2 {
+                .territoires-mini-card-2 {
+                    background-color: #fff;
+                    &>div {
+                        vertical-align: top;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        .tzcld-user-profile-col2 {
+            vertical-align: top;
+            h3 {
+                margin-bottom: 0;
+            }
+            &>div.shadow {
+                background-color: #fff;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #tzcld-user-profile-first-job {
+        nav {
+            display: none;
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js b/src/widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26f6525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widjets-display-territory-tzcld.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import("./utils.js").then((utils) => {
+    import(utils.coreVersion()).then((core) => {
+        core.Sib.register({
+            name: "customtzcld-display-user-territories",
+            use: [core.StoreMixin],
+            empty() {
+              console.debug();
+              this.element.innerHTML = "";
+            },
+            async populate() {
+              this.element.innerHTML = `
+              <div class="loader">
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+              </div>`;
+              let tzcldprofile = {
+                community: await this.resource
+              };
+              let tzcld_profile = {
+                resource: await
+              };
+              let region = await tzcld_profile.resource.region ;
+              let step_state = await tzcld_profile.resource.step_state ;
+              let kind = await tzcld_profile.resource.kind ;
+              if("label" in this.element.attributes) {
+                for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) {
+                  tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
+                }
+              }
+              let render = ``;
+              let html_region  =  `<div class="region segment tag color-fourth">${await}</div>`;
+              let html_step_state  =  `<div class="region segment tag color-fourth">${await}</div>`;
+              let html_kind  =  `<div class="region segment tag color-fourth">${await}</div>`;
+              render +=  `<div class="territoires-mini-card-2 segment full shadow margin-top-small">
+                <div class="segment width-25 padding-small padding-top-medium">
+                  <solid-display class="segment full" bind-resources="" label-logo="" fields="logo" class-logo="segment full" widget-logo="orbit-user-avatar" data-src="${await['@id']}" solid-resource=""></solid-display>
+                </div>
+                <div class="segment width-75 padding-large border-left border-color-grey">
+                  <div class="community-card-2 segment full">
+                    <h4 class="text-xlarge text-semibold text-color-secondary margin-top-xxsmall margin-bottom-xsmall">${await}</h4>
+                    <div>${html_region + html_step_state + html_kind }</div>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>`;
+              this.element.innerHTML = render;
+            },
+        });
+    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/widjets-display-user-tzcld.js b/src/widjets-display-user-tzcld.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34676f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widjets-display-user-tzcld.js
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+import("./utils.js").then((utils) => {
+    import(utils.coreVersion()).then((core) => {
+        core.Sib.register({
+            name: "customtzcld-display-user-regions",
+            use: [core.StoreMixin],
+            empty() {
+              console.debug();
+              this.element.innerHTML = "";
+            },
+            async populate() {
+              this.element.innerHTML = `
+              <div class="loader">
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+              </div>`;
+              let tzcldprofile = {
+                regions: await this.resource["ldp:contains"]
+              };
+              if("label" in this.element.attributes) {
+                for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) {
+                  tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
+                }
+              }
+              let render = ``;
+              for(let region of tzcldprofile.regions) {
+                render +=  `<div class="region segment tag color-fourth">${await}</div>`;
+              }
+              this.element.innerHTML = render;
+            },
+        });
+        core.Sib.register({
+            name: "customtzcld-display-user-profile-phones",
+            use: [core.StoreMixin],
+            empty() {
+              console.debug();
+              this.element.innerHTML = "";
+            },
+            async populate() {
+              this.element.innerHTML = `
+              <div class="loader">
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+              </div>`;
+              let tzcldprofile = {
+                phones: await this.resource["ldp:contains"]
+              };
+              if("label" in this.element.attributes) {
+                for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) {
+                  tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
+                }
+              }
+              let render = ``;
+              for(let phone of tzcldprofile.phones) {
+                render +=  `<div class="phone">${await} ${await phone.phone_type}</div>`;
+              }
+              this.element.innerHTML = render;
+            },
+        });
+        core.Sib.register({
+            name: "customtzcld-display-user-profile-emails",
+            use: [core.StoreMixin],
+            empty() {
+              console.debug();
+              this.element.innerHTML = "";
+            },
+            async populate() {
+              this.element.innerHTML = `
+              <div class="loader">
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+              </div>`;
+              let tzcldprofile = {
+                emails: await this.resource["ldp:contains"]
+              };
+              if("label" in this.element.attributes) {
+                for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) {
+                  tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
+                }
+              }
+              let render = ``;
+              for(let email of tzcldprofile.emails) {
+                render +=  `<div class="email"><a class="link" href="mailto:${await}">${await}</a> ${await email.email_type}</div>`;
+              }
+              this.element.innerHTML = render;
+            },
+        });
+        core.Sib.register({
+            name: "customtzcld-display-user-profile-jobs",
+            use: [core.StoreMixin],
+            empty() {
+            console.debug();
+            this.element.innerHTML = "";
+            },
+            async populate() {
+            this.element.innerHTML = `
+            <div class="loader">
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+                <div></div>
+            </div>`;
+            let tzcldprofile = {
+                jobs: await this.resource["ldp:contains"]
+            };
+            if("label" in this.element.attributes) {
+                for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) {
+                tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null;
+                }
+            }
+            let render = `<div class="segment full margin-top-small margin-bottom-small">`;
+            for(let job of {
+                if(await job.organisation !="") {
+                    if(await !="") {
+                        render +=  `<h3 class="position text-medium padding-bottom-large">${await job.position} à <a class="link text-top" href="${await}">${await job.organisation}</a></h3>`;
+                    } else {
+                        render +=  `<h3 class="position text-medium padding-bottom-large">${await job.position} à ${await job.organisation}</h3>`;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    render +=  `<h3 class="position text-medium padding-bottom-large">${await job.position}</h3>`;
+                }
+                render +=  `<div class="address padding-bottom-small">${await job.address} <br/> ${await job.postal_code} ${await}</div>`;
+                if ((await job.mobile_phone != '') || (await != '')) {
+                    render +=  `<div class="phone padding-bottom-small">`;
+                }
+                if (await job.mobile_phone != '') {
+                    render +=  `${await}`;
+                }
+                if ((await job.mobile_phone != '') && (await != '')) {
+                    render +=  ` - `;
+                }
+                if (await job.mobile_phone != '') {
+                    render +=  `${await job.mobile_phone}`;
+                }
+                if ((await job.mobile_phone != '') || (await != '')) {
+                    render +=  `</div>`;
+                }
+                if (await != '') {
+                    render +=  `<div class="email padding-bottom-small"><a class="link text-top" href="mailto:${await}">${await}</a></div>`;
+                }
+            }
+            render +=  `</div>`;
+            this.element.innerHTML = render;
+            },
+        });
+    });
\ No newline at end of file