From 49611da0d9c9580e2fd03f4bc3ca59ced5fc03bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthieu Fesselier <>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2020 11:18:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] update: presentation fixes

 .../Components/SiB-Display.rst                |  8 +-
 .../Components/SiB-Map.rst                    |  3 +-
 .../Mixins/counter-mixin.rst                  |  2 +-
 .../Mixins/grouper-mixin.rst                  |  2 +-
 .../Mixins/highlighter-mixin.rst              |  4 +-
 .../Mixins/widget-mixin.rst                   |  4 +-
 .../Widgets/display-widgets.rst               | 66 ++++++++-----
 .../Widgets/form-widgets.rst                  | 99 ++++++++++++-------
 .../Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst              | 25 +++--
 .../Widgets/other-widgets.rst                 | 31 ++++--
 10 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst
index cfa0baf..395aa11 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ Please check their documentation to know more about their capabilities.
    By default, all displayed fields are direct children of
    ``<solid-display>``. Make sure you don’t give your set the same name as
    a field as it would result in an infinite loop.
    add attribute ``xyz`` to all children.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Map.rst b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Map.rst
index 5037037..abd39d8 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Map.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Map.rst
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ added to interact with the list of data being displayed.
-List of the fields to display in a popup which opens when a marker is clicked. If the attribute is not defined, no popup will show up.
+  List of the fields to display in a popup which opens when a marker is clicked. If the attribute is not defined, no popup will show up.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/counter-mixin.rst b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/counter-mixin.rst
index 3b4662f..435090f 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/counter-mixin.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/counter-mixin.rst
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Attributes
     Template used to show the number of resources.
     It takes a string in which you can use HTML
     tags, and the ``counter`` variable to add the number.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/grouper-mixin.rst b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/grouper-mixin.rst
index a0ad124..9974710 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/grouper-mixin.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/grouper-mixin.rst
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Attributes
-    *default: ``solid-group-div``*
+    default: ``solid-group-div``
     The name of the widget to use as a group widget.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/highlighter-mixin.rst b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/highlighter-mixin.rst
index 0d2af95..b0d0735 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/highlighter-mixin.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/highlighter-mixin.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 The highlighter mixin is a post-processor mixin, compatible with list-mixin.
 It provides the ability to put some resources at the top of the list, depending of the values of their properties.
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Attributes
     Put the resource at the top of the list if ``[field]`` is equal to the attribute value.
     In this example, all the users with a ``first_name`` equal to ``pierre`` will be at the beginning of the list.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst
index 798df12..ca97f30 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ Attributes
    The widget to be used to display the ``[field]``
    The widget to use for all the fields, except if a specific one is defined for a field.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst
index 825468b..5c140b7 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst
@@ -3,26 +3,46 @@ Display widgets
 Startin'blox provides a list of default widgets to display content:
--  ``solid-display-value``: Displays the value.
--  ``solid-display-div``: Displays the ``value`` inside a ``<div>``
-   HTML tag.
--  ``solid-display-labelled-div``: Displays the ``value`` inside a
-   ``<div>`` HTML tag, after the ``label`` contained in a ``<label>``
-   HTML tag
--  ``solid-display-multiline``:Displays the ``value`` inside a
-   ``<div>``, ``\n`` are replaced by ``<br>``.
--  ``solid-display-labelled-boolean``: Displays the ``label`` inside a
-   ``<label>`` HTML tag if the ``value`` is true
--  ``solid-display-img``: Inserts the ``value`` as the src attribute
-   value of an ``<img>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-display-mailto``: Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag
-   with a ``mailto:value`` as path. If a label is defined for this
-   field, it’s displayed as the content of the link.
--  ``solid-display-tel``: Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag
-   with a ``tel:value`` as path
--  ``solid-display-link``: Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag
-   with the value as path, and the label as text content
--  ``solid-display-date``: Displays a date in the browser’s default
-   locale format
--  ``solid-display-date-time``: Displays a date and a time in the
-   browser’s default locale format
+   Displays the value.
+   Displays the ``value`` inside a ``<div>`` HTML tag.
+   Displays the ``value`` inside a ``<div>`` HTML tag, after the ``label`` contained in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+   Displays the ``value`` inside a ``<div>``, ``\n`` are replaced by ``<br>``.
+Displays the ``label`` inside a ``<label>`` HTML tag if the ``value`` is true.
+   Inserts the ``value`` as the src attribute value of an ``<img>`` HTML tag.
+   Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag with a ``mailto:value`` as path. If a label is defined for this field, it’s displayed as the content of the link.
+   Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag with a ``tel:value`` as path.
+   Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag with the value as path, and the label as text content.
+   Displays a date in the browser’s default locale format.
+   Displays a date and a time in the browser’s default locale format.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets.rst
index 3579fad..5c68c06 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets.rst
@@ -3,40 +3,65 @@ Form widgets
 Startin'blox provides a list of default widgets to use in a form:
-Form widgets
--  ``solid-form-label-text``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-checkbox``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “checkbox”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-date``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “date”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-range-date``:
--  ``solid-form-json``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag, and with its ``value`` converted
-   from JSON to string
--  ``solid-form-placeholder-text``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag
-   of type “text”, with the ``label`` as placeholder.
--  ``solid-form-textarea``: Inserts an ``<textarea>`` HTML tag in a
-   ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-dropdown``: Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML tag to select
-   a unique value from a list. The list is provided via the
-   ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL. **xyz** is the name
-   of the field using the ``solid-form-dropdown`` widget.
--  ``solid-form-placeholder-dropdown``: Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML
-   tag to select a unique value from a list. It has no label but a
-   default disabled value as a label
--  ``solid-form-auto-completion``: Inserts a ``<input />`` HTML tag
-   and load an autocomplete plugin. The list is provided via the
-   ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL. **xyz** is the name
-   of the field using the ``solid-form-auto-completion`` widget.
--  ``solid-form-number``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “number”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-range-number``:
--  ``solid-form-file``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` and an
-   ``<input type="file"/>``. when a file is selected it’s uploaded, URL
-   of file is returned by request and set as the ``<input/>`` value. The
-   upload URL is provided via the ``upload-url`` attribute.
--  ``solid-form-hidden``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “hidden”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
\ No newline at end of file
+   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “checkbox”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “date”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag, and with its ``value`` converted from JSON to string
+   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “text”, with the ``label`` as placeholder.
+   Inserts an ``<textarea>`` HTML tag in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+   Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML tag to select a unique value from a list.
+   The list is provided via the ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL.
+   **xyz** is the name of the field using the ``solid-form-dropdown`` widget.
+   Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML tag to select a unique value from a list.
+   It has no label but a default disabled value as a label
+   Inserts a ``<input />`` HTML tag and load an autocomplete plugin.
+   The list is provided via the ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL.
+   **xyz** is the name of the field using the ``solid-form-auto-completion`` widget.
+   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “number”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+   Inserts an ``<input/>`` and an ``<input type="file"/>``.
+   When a file is selected it’s uploaded, URL of file is returned by request and set as the ``<input/>`` value.
+   The upload URL is provided via the ``upload-url`` attribute.
+   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “hidden”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst
index df428ae..94871e0 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst
@@ -3,13 +3,18 @@ Multiple widgets
 Startin'blox provides a list of default widgets to handle multiples:
-Multiple widgets
--  ``solid-multiple`` (default for display): Inserts all the widgets
-   in a ``<solid-multiple>`` tag.
--  ``solid-multiple-form`` (default for forms): Inserts all the
-   widgets in a ``<solid-multiple-form>`` tag, with a “remove” button for
-   each widget, and an “add” button.
--  ``solid-multiple-select``: Inserts all the values as ``<option>``
-   in a ``<select>`` tag with a ``multiple`` attribute.
+   *default for display*
+   Inserts all the widgets in a ``<solid-multiple>`` tag.
+   *default for forms*
+   Inserts all the widgets in a ``<solid-multiple-form>`` tag, with a “remove” button for each widget, and an “add” button.
+    Inserts all the values as ``<option>`` in a ``<select>`` tag with a ``multiple`` attribute.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets.rst
index 83b213f..1e0db52 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets.rst
@@ -4,16 +4,29 @@ Other widgets
 Set widgets
--  ``solid-set-default`` (default): Inserts content directly in the
-   set tag.
--  ``solid-set-div``: Inserts content in a ``<div/>`` HTML tag
--  ``solid-set-ul``: Inserts content in a ``<ul/>`` HTML tag
--  ``solid-set-fieldset``: Inserts content in a ``<fieldset/>`` HTML
-   tag
+   *default*
+   Inserts content directly in the set tag.
+   Inserts content in a ``<div/>`` HTML tag.
+   Inserts content in a ``<ul/>`` HTML tag.
+   Inserts content in a ``<fieldset/>`` HTML tag.
 Actions widgets
--  ``solid-action``: Displays a link inside a ``<solid-link>`` tag with
-   ``src`` for the ``data-src`` attribute, ``value`` for the ``next``
-   attribute and ``label`` as text content
+   Displays a link inside a ``<solid-link>`` tag with ``src`` for the ``data-src`` attribute,
+   ``value`` for the ``next`` attribute and ``label`` as text content.