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Load djangoldp conguration from YAML file

Ghost User requested to merge beta into master

This MR is a breaking change and should publish a new major release.

This will break compatibility with djangoldp packages if not handle properly.

The future documentation to use djangoldp is here:

The major changes consist of:

  • Dynamically loading djangoldp settings from a settings.yml
  • Using custom default settings for djangoldp
  • Adding the ability to reference custom parameters from the djangoldp packages before the server starts including MIDDLEWARES and INSTALLED_APPS (check new settings on djangoldp-account beta branch)

As stated in #220 (closed) the resolution order of the configuration is:

  1. Core default setting
  2. Packages settings
  3. YAML config file

Each stage overriding parameters of the previous one.

Note that request of @calummackervoy and @jbpasquier from there: #220 (comment 28777) is still pending and I opened a dedicated issue for it. Today there isn't any project using this, so you tell me if this feature must be implemented before merging this MR.

@balessan @calummackervoy @jbpasquier : I need your insights on this. I can't be sure that it covers all requirements netiher that I tested everything. But I have now time to but massive rework if you want to. Which makes this MR realisitic now. We can plan a call to speak about it as it may be difficult to read a MR that big.

How to test djangoldp with djangoldp_account from beta branches

In a virtualenv or a container, install the server:

$ pip install git+

Create a new project:

$ cd /tmp
$ djangoldp startproject myproject
$ cd myproject

Add djangoldp-account@beta in dependencies and packages of your server config:

$ vim settings.yml
  - git+
  - djangoldp_account

Install dependencies:

$ djangoldp install

Configure and launch the server:

$ djangoldp configure
$ djangoldp runserver

Then connect on http://localhost/admin/ to check your server content.

Edited by Ghost User

Merge request reports