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-Convention about commit messages for Startin’blox
-Commit messages are used to automatically define the version bump of the
-next release. Therefore they must reflect the nature of the modification
-and the stability of the code.
-The commit message should have this pattern: ``type: message``
-With the possible commit types:
-=========== ========= ================= ========= ============
-Commit Type Title     Description       Release   In changelog
-=========== ========= ================= ========= ============
-``minor``   Minor     Minor release     ``minor`` ``yes``
-``major``   Major     Major release     ``major`` ``yes``
-``feature`` Features  New behavior      ``patch`` ``yes``
-``update``  Updates   Change behavior   ``patch`` ``yes``
-``bugfix``  Bug Fixes Fix bugs          ``patch`` ``yes``
-``ui``      Interface Change appearance ``patch`` ``yes``
-``syntax``  Syntax    Refactoring code  ``patch`` ``yes``
-\           Other     All others        ``patch`` ``no``
-=========== ========= ================= ========= ============
-reference <https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/management#commit-messages>`__
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-Deploy a SIB application on alwaysdata
--  Public: Startinblox dev and devops
--  Requires: ``tech@startinblox.com`` permissions
-Create account
-1. Create the ``<app>`` account on the chosen server
-2. Configure SSH access to the server
-Configure a SIB server
-1. From webadmin create a new ``<app>_db`` postgres database
-2. Setup python default version to ``v3.6``
-3. Configure a ``Python`` website:
-   -  address: ``api.<app>.startinblox.com``
-   -  type: ``Python WSGI``
-   -  path: ``/sibserver/server/wsgi.py``
-   -  workdir: ``/sibserver``
-   -  python version: ``3.6.x``
-   -  statics: ``/static/=/static/``
-4. Connect through SSH to `Install a SIB
-   server <./install_sib_server>`__ with a **production** configuration
-   site_url: https://api.<app>.startinblox.com
-     allowed_hosts:
-       - api.<app>.startinblox.com
-     db_host: postgresql-<app>.alwaysdata.net
-     db_name: <app>_db
-     db_user: <app>
-     db_pass: <db pass>
-     smtp_host: smtp-<app>.alwaysdata.net
-     smtp_user: <app>@alwaysdata.net
-     smtp_pass: <email pass>
-     admin_email: admin@example.org
-     admin_name: admin
-     admin_pass: admin
-     xmpp_url: 'https://jabber.happy-dev.fr'
-     jabber_host: 'happy-dev.fr'
-Note: Don’t forget to restart app after changing configuration.
-Test the setup
-   $ python sibserver/manage.py sendtestemail plup@plup.io
-Configure the front application
-1. `Build your application <./build_sib_application>`__ with your
-   ``https://api.<app>.startinblox.com`` URL
-2. Transfer the ``dist`` folder content to a ``front`` folder on the
-   server
-3. Configure a ``Static`` website:
-   -  name: Front
-   -  addresses: ``<app>.startinblox.com``
-   -  type: Static files
-   -  root folder: ``/front/``
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-Develop a new SIB application
-FIXME: complete this section
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/develop_sib_components.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/develop_sib_components.rst
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-Develop SIB components
-FIXME: complete this section
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-Develop SIB server packages
--  A `SIB server <./install_sib_server>`__ in development mode
-Create your package
-From the project directory (the folder where the ``manage.py`` resides)
-create a new package structure:
-   $ sib startpackage mypack
-Add your package to the ``packages.yml``:
-   ldppackages:
-     mypack: mypack
-Then initiate your server backend:
-   $ sib install sib_server
-Note: It is important to run this command from the project directory in
-order for the manager to find your package.
-Finally, you can run your server as usual to see your new package’s
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/home.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/home.rst
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-Startin’Blox operational documentation
-``SIB`` application capabilities relies on:
--  Servers with ``LDP packages`` able to serve the data
--  Clients with ``components`` able to manipulate the data
-The SIB servers
-Before deploying any SIB applications you will need SIB servers able to
-provide all capabilities your application relies on.
-SIB servers come with packages developed and `maintained by the
-team <https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/djangoldp-packages>`__. You
-can pick up the ones you like or write your own.
-Install a SIB server
-You can use any servers exposing data as LDP containers. But you will
-likely setup your own to expose your data to others.
--  `How to setup a SIB server <./install_sib_server>`__
-Develop your own server packages
-LDP packages represent capabilites the server could support. Each may
-have it’s own configuration depending of what mission it fulfills. There
-is no limit of what a LDP package can do.
--  `How to develop LDP packages <./develop_sib_ldp_packages>`__
-The SIB applications
-SIB applications are only HTML code binding together web components to
-provide all the functionalities the application requires. Each component
-can connect to multiple LDP servers providing the matching
-functionality. As for the server packages, some SIB components are
-developed and `maintained by the Startin’Blox
-team <https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/components>`__ but you can
-write your owns.
-Create an app with SIB components
--  `How to develop a SIB application <./develop_sib_application>`__
-Developing your own components
-When developing a new SIB application you can use existing components or
-create your owns.
--  `How to develop SIB components <./develop_sib_components>`__
-Build an existing SIB application
-The easiest to start with is to use an existing SIB application and
-build it with your own configuration.
--  `How to build an existing SIB
-   application <./build_sib_application>`__
-SIB with Gitlab CI
--  `How to set up automatic delivery for a SIB
-   application <./setup_continous_delivery_for_sib_application>`__
--  `How to set up automatic delivery for
-   NPM <./setup_continous_delivery_for_node>`__
--  `How to set up automatic delivery for
-   Pypi <./setup_continous_delivery_for_python>`__
-SIB in docker
--  `How to run SIB in docker containers <./sib_in_containers>`__
--  `Architecture overview <./architecture_overview>`__
--  `Convention for commit messages <./commit_message_convention>`__
--  `Release workflow <./release_workflow>`__
-   -  How to merge ``alpha`` in ``master`` ?
-   -  How next ``alpha`` release is elected ?
-Some general schema of the existing StartinBlox applications
-architecture can be found
-`here <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iCRGaJpFvZjhjIUnpsn6lRTJJ31ES6n94BNkJygzUwM/edit?usp=sharing>`__.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/index.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/index.rst
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-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 2
-   :caption: Devops:
-   build_sib_application
-   commit_message_convention
-   deploy_sib_application_on_alwaysdata
-   develop_sib_application
-   develop_sib_components
-   develop_sib_ldp_packages
-   home
-   install_sib_server
-   manually_force_pushing_on_regitries
-   migrate_gitlab
-   release_workflow
-   setup_continous_delivery_for_node
-   setup_continous_delivery_for_python
-   setup_continous_delivery_for_sib_application
-   sib_in_containers
-   tests/node_release_management
\ No newline at end of file
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-How to install a SIB server
-The SIB server requires:
--  python 3.6
--  postgresql database (for production)
-Initiate the server
-From a fresh environment, get the last version of the ``sib-manager``:
-   $ python -m pip install -U sib-manager
-Create a project structure from a production template:
-   $ sib startproject sibserver --production
-   $ cd sibserver
-For a development server remove the ``--production`` flag.
-Configure your LDP packages
-The configuration of the packages goes in ``packages.yml`` file in the
-``ldppackages`` section. Those following ones are given as an example.
-Yours depend on what your app does.
-   ldppackages:
-     djangoldp_circle: djangoldp_circle
-     djangoldp_account: djangoldp_account
-     djangoldp_profile: djangoldp_profile
-     oidc_provider: 'git+https://github.com/jblemee/django-oidc-provider.git@develop'
-Details about ``packages.yml`` format are given in the template file.
-Configure your server parameters
-The ``packages.yml`` files is also use to provide parameters to the
-server itself.
-Configure the server parameters in the ``packages.yml``:
-   server:
-     site_url: 'http://localhost:8000'
-     admin_email: admin@example.org
-     admin_name: admin
-     admin_pass: admin
-This configuration works for a local development server but for a
-production instance you need to setup a postgresql database and
-configure dependent services:
-   server:
-     site_url: 'https://api.batman.happy-dev.fr'
-     allowed_hosts:
-       - api.batman.happy-dev.fr
-     db_host: postgresql-batman.happy-dev.fr
-     db_name: batman_db
-     db_user: batman
-     db_pass: changeit
-     smtp_host: smtp-batman.happy-dev.fr
-     smtp_user: batman
-     smtp_pass: changeit
-     admin_email: admin@example.org
-     admin_name: admin
-     admin_pass: changeit
-     xmpp_url: 'https://jabber.happy-dev.fr'
-     jabber_host: 'happy-dev.fr'
-Launch the installation
-Install/update the project:
-   $ sib install server
-Launch the server
-Run the server in development:
-   $ python manage.py runserver
-To *launch the server in production*:
--  you have to install the static files with
-   ``python manage.py collectstatic``
--  and you have to configure your python server to server the script:
-   ``wsgi.py`` on the URL ``api.batman.happy-dev.fr/``.
-Tips & tricks
-Activate debug mode
-To activate the debug mode (default in development) you can override
-manually the ``DEBUG`` variable in the ``settings.py``
-Install the server as a subfolder URL
-This method isn’t officially supported and requires to change values in
-the core configuration.
-To setup the SIB server on a subfolder
-``https://batman.happy-dev.fr/api`` you have to manually override the
-configuration in the ``settings.py``:
-   BASE_URL = 'https://batman.happy-dev.fr'
-   SITE_URL = 'https://batman.happy-dev.fr/api'
-   STATIC_URL = '/api/static/'
-and URLs in ``urls.py``:
-   urlpatterns = [
-       url(r'^api/', include('djangoldp.urls')),
-       url(r'^api/admin/', admin.site.urls),
-   ]
-Note: Alwaysdata static config ``/api/static/=/static/``
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/manually_force_pushing_on_regitries.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/manually_force_pushing_on_regitries.rst
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-Manually force pushing on registries
-**Tested for NPM only**
-This a ``emergency`` procedure to force pushing on registries. It’s made
-to be used when ``continuous delivery pipeline`` is down.
-Requirements: This procedure requires authentication on the registries.
-After you made your fix, determine the package version to release
-(incremented from the last):
-   $ git pull --tags
-   $ git tag -l
-   v2.1.0
-   v2.2.0
-Tag the new version to release first and update remote:
-   $ git tag -a 'v2.1.1'
-   $ git push --follow-tags
-This step is important to keep coherency with the autorelease mecanism.
-Edit the ``package.json`` to indicate to the registry the version we are
-   $ vi package.json
-   {
-     "name": "plup-hello",
-     "version": "v2.1.1",
-   [truncated]
-Push on regitry:
-   $ export NPM_TOKEN=<token>
-   $ echo '//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN}' > .npmrc
-   $ npm publish
-And then reset the version as it is normally managed automatically:
-   $ git checkout -f
-   $ rm .npmrc
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/migrate_gitlab.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/migrate_gitlab.rst
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--- a/source/import_documentation/devops/migrate_gitlab.rst
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-Gitab migration process
-For LDP package release
--  Reference to the `configuration
-   doc <./setup_continous_delivery_for_python#configure-project-on-gitlab>`__
-1. Create the new project on https://git.startinblox.com by importing
-   the existing one from https://git.happy-dev.fr
-2. Check the points 2 to 5 of the configuration doc (this is normaly
-   imported with the project)
-3. Apply the point 6 of the configuration doc (variables aren’t
-   imported)\*
-4. Clone the new project or update your remote in your local copy (ex:
-   ``git remote set-url origin git@git.startinblox.com:djangoldp-packages/djangoldp-project.git && git pull``)
-5. Update the ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` according to the configuration doc
-6. Archive the project on the old gitlab
-Note: (*) values for variables can be found in the original project
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/release_workflow.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/release_workflow.rst
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-Releases workflow
--  Public: SIB devs
-Overview of the code release flow
-.. figure:: ../../_static/images/import_documentation/devops/docs/code_release_flows.png
-   :alt: code release flows
-   code release flows
-Delivering applications
-The applications delivery works with multiple levels of validation:
--  Unit testing is automatically triggered for ``all`` branches
--  Integration phase is manually triggered on ``feature/*`` branches
--  Acceptance phase starts automattically when pushing/merging on
-   ``master`` branch
--  Live deployment is manually executed after acceptance on ``master``
-   branch
-.. figure:: ../../_static/images/import_documentation/devops/docs/deployment_pipeline.png
-   :alt: deployment pipeline
-   deployment pipeline
-Use the ``Pipelines`` menu to control deployment over test environments:
-.. figure:: ../../_static/images/import_documentation/devops/docs/test_environments.png
-   :alt: Test environments
-   Test environments
-And staging + production environments:
-.. figure:: ../../_static/images/import_documentation/devops/docs/staging_environments.png
-   :alt: Staging environments
-   Staging environments
-You can use the ``Environments`` section to track the versions deployed
-across environments.
-.. figure:: ../../_static/images/import_documentation/devops/docs/all_environments.png
-   :alt: Environments overview
-   Environments overview
-Working with alpha branches
-How to make a hotfix on stable
-Propose a hotfix from ``master`` branch:
-   $ git checkout master
-   $ git checkout -b hotfix/something
-   # work work work
-   $ git commit
-   $ git push -u origin hotfix/something
-Then make a proper ``merge request`` into ``master``.
-How to make a new stable release from alpha
-``master`` branch only accepts ``fast forward`` merges. So it is
-necessary to prepare the prerelease branch in order to make such merges:
-   $ git pull --all
-   $ git checkout alpha
-   $ git merge master
-   $ git push
-Then make a proper ``merge request`` into ``master``.
-How to set the next prerelease version
-The next prelease version is decided by parsing the commit messages
-(like normal release) on the next push. Once the prerelease level is set
-it is kept until the next release.
-Force a bump (according to the configured release rules):
-   $ git checkout beta
-   $ git commit --allow-empty -m 'minor: force minor bump for beta'
-   $ git push
-If the first commit pushed doesn’t trigger the wanted bump. You still
-can delete all prerelease published tags since last stable on gitlab and
-the corresponding publication on NPM registry.
-Then you can make a commit with the appropriate message and push again.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/setup_continous_delivery_for_node.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/setup_continous_delivery_for_node.rst
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--- a/source/import_documentation/devops/setup_continous_delivery_for_node.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-Setup Gitlab CI/CD for a Node package
--  Public: developers
--  Reading: 5 minutes
-Configure project on gitlab
-This step requires ``maintainer`` profile on the project.
-1. CHeck the ``autodeploy`` user has a ``maintainer`` profile on the
-   group or project (``Members``)
-2. Protect the ``master`` branch allowing only ``maintainers`` to merge
-   and push (``Settings > Repository > Protected branches``)
-3. Allow ``fast forward merge`` only
-   (``Settings > General > Merge Requests``)
-4. Allow ``merge only if the pipeline succeeds``
-   (``Settings > General > Merge Requests``)
-5. Configure ``pipeline strategy`` to ``clone``
-   (``Settings > CI/CD > Pipelines``)
-6. Configure CI/CD variables for authentication
-   (``Settings > CI/CD > Environment variables``):
-============= ============== ==========
-Variable      Value          Protection
-============= ============== ==========
-``GL_TOKEN``  ``**********`` protected
-``NPM_TOKEN`` ``**********`` protected
-============= ============== ==========
-\*****: Ask to devops for tokens.
--  The ``fast forward merges`` are mandatory for **prereleases**.
--  The ``merge only if the pipeline succeeds`` only makes sense if there
-   is **unit testing**.
-Configure project in code
-Release management
-Configure the code packaging by adding a ``release`` section in
-   $ vi package.json
-   {
-     "name": "<your package>",
-     "version": "0.0.0",
-     "repository": {
-       "type": "git",
-       "url": "https://git.startinblox.com/<path/to/package>.git"
-     },
-     "release": {
-       "branches": [
-           "master",
-           {"name": "alpha", "prerelease": true}
-       ],
-       "plugins": [
-         ["@semantic-release/commit-analyzer", {
-           "preset": "angular",
-           "releaseRules": [
-             {"type": "major", "release": "major"},
-             {"type": "minor", "release": "minor"},
-             {"type": "*", "release": "patch"}
-           ]
-         }],
-         "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator",
-         "@semantic-release/gitlab",
-         "@semantic-release/npm"
-       ]
-     }
-   }
--  Replace ``<your package>`` by the name of your package.
--  The ``version`` will be automatically set at deployement step.
--  https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release/blob/master/docs/usage/configuration.md#configuration
-Pipeline execution
-Configure pipeline execution in repository:
-   ---
-   image: node:11
-   stages:
-     - test
-     - release
-   test:
-     stage: test
-     script:
-       - echo 'Make your tests here !'
-     except:
-       - tags
-     tags:
-       - sib
-   publish:
-     stage: release
-     before_script:
-       - npm install -g semantic-release@v17 @semantic-release/gitlab
-     script:
-       - semantic-release
-     only:
-       - master
-       - alpha
-     tags:
-       - deploy
-IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to replace the ``Make your tests here !`` with
-the relevant tests for your project. Not testing your application
-automatically completly defeat the concept of continuous delivery !
-Push configuration
-Send to remote:
-   $ git add .
-   $ git commit -m 'feature: configured releases'
-   $ git tag -a v0.1.0 -m 'initial version'
-   $ git push --follow-tag
-Setup prerelease on existing branch
-Create an ``alpha`` branch from existing ``dev`` branch:
-   $ git pull --all
-   $ git checkout dev
-   $ git checkout -b alpha
-   $ git merge master
-   $ git push -u origin alpha
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/setup_continous_delivery_for_python.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/setup_continous_delivery_for_python.rst
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--- a/source/import_documentation/devops/setup_continous_delivery_for_python.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-Setup Gitlab CI/CD for a Pip distribution
--  Public: developers
--  Reading: 5 minutes
-Configure project on gitlab
-This step requires ``maintainer`` profile on the project.
-1. Check the ``autodeploy`` user has a ``maintainer`` profile on the
-   group or project (``Members``)
-2. Protect the ``master`` branch allowing only ``maintainers`` to merge
-   and push (``Settings > Repository > Protected branches``)
-3. Allow ``fast forward merge`` only
-   (``Settings > General > Merge Requests``)
-4. Allow ``merge only if the pipeline succeeds``
-   (``Settings > General > Merge Requests``)
-5. Configure ``pipeline strategy`` to ``clone``
-   (``Settings > CI/CD > Pipelines``)
-6. Configure CI/CD variables for authentication
-   (``Settings > CI/CD > Environment variables``):
-================= =============== ==========
-Variable          Value           Protection
-================= =============== ==========
-``PYPI_USERNAME`` ``startinblox`` protected
-``PYPI_PASSWORD`` ``**********``  protected
-``GL_TOKEN``      ``**********``  protected
-================= =============== ==========
-\*****: Ask to devops for tokens.
--  Python projects doesn’t support **prereleases**.
--  The ``merge only if the pipeline succeeds`` only makes sense if there
-   is **unit testing**.
-Configure project in code
-Release management
-Add ``__version__`` variable somewhere in ``__init__.py``:
-   __version__ = '0.0.0'
-Create a file ``setup.cfg`` at the root of your project, alongside the
-directory of your app. Configure code packaging by adding a
-``semantic-release`` section:
-   [metadata]
-   name = <your package>
-   version = attr: <your package>.__version__
-   description = StartinBlox package
-   long_description = file: README.md
-   long_description_content_type = text/markdown
-   license = MIT
-   classifiers =
-       Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-   [options]
-   packages = find:
-   [semantic_release]
-   version_source = tag
-   version_variable = <your package>/__init__.py:__version__
-   commit_parser = commit_parser.parse
-Create a file ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` at the root of the project, alongside
-the previous one. Edit it to configure pipeline execution in repository:
-   ---
-   image: python:3.6
-   stages:
-     - test
-     - release
-   # this stage only make sense if you have unit tests
-   test:
-     stage: test
-     script:
-       - echo 'Make your tests here !'
-     except:
-       - tags
-     tags:
-       - test
-   publish:
-     stage: release
-     before_script:
-       - pip install python-semantic-release~=5.0 sib-commit-parser~=0.3
-       - git config user.name "${GITLAB_USER_NAME}"
-       - git config user.email "${GITLAB_USER_EMAIL}"
-       - git remote set-url origin "https://gitlab-ci-token:${GL_TOKEN}@${CI_SERVER_HOST}/${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git"
-       - git fetch --tags
-     script:
-       - semantic-release publish
-     only:
-       - master
-     tags:
-       - deploy
-Push configuration
-Send to remote:
-   $ git add .
-   $ git commit -m 'feature: added gitlab CI'
-   $ git tag -a v0.1.0 -m 'initial version'
-   $ git push --follow-tag
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/setup_continous_delivery_for_sib_application.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/setup_continous_delivery_for_sib_application.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a264e7d21bd5c8f1ebdf4f510afc7ed3bb1067d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/source/import_documentation/devops/setup_continous_delivery_for_sib_application.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Deploy your SIB application
-In order to run your application you have to configure your web serveur
-to serve a static folder (let say ``www``). The configuration itself
-depends on your hosting provider.
-Set up SSH authentication on your server
-Generate a keypair (or use an existing one):
-   $ ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f gitlabci -N '' -C 'deploy@gitlab'
-And copy the public key to your server:
-   $ ssh-copy-id -f -i gitlabci.pub <user>@<server>
-Pipeline deployment with Gitlab CI
-Configure the ``APP_CONFIG`` variable in the Gitlab pipeline. It is a
-JSON string of the configuration file you can generate with
-``jq -c . config.json``.
-In a ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` file:
-   image: node
-   stages:
-    - deploy
-   deploy_staging:
-     stage: deploy
-     environment: staging
-     script:
-       - echo "$APP_CONFIG" > config.json
-       - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' > gitlab.key && chmod 600 gitlab.key
-       - npm install
-       - npm run build
-       - scp -i gitlab.key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r dist/* <user>@<host>:~/www/
-     only:
-       - staging
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/sib_in_containers.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/sib_in_containers.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index a26d2f1671f7d001362710de12f000f670899262..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/source/import_documentation/devops/sib_in_containers.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-SIB in docker containers
-This is not intended to support production running.
-Setup your SIB server
-1. Create your ``packages.yml`` according to the documentation.
-2. Create the ``Dockerfile``:
-   FROM python:3.6
-   ENV PATH="/root/.local/bin:${PATH}"
-   RUN pip install --user -U sib-manager
-   WORKDIR /opt
-   RUN cd /opt/ && sib startproject sib_server
-   ADD packages.yml /opt/sib_server/packages.yml
-   RUN cd /opt/sib_server && sib install sib_server
-   EXPOSE 8000
-   CMD cd /opt/sib_server && python manage.py runserver
-3. Build the image:
-   # docker build -t sibserver .
-4. Run the container:
-   # docker run --rm -p -d sibserver
-Serve your client app
-Launch a container from within your code folder:
-   # docker run --rm -v $PWD:/code -w /code -u $UID -it -p node npm install && npm run watch
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/devops/tests/node_release_management.rst b/source/import_documentation/devops/tests/node_release_management.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index fb2eb9ef397f54ae66782f528aaae60423e37d43..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/source/import_documentation/devops/tests/node_release_management.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-Test version releases with node
-Configure release management
-Confiugre semantic release in project:
-   $ vi package.json
-   {
-     "name": "siblab",
-     "version": "0.1.0",
-     "main": "index.js",
-     "scripts": {
-       "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
-     },
-     "keywords": [],
-     "author": "",
-     "license": "ISC",
-     "description": "",
-     "release": {
-       "branches": [
-         "master",
-         {"name": "alpha", "prerelease": true}
-       ],
-       "plugins": [
-         "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer"
-       ]
-     }
-   }
-Setup with gitlab-CI:
-   $ vi gitlab-ci.yml
-   ---
-   image: node
-   stages:
-     - test
-     - release
-   test:
-     stage: test
-     script:
-       - echo 'Make your tests here !'
-     except:
-       - master
-       - tags
-   publish:
-     stage: release
-     before_script:
-       - npm install -g semantic-release@v17 @semantic-release/gitlab
-       - git checkout $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
-     script:
-       - semantic-release
-     only:
-       - master
-       - alpha
-Test the commit publication in docker
-   $ docker run -v $PWD:/code -w /code --name testnode -it node bash
-   # npm install -g semantic-release @semantic-release/gitlab
-   # export GL_URL='https://git.startinblox.com'
-   # export GL_TOKEN=<token>
-   # export NPM_TOKEN=<token>
-   # semantic-release --dry-run
-Test the prerelease workflow
-Patching on alpha
-Make a first patch on alpha:
-   $ git commit -m 'init: initial commit'
-   $ git tag -a v0.1.0 -m v0.1.0
-   $ git checkout -b alpha
-   $ git commit --allow-empty -m 'feat: first commit on alpha1'
-   $ git push --all --follow-tags
-Results for ``master`` pipeline:
-    ℹ  Found git tag v0.1.0 associated with version 0.1.0 on branch master
-    ℹ  Analyzing commit: fix: hotfix on master
-    ℹ  The release type for the commit is patch
-    ℹ  Analysis of 1 commits complete: patch release
-    ℹ  The next release version is 0.1.1
-    ✔  Created tag v0.1.1
-Results for ``alpha`` pipeline:
-    ℹ  Found git tag v0.1.0 associated with version 0.1.0 on branch alpha
-    ℹ  Analyzing commit: feat: first commit on alpha1
-    ℹ  The release type for the commit is minor
-    ℹ  Analysis of 1 commits complete: minor release
-    ℹ  The next release version is 0.2.0-alpha.1
-    ✔  Created tag v0.2.0-alpha.1@alpha
-Repository after pipelines executions:
-   $ git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate --date-order
-   * ae5d4a8 (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.1.1, origin/master) fix: hotfix on master
-   | * 19e6aa9 (tag: v0.2.0-alpha.1@alpha, origin/alpha, alpha) feat: first commit on alpha1
-   |/
-   * 19a5d24 (tag: v0.1.0) init: initial commit
-Increment patching:
-   $ git checkout alpha
-   $ git commit --allow-empty -m 'fix: keep working on alpha'
-Results for ``alpha`` pipeline:
-    ℹ  Found git tag v0.2.0-alpha.1@alpha associated with version 0.2.0-alpha.1 on branch alpha
-    ℹ  Analyzing commit: fix: keep working on alpha
-    ℹ  The release type for the commit is patch
-    ℹ  Analysis of 1 commits complete: patch release
-    ℹ  The next release version is 0.2.0-alpha.2
-    ✔  Created tag v0.2.0-alpha.2@alpha
-Merging alpha in master
-Merging ``alpha`` in ``master`` triggers the version bump by analyzing
-the new commits from ``alpha`` branch. When pushing again in ``alpha``
-branch the new tag ``v0.2.0`` is not in the ``alpha`` history, so it
-keeps incrementing from previous release.
-To make the version bump available on ``alpha`` there is 2
-1. Allow only fast forward merge in ``master``:
-   $ git checkout master
-   $ git merge --ff-only alpha
-   fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.
-   $ git checkout alpha
-   $ git merge master
-   $ git checkout master
-   $ git merge --ff-only alpha
-   Updating 70f176b..8563ed1
-   Fast-forward
-**merge** ``master`` on ``alpha`` **before** fast forwarding ``alpha``
-in ``master``
-2. Merge back in ``alpha``:
-   $ git checkout alpha
-   $ git merge --ff-only master
-   Updating 4e3f382..a9e1eed
-   Fast-forward
-**merge back** ``master`` on ``alpha`` **after** merging ``alpha`` in
-Repository after pipelines:
-   $ git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate --date-order
-   * 96abdd6 (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.3.2, origin/master) fix: hotfix in master
-   | * d78a2ae (tag: v0.3.2-alpha.1@alpha, origin/alpha, alpha) fix: another fix on alpha
-   |/
-   * 8563ed1 (tag: v0.3.1) fix: another fix on alpha   <-- in both histories (fast forward)
-   * 70f176b fix: hotfix on master
-   | * 17e24c3 (tag: v0.3.1-alpha.1@alpha) fix: another commit on alpha after merging back from master
-   |/
-   *   a9e1eed (tag: v0.3.0) merge: branch 'alpha'     <-- in both histories (merged back)
-   |\
-   | * 4e3f382 (tag: v0.2.0-alpha.4@alpha) feat: minor bump in alpha
-   | * 3674bd4 (tag: v0.2.0-alpha.3@alpha) fix: another fix on alpha
-   * |   5d513b0 (tag: v0.2.0) merge: branch 'alpha'   <-- only in master history
-   |\ \
-   | |/
-   | * 4350b55 (tag: v0.2.0-alpha.2@alpha) fix: keep working on alpha
-   * | ae5d4a8 (tag: v0.1.1) fix: hotfix on master
-   | * 19e6aa9 (tag: v0.2.0-alpha.1@alpha) feat: first commit on alpha1
-   |/
-   * 19a5d24 (tag: v0.1.0) init: initial commit
--  How next ``alpha`` release is set ?
--  How to merge ``alpha`` in ``master`` ?
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/djangoldp_guide/djangoldp-references.rst b/source/import_documentation/djangoldp_guide/djangoldp-references.rst
index 92deecdffb738cc7bef76f202124759352c1cc88..1a2a59c1aa4fde82c29480913c5aeb373a475cae 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/djangoldp_guide/djangoldp-references.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/djangoldp_guide/djangoldp-references.rst
@@ -106,27 +106,33 @@ The Server section
 This section contains all parameters to the server itself. All this section is loaded as a Django configuration object to initialize the server.
-see https://docs.djangoproject.com/fr/2.2/topics/settings/
+see https://docs.djangoproject.com/fr/2.2/topics/settings/ for a detail explanation of all settings
-The extra config module
+The server parameters can be changed at different levels. They are overriden in the following order:
-The DjangoLDP server also load a `settings.py` module when it exists in along with the `settings.yml`.
+ 1. The DjangoLDP core default settings
+ 2. :ref:`The DjangoLDP package settings`
+ 3. The code from :ref:`the extra settings module`
+ 4. The `server` section of the YAML settings file
-The DjangoLDP packages capabilities
+Which means a value written in the server section of `settings.yml` will override any parameters given by the core or the djangoldp packages.
-Among other things, the package has a special file allowing a package to load settings when the djangoldp server starts. The `djangoldp_settings.py` file can reference custom variables and load extra middlewares (they are added to the ones loaded by the djangoldp server itself).
+The `MIDDLEWARE` and `INSTALLED_APPS` parameters make exception to that behavior. Those lists are extended from previous values instead of being rewritten. When duplicated entries are detected in those settings, only the first items present in the list are kept.
+The extra settings module
+The `settings.yml` server section doesn't support dynamical configuration. When this is required, python code for configuration can also be loaded from a `settings.py` module along with the `settings.yml`.
+The DjangoLDP package settings
+The DjangoLDP packages support settings declaration through a special `djangoldp_settings.py` at the module's root. This file is fetched by the djangoldp core at runtime and all parameters are loaded following the settings resolution order. (see :ref:`The server section`)
 .. code-block:: python
     # cat mypkg/mypkg/djangoldp_settings.py
     MIDDLEWARE = []
-As any other packages, local packages needs to be referenced in the project `settings.yml`:
-.. code-block:: yml
-    ldppackages:
-      - mypkg