diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst
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--- a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/display-widgets.rst
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-Display widgets
-Startin'blox provides a list of default widgets to display content:
-   Displays the value.
-   Displays the ``value`` inside a ``<div>`` HTML tag.
-   Displays the ``value`` inside a ``<div>`` HTML tag, after the ``label`` contained in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
-   Displays the ``value`` inside a ``<div>``, ``\n`` are replaced by ``<br>``.
-Displays the ``label`` inside a ``<label>`` HTML tag if the ``value`` is true.
-   Inserts the ``value`` as the src attribute value of an ``<img>`` HTML tag.
-   Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag with a ``mailto:value`` as path. If a label is defined for this field, it’s displayed as the content of the link.
-   Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag with a ``tel:value`` as path.
-   Displays a link inside a ``<a>`` HTML tag with the value as path, and the label as text content.
-   Displays a date in the browser’s default locale format.
-   Displays a date and a time in the browser’s default locale format.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/form-widgets.rst
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-Form widgets
-Startin'blox provides a list of default widgets to use in a form:
-   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
-   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “checkbox”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
-   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “date”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
-   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “text”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag, and with its ``value`` converted from JSON to string
-   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “text”, with the ``label`` as placeholder.
-   Inserts an ``<textarea>`` HTML tag in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
-   Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML tag to select a unique value from a list.
-   The list is provided via the ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL.
-   **xyz** is the name of the field using the ``solid-form-dropdown`` widget.
-   Inserts a ``<select>`` HTML tag to select a unique value from a list.
-   It has no label but a default disabled value as a label
-   Inserts a ``<input />`` HTML tag and load an autocomplete plugin.
-   The list is provided via the ``range-xyz``, which expects a container’s URL.
-   **xyz** is the name of the field using the ``solid-form-auto-completion`` widget.
-   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “number”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
-   Inserts an ``<input/>`` and an ``<input type="file"/>``.
-   When a file is selected it’s uploaded, URL of file is returned by request and set as the ``<input/>`` value.
-   The upload URL is provided via the ``upload-url`` attribute.
-   Inserts an ``<input/>`` HTML tag of type “hidden”, in a ``<label>`` HTML tag.
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diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst
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--- a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/multiple-widgets.rst
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-Multiple widgets
-Startin'blox provides a list of default widgets to handle multiples:
-   *default for display*
-   Inserts all the widgets in a ``<solid-multiple>`` tag.
-   *default for forms*
-   Inserts all the widgets in a ``<solid-multiple-form>`` tag, with a “remove” button for each widget, and an “add” button.
-    Inserts all the values as ``<option>`` in a ``<select>`` tag with a ``multiple`` attribute.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/new-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/new-widgets.rst
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+Widgets are created at the moment you ask for it for the first time.
+The name of the widget is analyzed to use the features and template you want.
+Here is the form of a widget:
+*All the keywords must be separated by ``-`` but can be put in any order.*
+   Can be ``display`` , ``form`` or ``set``. Will select the directory of template to use.
+   Name of the template to use. Available templates:
+   -  ``display`` directory
+      -  ``value``: displays ``value`` directly in the widget tag.
+      -  ``div``: displays ``value`` inside a ``<div>`` tag
+      -  ``link``: displays ``value`` as an ``href`` attribute in a ``<a>`` tag
+      -  ``img``: displays ``value`` as a ``src``  attribute in a ``<img>`` tag
+      -  ``boolean``: displays label (or name) in a ``<label>`` tag if ``value  == true``
+   -  ``form`` directory
+      -  ``text``: set ``value`` in an ``<input>`` of type ``text``
+      -  ``textarea``: set ``value`` in a ``<textarea>``
+      -  ``checkbox``: create a checkbox, which is checked if ``value == true``
+      -  ``date``: set ``value`` in an ``<input>`` of type ``date``
+      -  ``rangedate``: set 2 values in 2 ``<input>`` of type ``date``. Used for filtering with min and max.
+      -  ``number``: set ``value`` in an ``<input>`` of type ``number``
+      -  ``rangenumber``: set 2 values in 2 ``<input>`` of type ``number``. Used for filtering with min and max.
+      -  ``hidden``: set ``value`` in an ``<input>`` of type ``hidden``
+      -  ``dropdown``: set ``value`` in a ``<select>``. The list is provided via the ``range`` attribute, which expects a container’s URL.
+      -  ``radio``: set ``value`` in a list of radio buttons. The list is provided via the ``range`` attribute, which expects a container’s URL.
+      -  ``multiple``: Accept a container URI as a ``value``, and inserts one widget per resource with a “remove” button for each widget, and an “add” button.
+      -  ``multipleselect``: Accept a container URI as a ``value``, and inserts a dropdown widget with the ``multiple`` attribute.
+      -  ``file``: Inserts an ``<input/>`` and an ``<input type="file"/>``.
+         When a file is selected it’s uploaded, URL of file is returned by request and set as the ``<input/>`` value.
+         The upload URL is provided via the ``upload-url`` attribute.
+      -  ``image``: Works like ``file`` but allow only images in the input, and create a preview of the image when selected by the user.
+   -  ``set``
+      -  ``default``: inserts widgets directly in the set tag.
+      -  ``div``: inserts widgets in a ``<div>`` tag
+      -  ``ul``: inserts widgets in a ``<ul>`` tag
+   -  default (no template keyword defined)
+      -  ``action``: Displays a link inside a ``<solid-link>`` tag with ``src`` for the ``data-src`` attribute,
+         ``value`` for the ``next`` attribute and ``label`` as text content.
+      -  ``multiple``: insert a ``solid-display`` with the ``@id`` of a container as ``data-src``.
+         The fields to display are chosen with the ``fields`` attribute.
+   Features to add to the widget. You can choose as many as you want
+   -  ``label``: adds a ``label`` before the template. Uses the attribute ``name`` if ``label`` is not defined
+   -  ``labellast``: adds a ``label`` after the template. Uses the attribute ``name`` if ``label`` is not defined
+   -  ``autocompletion``: initializes the ``SlimSelect`` plugin. Works only with dropdowns
+   -  ``autolink``: analyzes widget content, and transforms all links in anchor.
+   -  ``mailto``: adds ``mailto:`` at the beginning of an ``href`` attribute. Works only with links
+   -  ``tel``: adds ``tel:`` at the beginning of an ``href`` attribute. Works only with links
+   -  ``blank``: adds an attribute ``target="_blank"``. Works only with links
+   -  ``placeholder``: adds a placeholder in the input. Uses the attribute ``name`` or ``label`` if ``placeholder`` is not defined. Works only with input widgets.
+   -  ``date``: transforms the value in a date, in the browser’s default locale format.
+   -  ``datetime``: transforms the value in a date and time, in the browser’s default locale format.
+   -  ``multiline``: Shows a value on multiple lines (replace ``\n`` by ``<br>``)
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/other-widgets.rst
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-Other widgets
-Set widgets
-   *default*
-   Inserts content directly in the set tag.
-   Inserts content in a ``<div/>`` HTML tag.
-   Inserts content in a ``<ul/>`` HTML tag.
-   Inserts content in a ``<fieldset/>`` HTML tag.
-Actions widgets
-   Displays a link inside a ``<solid-link>`` tag with ``src`` for the ``data-src`` attribute,
-   ``value`` for the ``next`` attribute and ``label`` as text content.