# Custom TZCLD Package with custom components for TZCLD. Paired with `solid-communities`, `solid-directory` and `djangoldp-tzcld` to provide specific features to TZCLD. ## Usage Orbit: ```json { "npm": [ { "package": "@startinblox/custom-tzcld", "version": "1.0" } ], "components": [ { "type": "communities", "parameters": { "addresses": "federation://community-addresses/", "dataSrc": "federation://communities/", "noRender": "", "uploads": "server://upload/", "display-extra-fields": "tzcld_profile", "display-widget-tzcld_profile": "customtzcld-display-widget" }, "route": "communities", "experimental": ["routing"] } ] } ``` html: ```html <solid-communities data-src="https://server/communities/" addresses="https://server/community-addresses/" uploads="https://server/upload/" display-extra-fields="tzcld_profile" display-label-tzcld_profile="role, spaces" display-widget-tzcld_profile="customtzcld-display-widget" ></solid-communities> ``` Where: * customtzcld-display-widget is a magic widget to display an tzcld_profile * display-label-tzcld_profile is the list of field to ignore, separated by a comma ## Developpers Installation: ```bash npm install ``` Build with: ```bash npm run build ``` Watch files & rebuild on change with this command: ```bash npm run watch ```