diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst
index c03e8ffee51125a6085a25f205e8779b022254aa..cfa0baf15a09866267d1800953400bbe6b49ed86 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Display.rst
@@ -45,15 +45,17 @@ fields
    ``<solid-display>``. Make sure you don’t give your set the same name as
    a field as it would result in an infinite loop.
-   By default, the widget used is ``<solid-display-div>``. Cf the
-   `Display widgets <#display-widgets>`__ section below for more info.
    add attribute ``xyz`` to all children.
+By default, the widget used is ``<solid-display-div>``. Cf the
+`Display widgets <display-widgets>`__ page for more info.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Form.rst b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Form.rst
index ed4067e25918b5c69ad53a66166d89cb82ace3b7..8a6c40711769bcc5def1971c917fea0292d1f48c 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Form.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Form.rst
@@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ Attributes
    Add this attribute when the form does not include
    all the fields of the resource to update.
+By default, the widget used is ``<solid-form-label-text>``. Cf the
+`Form widgets <form-widgets>`__ page for more info.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Widget.rst b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Widget.rst
index 7ef364e39d3a799a5d24648335ec6151030ef0a0..8585f8b55ab234d72fb3179ce1e2119a92a5d249 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Widget.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Components/SiB-Widget.rst
@@ -32,101 +32,3 @@ In a ``solid-widget``, you have access to these values:
    NB: Do not forget to define your custom template in a ``<template>``
    tag. Otherwise, your widget will not be declared properly.
-The following widgets are available:
-Display widgets
--  ``solid-display-value`` (default): Displays the value.
--  ``solid-display-div``: Displays the ``value`` inside a ``<div>``
-   HTML tag.
--  ``solid-display-labelled-div``: Displays the ``value`` inside a
-   ``<div>`` HTML tag, after the ``label`` contained in a ``<label>``
-   HTML tag
--  ``solid-display-multiline``:Displays the ``value`` inside a
-   ``<div>``, ``\n`` are replaced by ``<br>``.
--  ``solid-display-labelled-boolean``: Displays the ``label`` inside a
-   ``<label>`` HTML tag if the ``value`` is true
--  ``solid-display-img``: Inserts the ``value`` as the src attribute
-   value of an ``<img>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-display-mailto``: Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag
-   with a ``mailto:value`` as path. If a label is defined for this
-   field, it’s displayed as the content of the link.
--  ``solid-display-tel``: Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag
-   with a ``tel:value`` as path
--  ``solid-display-link``: Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag
-   with the value as path, and the label as text content
--  ``solid-display-date``: Displays a date in the browser’s default
-   locale format
--  ``solid-display-date-time``: Displays a date and a time in the
-   browser’s default locale format
-Form widgets
--  ``solid-form-label-text``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-checkbox``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “checkbox”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-date``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “date”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-range-date``:
--  ``solid-form-json``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag, and with its ``value`` converted
-   from JSON to string
--  ``solid-form-placeholder-text``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag
-   of type “text”, with the ``label`` as placeholder.
--  ``solid-form-textarea``: Inserts an ``<textarea>`` HTML tag in a
-   ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-dropdown``: Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML tag to select
-   a unique value from a list. The list is provided via the
-   ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL. **xyz** is the name
-   of the field using the ``solid-form-dropdown`` widget.
--  ``solid-form-placeholder-dropdown``: Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML
-   tag to select a unique value from a list. It has no label but a
-   default disabled value as a label
--  ``solid-form-auto-completion``: Inserts a ``<input />`` HTML tag
-   and load an autocomplete plugin. The list is provided via the
-   ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL. **xyz** is the name
-   of the field using the ``solid-form-auto-completion`` widget.
--  ``solid-form-number``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “number”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
--  ``solid-form-range-number``:
--  ``solid-form-file``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` and an
-   ``<input type="file"/>``. when a file is selected it’s uploaded, URL
-   of file is returned by request and set as the ``<input/>`` value. The
-   upload URL is provided via the ``upload-url`` attribute.
--  ``solid-form-hidden``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
-   “hidden”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
-Multiple widgets
--  ``solid-multiple`` (default for display): Inserts all the widgets
-   in a ``<solid-multiple>`` tag.
--  ``solid-multiple-form`` (default for forms): Inserts all the
-   widgets in a ``<solid-multiple-form>`` tag, with a “remove” button for
-   each widget, and an “add” button.
--  ``solid-multiple-select``: Inserts all the values as ``<option>``
-   in a ``<select>`` tag with a ``multiple`` attribute.
-Set widgets
--  ``solid-set-default`` (default): Inserts content directly in the
-   set tag.
--  ``solid-set-div``: Inserts content in a ``<div/>`` HTML tag
--  ``solid-set-ul``: Inserts content in a ``<ul/>`` HTML tag
--  ``solid-set-fieldset``: Inserts content in a ``<fieldset/>`` HTML
-   tag
-Actions widgets
--  ``solid-action``: Displays a link inside a ``<solid-link>`` tag with
-   ``src`` for the ``data-src`` attribute, ``value`` for the ``next``
-   attribute and ``label`` as text content
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst
index 445ab8875ad94a26da107274ae55e5b7fe1cfd4a..798df123bfcbe603516fc19a4ad688e62ca9a6fc 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Mixins/widget-mixin.rst
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ Attributes
         fields="fullName(first_name, last_name), email"
-    You can customize the group widget, see the `sets widgets <#set-widgets>`__
-    section below for more info.
+    You can customize the group widget, see the `Sets widgets <other-widgets>`__
+    page for more info.
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ default-widget
     Multiple widget can be specified, example:
     ``multiple-skills="my-custom-multiple-widget"``. If argument is used
     without value, default multiple widget is used. Cf the `Multiple
-    widgets <#multiple-widgets>`__ section below for more info.
+    widgets <multiple-widgets>`__ page below for more info.
     All attributes starting by ``each`` will be applied on each child, 
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..825468b931d049ede7ab91d4847da347a2b1e36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Display widgets
+Startin'blox provides a list of default widgets to display content:
+-  ``solid-display-value``: Displays the value.
+-  ``solid-display-div``: Displays the ``value`` inside a ``<div>``
+   HTML tag.
+-  ``solid-display-labelled-div``: Displays the ``value`` inside a
+   ``<div>`` HTML tag, after the ``label`` contained in a ``<label>``
+   HTML tag
+-  ``solid-display-multiline``:Displays the ``value`` inside a
+   ``<div>``, ``\n`` are replaced by ``<br>``.
+-  ``solid-display-labelled-boolean``: Displays the ``label`` inside a
+   ``<label>`` HTML tag if the ``value`` is true
+-  ``solid-display-img``: Inserts the ``value`` as the src attribute
+   value of an ``<img>`` HTML tag.
+-  ``solid-display-mailto``: Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag
+   with a ``mailto:value`` as path. If a label is defined for this
+   field, it’s displayed as the content of the link.
+-  ``solid-display-tel``: Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag
+   with a ``tel:value`` as path
+-  ``solid-display-link``: Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag
+   with the value as path, and the label as text content
+-  ``solid-display-date``: Displays a date in the browser’s default
+   locale format
+-  ``solid-display-date-time``: Displays a date and a time in the
+   browser’s default locale format
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3579faddda83d4d8cfb37b336c7a925da636e5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Form widgets
+Startin'blox provides a list of default widgets to use in a form:
+Form widgets
+-  ``solid-form-label-text``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
+   “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+-  ``solid-form-checkbox``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
+   “checkbox”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+-  ``solid-form-date``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
+   “date”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+-  ``solid-form-range-date``:
+-  ``solid-form-json``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
+   “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag, and with its ``value`` converted
+   from JSON to string
+-  ``solid-form-placeholder-text``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag
+   of type “text”, with the ``label`` as placeholder.
+-  ``solid-form-textarea``: Inserts an ``<textarea>`` HTML tag in a
+   ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+-  ``solid-form-dropdown``: Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML tag to select
+   a unique value from a list. The list is provided via the
+   ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL. **xyz** is the name
+   of the field using the ``solid-form-dropdown`` widget.
+-  ``solid-form-placeholder-dropdown``: Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML
+   tag to select a unique value from a list. It has no label but a
+   default disabled value as a label
+-  ``solid-form-auto-completion``: Inserts a ``<input />`` HTML tag
+   and load an autocomplete plugin. The list is provided via the
+   ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL. **xyz** is the name
+   of the field using the ``solid-form-auto-completion`` widget.
+-  ``solid-form-number``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
+   “number”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
+-  ``solid-form-range-number``:
+-  ``solid-form-file``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` and an
+   ``<input type="file"/>``. when a file is selected it’s uploaded, URL
+   of file is returned by request and set as the ``<input/>`` value. The
+   upload URL is provided via the ``upload-url`` attribute.
+-  ``solid-form-hidden``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type
+   “hidden”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df428ae43f36d9603d188eeb87d536501a9d10af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Multiple widgets
+Startin'blox provides a list of default widgets to handle multiples:
+Multiple widgets
+-  ``solid-multiple`` (default for display): Inserts all the widgets
+   in a ``<solid-multiple>`` tag.
+-  ``solid-multiple-form`` (default for forms): Inserts all the
+   widgets in a ``<solid-multiple-form>`` tag, with a “remove” button for
+   each widget, and an “add” button.
+-  ``solid-multiple-select``: Inserts all the values as ``<option>``
+   in a ``<select>`` tag with a ``multiple`` attribute.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83b213f64bb138ab9a058b5d0ff6c72be120e843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Other widgets
+Set widgets
+-  ``solid-set-default`` (default): Inserts content directly in the
+   set tag.
+-  ``solid-set-div``: Inserts content in a ``<div/>`` HTML tag
+-  ``solid-set-ul``: Inserts content in a ``<ul/>`` HTML tag
+-  ``solid-set-fieldset``: Inserts content in a ``<fieldset/>`` HTML
+   tag
+Actions widgets
+-  ``solid-action``: Displays a link inside a ``<solid-link>`` tag with
+   ``src`` for the ``data-src`` attribute, ``value`` for the ``next``
+   attribute and ``label`` as text content
diff --git a/source/index.rst b/source/index.rst
index 27197211bf1b71009566b354c4495bd5b6aaf94e..f63539aed228b5f95f178f50be6170c8f0f9e20a 100644
--- a/source/index.rst
+++ b/source/index.rst
@@ -65,6 +65,15 @@ Welcome to Startinblox's documentation!
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   :caption: Mixins:
+   import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets
+   import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets
+   import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets
+   import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
    :caption: Javascript Api: