From 5ebcdd9e0fe0567aa8c4bc28f9930a32d372997e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthieu Fesselier <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2020 17:29:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] bugfix: presentation + test links

 .../Components/SiB-Display.rst                |  2 +-
 .../Helpers-functions.rst                     |  5 +-
 .../Mixins/widget-mixin.rst                   | 16 ++---
 source/import_documentation/Store-doc.rst     | 66 ++++++++++---------
 4 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst
index 395aa11..9b7172d 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Mixins
 This component uses the following mixins:
-- `counter-mixin <counter-mixin>`__
+- `counter-mixin <../Mixins/counter-mixin>`__
 - `federation-mixin <federation-mixin>`__
 - `filter-mixin <filter-mixin>`__
 - `grouper-mixin <grouper-mixin>`__
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Helpers-functions.rst b/source/import_documentation/Helpers-functions.rst
index 5891400..83216cf 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Helpers-functions.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Helpers-functions.rst
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Creating a component, you should import those function like this :
 .. code:: js
-   import { Helpers } from "";
+   import { Helpers } from "";
 You should always use ``importCSS`` and ``importJS`` to make your extra
 importation. Otherwise, you’ll get this king of message :
@@ -41,6 +41,3 @@ Store function
 Our goal is to avoid manipulating javascript to use our tools. But it can happen that depending on the case you need some small manipulation and these functions can help you.
 Each time you need to use javascript for your development, please give us feedback so that we can take into account your problems in the next versions of the framework. Thanks for! 
- .. warning:: 
-   We should define store function, like clearCache()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst
index ca97f30..fc90f75 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ Attributes
     .. code:: html
-    <solid-display
-        data-src="http://server/users/1/"
-        fields="fullName(first_name, last_name), email"
-    ></solid-display>
+        <solid-display
+            data-src="http://server/users/1/"
+            fields="fullName(first_name, last_name), email"
+        ></solid-display>
     You can customize the group widget, see the `Sets widgets <other-widgets>`__
     page for more info.
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ Attributes
     .. code:: html
-    <solid-display
-        fields="title"
-        value-title="My custom and static title"
-    ></solid-display>
+        <solid-display
+            fields="title"
+            value-title="My custom and static title"
+        ></solid-display>
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Store-doc.rst b/source/import_documentation/Store-doc.rst
index 0a9e6a8..ea9b329 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Store-doc.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Store-doc.rst
@@ -2,107 +2,111 @@ Store documentation
 The store is responsible for the communication between the framework and the servers. You may need to use some of its functions.
-To use the store in your application, make sure to import it from the root of sib-core (ie: `import { store } from '';`).
+To use the store in your application, make sure to import it from the root of sib-core:
+.. code:: js
+  import { store } from '';
 API Reference
-`getData` (`async`)
+``getData`` (``async``)
 Fetch and cache the data for a resource
-- `id: string`: uri of the resource
-- `context: object` (optional):  used to expand the `id` and to access the resource predicates from a compact form
+* ``id: string``: uri of the resource
+* ``context: object`` (optional):  used to expand the ``id`` and to access the resource predicates from a compact form
-- `resource: Proxy`
+* ``resource: Proxy``
 Synchronously returns a resource from the cache.
-- `id: string`: uri of the resource
+* ``id: string``: uri of the resource
-- `resource: Proxy`: or `null` if the resource is not in cache
+* ``resource: Proxy``: or ``null`` if the resource is not in cache
-`post` (`async`)
+``post`` (``async``)
 Send a POST request to create a resource in a container. When the request succeed, the resource is cleared from the cache, and the components showing it are notified.
-- `resource: object`: values of the resource to create
-- `id: string`: uri of the container
+* ``resource: object``: values of the resource to create
+* ``id: string``: uri of the container
-- `resourceId: string`: id of the created resource
+* ``resourceId: string``: id of the created resource
-`put` (`async`)
+``put`` (``async``)
 Send a PUT request to edit a resource. When the request succeed, the resource is cleared from the cache, and the components showing it are notified.
-- `resource: object`: new values of the resource to edit
-- `id: string`: uri of the resource
+* ``resource: object``: new values of the resource to edit
+* ``id: string``: uri of the resource
-- `resourceId: string`: id of the edited resource
+* ``resourceId: string``: id of the edited resource
-`patch` (`async`)
+``patch`` (``async``)
 Send a PATCH request to edit a resource. When the request succeed, the resource is cleared from the cache, and the components showing it are notified.
-- `resource: object`: new values of the resource to edit
-- `id: string`: uri of the resource
+* ``resource: object``: new values of the resource to edit
+* ``id: string``: uri of the resource
-- `resourceId: string`: id of the edited resource
+* ``resourceId: string``: id of the edited resource
-`delete` (`async`)
+``delete`` (``async``)
 Send a DELETE request to delete a resource. When the request succeed, the resource is cleared from the cache, and the components showing it are notified.
-- `id: string`: uri of the resource to delete
-- `context: object` (optional): used to expand the id if needed
+* ``id: string``: uri of the resource to delete
+* ``context: object`` (optional): used to expand the id if needed
-- `resourceId: string`: id of the deleted resource
+* ``resourceId: string``: id of the deleted resource
 Make a resource listen another one. When a change is detected on a resource, all the resources which are listening are removed from the cache, and the component showing them are notified to re-render their content.
-- `resourceToUpdate`: resource which needs to be updated when another one change
-- `resourceToListen`: resource on which listen for changes
+* ``resourceToUpdate``: resource which needs to be updated when another one change
+* ``resourceToListen``: resource on which listen for changes
 Manually remove a resource from the cache
-- `id`: uri of the resource to remove from the cache
+* ``id``: uri of the resource to remove from the cache
 Store reactivity
@@ -110,5 +114,5 @@ Store reactivity
 The store is reactive. It means that any change you make on a resource in your app will be reflected in the interface automatically.
 However, there are some limitations:
-- If you make some changes on a resource which is in a virtual container, other virtual containers including this resource may not be updated. (ie: POST on circles/1/members does not update users/admin/circles/)
-- If a resource a multi nested field is displayed in a component, it may not be updated. (ie: in a `sib-display`, I display `` from `resource`, changing `user` will not update the display)
\ No newline at end of file
+* If you make some changes on a resource which is in a virtual container, other virtual containers including this resource may not be updated. (ie: POST on circles/1/members does not update users/admin/circles/)
+* If a resource a multi nested field is displayed in a component, it may not be updated. (ie: in a `sib-display`, I display `` from `resource`, changing `user` will not update the display)
\ No newline at end of file