import("./utils.js").then((utils) => { import(/* @vite-ignore */utils.coreVersion()).then((core) => { core.Sib.register({ name: "tzcld-shared-files-display", use: [core.StoreMixin], empty() { //console.debug(); this.element.innerHTML = ""; }, async populate() { this.element.innerHTML = ` <div class="loader"> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> </div>`; let route_name = this.element.attributes['route-suffix'].value ; let item_width = this.element.attributes['item-width'].value ; //let paginate_by = this.element.attributes['paginate-by'].value ; let tzcldprofile = { files: await this.resource["ldp:contains"] }; if("label" in this.element.attributes) { for(let ignore of this.element.attributes['label'].value.split(',')) { tzcldprofile[ignore.trim()] = null; } } let render = `<div class="segment block margin-top-small margin-bottom-small list-shared-files masonry">`; //let i = 0; for(let file of tzcldprofile.files) { /*i++; if (i > paginate_by) { break ; }*/ let icon_content = utils.getSVGFile() ; if(await file.document !="") { let extention_file = utils.getFileExt(await file.document) ; if (extention_file == 'zip') { icon_content = utils.getSVGFolder(); } } render += `<div class="segment ${item_width} card-shared-file"> <div class="segment flex bg-color-white shadow border-rounded-xxsmall full text-top whitespace-normal"> <div class="segment auto shared-file-icon-wrapper padding-small"> ${icon_content} </div> <div class="segment auto shared-file-infos-wrapper padding-top-xxsmall padding-bottom-xxsmall padding-right-small"> `; if(await !="") { if(await file.document !="") { render += `<h3 class="position text-medium margin-none text-color-heading text-xlarge"><a class="text-color-heading" target="_blank" href="${await file.document}">${await}</a></h3>`; } else { render += `<h3 class="position text-medium margin-none text-color-heading text-xlarge">${await}</h3>`; } } else { render += ``; } let user = await; let date = await; let username = 'Anonyme'; if (await user) { username = await ; } render += `<div class="shared-file-meta-wrapper">${username} <br/>${moment(await date.toString()).locale('fr').format('DD/MM/YYYY')}</div>`; render += `</div> <div class="segment auto shared-file-action-wrapper whitespace-normal">`; if(await file.document !="") { render += `<a class="text-color-heading" target="_blank" href="${await file.document}"><span class="icontz-mdi_download-box-outline"></span></a><br/> <solid-ac-checker permission="acl:Write" data-src="${await file['@id']}"> <solid-link data-src="${await file['@id']}" next="${route_name}"><span class="icontz-mdi_pencil-outline text-color-heading"></span></solid-link><br/> <solid-delete data-src="${await file['@id']}" confirmation-submit-class="icontz-mdi_trash" confirmation-submit-text="ttttt" confirmation-type="confirm" confirmation-message="Merci de confirmer la suppression du fichier ${await}." class="icontz-mdi_trash text-color-heading" ></solid-delete> </solid-ac-checker>`; } render += `</div> </div> </div>`; } render += `</div>`; this.element.innerHTML = render; }, }); }); });