diff --git a/source/import_documentation/javascript_API/Store-doc.rst b/source/import_documentation/javascript_API/Store-doc.rst
index e910d7fc2f7e988160c9e95070b37bbec8d14f47..9f19739914c9f4d7fb3cbce41a252a372f0ed3fe 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/javascript_API/Store-doc.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/javascript_API/Store-doc.rst
@@ -144,17 +144,17 @@ The store is reactive. It means that any change you make on a resource in your a
 However, there are some limitations:
 * If you make some changes on a resource which is in a virtual container, other virtual containers including this resource may not be updated. (ie: POST on ``circles/1/members`` does not update ``users/admin/circles/``)
-* If a resource a multi nested field is displayed in a component, it may not be updated. (ie: in a ``sib-display``, I display ``nestedResource.user.name`` from ``resource``, changing ``user`` will not update the display)
+* If a resource having a multi nested field is displayed in a component, it may not be updated. (ie: in a ``sib-display``, I display ``nestedResource.user.name`` from ``resource``, changing ``user`` will not update the display)
-In response to these two cases, the store function ``subscribeVirtualContainerTo(arg1, arg2)`` allows changes in one resource to be passed on to another reactively :
+In response to these two cases, the store method ``subscribeVirtualContainerTo(arg1, arg2)`` allows changes in one resource to be passed on to another reactively:
   - ``arg1`` is the resource to be updated according to ``arg2``,
   - ``arg2`` is the starting resource, the model to copy.
 The following example illustrates the reactivity of a component displaying job offers.
-A resource contains all the job offers displayed (``resource1``), another resource is for job offers created (``resource2``). Each time a job offer is created (added to ``resource2``), the job offers list displayed (``resource1``) needs an update:
+A container is providing a list of job offers (``http://localhost/job-offers/active/``), another endpoint is used to create new job offers (``http://localhost/job-offers/``). Each time a job offer is created (added to ``http://localhost/job-offers/``), the displayed list of job offers (``http://localhost/job-offers/active/``) requires an update:
 .. code:: javascript
-  core.store.subscribeVirtualContainerTo(resource1, resource2);
+  core.store.subscribeVirtualContainerTo(http://localhost/job-offers/active/, http://localhost/job-offers/);
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