diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Components/Solid-Form.rst b/source/import_documentation/Components/Solid-Form.rst
index 504e65639d30c430d4f0c1a0650c5fba901f099a..44bc4057d852d05f146c8ebb258ae4c34535a9cb 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Components/Solid-Form.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Components/Solid-Form.rst
@@ -90,6 +90,13 @@ Attributes
    Add this attribute when the form does not include
    all the fields of the resource to update.
+.. _required-field:
+   Add this attribute to make the ``[field]`` required by adding the ``required`` attribute to the input.
 .. _min-field:
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/Reference.rst b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/Reference.rst
index eab5623ad41916ccb8ff43a51ce3dd7f89386124..634040aa8dcb51a0407f03463c9b434dbd9ef417 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/Widgets/Reference.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/Widgets/Reference.rst
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ Name of the template to use. Available templates:
    -  ``number``: set ``value`` in an ``<input>`` of type ``number``.
    -  ``rangenumber``: set 2 values in 2 ``<input>`` of type ``number``. Used for filtering with min and max. 
       Possible to add ``start-value-[field]`` and ``end-value-[field]`` attributes to set min and max values.
-   -  ``hidden``: set ``value`` in an ``<input>`` of type ``hidden``.
+   -  ``hidden``: set ``value`` in an ``<input>`` of type ``hidden``. If you need to use a boolean or numeric value you can add a ``bool`` or 
+      ``num`` mixin (ie: ``solid-form-hidden-bool``).
    -  ``dropdown``: set ``value`` in a ``<select>``. The list is provided via the ``range`` attribute, which expects a container’s URL, or via the ``enum`` attribute, which takes a list of the values separated by commas.
    -  ``radio``: set ``value`` in a list of radio buttons. The list is provided via the ``range`` attribute, which expects a container’s URL, or via the ``enum`` attribute, which takes a list of the values separated by commas.
    -  ``multiple``: Accept a container URI as a ``value``, and inserts one widget per resource with a “remove” button for each widget, and an “add” button.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/attributes-list.rst b/source/import_documentation/attributes-list.rst
index 243e79fb23169a34b327badbf9d3c54af89c123d..41f754709d4780e907ffb694898151801ac5eb95 100644
--- a/source/import_documentation/attributes-list.rst
+++ b/source/import_documentation/attributes-list.rst
@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ List of attributes (core framework)
    * :ref:`required-mixin <required-mixin>`
+   * :ref:`solid-form <solid-form>`
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/djangoldp-references.rst b/source/import_documentation/djangoldp-references.rst
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/import_documentation/djangoldp-references.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+DjangoLDP reference guide
+The DjangoLDP commands
+.. code-block:: bash 
+   $ djangoldp --help
+   Usage: djangoldp [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
+     DjangoLDP CLI 
+   Options:
+     --version  Show the version and exit.
+     --help     Show this message and exit.
+   Commands:
+     configure     Configure the project.
+     initserver    Start a DjangoLDP server.
+     install       Install project dependencies.
+     runserver     Run the Django embeded webserver.
+     startpackage  Start a DjangoLDP package.
+The `djangoldp` server is built ontop of `django` framework. The `django` core commands are also available. Check `python manage.py --help` and [the official Django documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/)
+The Initserver command
+This command initiate a new server folder from a template. It has the minimal option to work out of the box.
+The Configure command
+This is a command meant to tell the server the settings have changed and it must run some maintenance operations and data integrity check, such as the model migration of the LDP packages.
+It has options to create new administrator users during the configuration process.
+The Install command
+This command parses the `dependencies` section of the configuration file and install all python distribution required by the project. It is a wrapper around the `requirements.txt` file.
+The runserver command
+This command loads the configuration and starts the LDP server. It is a wrapper around the `django-admin runserver` command.
+The startpackage command
+This a helper command working the same way the `django startpackage` does command. It creates a folder with a DjangoLPD package template.
+The DjangoLDP configuration file
+The server comes with a default `settings.yml` you can customize.
+It contains 3 main sections:
+* `dependencies`: contains a list of dependencies to install with pip during the `install` phase
+* `ldppackages`: contains a list of djangoldp packages to activate
+* `server`: contains all the configuration required by djangoldp server
+You need to restart the server after a change in configuration.
+The Dependencies section
+This is not mandatory as you can install all your dependencies manually. But it is convienent to have all in one file when exchanging server configurations.
+The format for dependencies is the one accepted by pip. For example:
+.. code-block:: yml 
+   dependencies:
+     - git+https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp-account.git
+As for any python project when you declare a dependency you have to make sure it is installed. You can use the wrapper command `djangoldp install` for this.
+The LDP packages section
+When you want to use a LDP package you need to reference it in the configuration. For example:
+.. code-block:: yml 
+   ldppackages:
+     - djangoldp_account
+The name referenced there must be the name of the python module, the one your would use with the `import` statement.
+Some packages may require some configuration to work properly. It is a good practice to run the `djangoldp configure` command after adding or upgrading a LDP package.
+Here you have :
+ * `a list of all the package available <https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/>`__
+ * `Explanation on how to make one <develop-sib-ldp-packages.html>`__
+If the description of the available packages is unclear, open an issue to ask for more description.
+The Server section
+This section contains all parameters to the server itself. All this section is loaded as a Django configuration object to initialize the server.
+see https://docs.djangoproject.com/fr/2.2/topics/settings/
+The extra config module
+The DjangoLDP server also load a `settings.py` module when it exists in along with the `settings.yml`.
+The DjangoLDP packages capabilities
+Among other things, the package has a special file allowing a package to load settings when the djangoldp server starts. The `djangoldp_settings.py` file can reference custom variables and load extra middlewares (they are added to the ones loaded by the djangoldp server itself).
+# cat mypkg/mypkg/djangoldp_settings.py
+As any other packages, local packages needs to be referenced in the project `settings.yml`:
+  - mypkg
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/install-djangoldp-server.rst b/source/import_documentation/install-djangoldp-server.rst
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c22d268f068fdd32310a876f954b3e3cad981d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/import_documentation/install-djangoldp-server.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Get started with the DjangoLDP server
+What is behind the DjangoLDP server ?
+Our solution is based on `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`__ and named `DjangoLDP <https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp/>`__, adapted to be compatible with Linked Datas convention.
+Go to `Server Architecture <server-architecture.html>`_ to know more about it.
+And check the `References guide <djangoldp_references.html>`__ to know all the details.
+The DjangoLDP server requires:
+* python 3.6
+* postgresql database (for production)
+.. note:: 
+    If you're working on many project in Python, we advice you to use `a virtual environement <https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__.
+.. note:: 
+    `See the documentation to set it with Docker <https://docs.startinblox.com/import_documentation/install-sib-server.html#initiate-the-server-with-docker/>`__.
+From a fresh environment, get the last version of DjangoLDP:
+.. code-block:: bash 
+   python -m pip install djangoldp
+Initiate a new server
+Create a server workdir:
+.. code-block:: bash 
+   djangoldp initserver sibserver
+   cd sibserver
+All the command must be issued from this working directory.
+Add a package to your `settings.yml` file, let's start with `djangoldp_account`:
+.. code-block:: yml
+   dependencies
+     - djangoldp-account
+   ldppackages:
+     - djangoldp_account
+The `server` section should work out of the box. Check the reference guide for details on the settings file.
+Install the dependencies you just added:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   djangoldp install
+This downloads the `djangoldp-account` distribution from pypi.org.
+Configure your backend to support the new package:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   djangoldp configure --with-dummy-admin
+This will also create a local admin user (not suited for production use).
+Then launch the server:
+.. code-block:: bash 
+    djangoldp runserver
+Then go to `http://localhost:8000/admin/ <http://localhost:8000/admin/>`__ to acces to your Django administration with the `admin` user and `admin` password.
+You should be able to get you api at `http://localhost:8000/abc/` where abc is the model of data you want to get.
+Start your own DjangoLDP package
+.. note:: 
+    A bug in with the local package loading breaks the Django migrations directory recognition. To workaround it, you need to start or move your DjangoLDP package outside the server workdir and make a symlink inside the working directory.
+Start a new package in the server workdir parent directory:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   djangoldp startpackage mypkg
+From the server workdir create a symlink to the package python module:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   cd sibserver
+   ln -s ../mypkg/mypkg mypkg
+Then reference your new package in the `ldppackages` section:
+.. code-block:: yml
+   ldppackages:
+     - mypkg
+Don't forget to run the `configure` command if your package load django migrations.
diff --git a/source/import_documentation/install-sib-server.rst b/source/import_documentation/install-sib-server.rst
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@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-How to install a SIB server
-What is behind SiB server ?
-Our solution is based on `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`__ and named `DjangoLDP <https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp/>`__, adapted to be compatible with Linked Datas convention.
-Go to `Server Architecture <server-architecture.html>`_ to know more about it.
-The SIB server requires:
-* python 3.6
-* postgresql database (for production)
-.. note:: 
-    `See the documentation to set it with Docker <https://docs.startinblox.com/import_documentation/install-sib-server.html#initiate-the-server-with-docker/>`__.
-Initiate the server
-.. note:: 
-    If you're working on many project in Python, we advice you to use `a virtual environement <https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__.
-From a fresh environment, get the last version of the sib-manager:
-.. code-block:: bash 
-   python -m pip install -U sib-manager
-Create a project structure from a production template:
-.. code-block:: bash 
-   sib startproject sibserver --production
-   cd sibserver
-For a development server remove the --production flag.
-now your architecture should look like : 
-.. code-block:: bash 
-    sibserver/
-        server/
-            __init__.py
-            settings.py
-            urls.py
-            wsgi.py
-        manage.py
-        packages.yml
-For more detail, go to `the official Django project documentation <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/intro/tutorial01/>`__.
-Configure your LDP packages
-The configuration of the packages goes in packages.yml file in the ldppackages section. Those following ones are given as an example. Yours depend on what your app does.
-Here you have :
- * `a list of all the package available <https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/>`__
- * `Explanation on how to make one <develop-sib-ldp-packages.html>`__
-If the description of the available packages is unclear, open an issue to ask for more description.
-.. code-block:: yml 
-    ldppackages:
-        djangoldp_account: djangoldp_account
-        oidc_provider: 'git+https://github.com/jblemee/django-oidc-provider.git@develop'
-Details about packages.yml format are given in the template file.
-Configure your server parameters
-The packages.yml files is also use to provide parameters to the server itself.
-Configure the server parameters in the packages.yml:
-.. code-block:: yml 
-    server:
-        site_url: 'http://localhost:8000'
-        admin_email: admin@example.org
-        admin_name: admin
-        admin_pass: admin
-        registration_open: True
-        xmpp_url: 'https://jabber.localhost'
-        jabber_host: 'jabber.localhost'
-        default_client: 'http://localhost:3000'
-This configuration works for a local development server but for a production instance you need to setup a postgresql database and configure dependent services:
-.. code-block:: yml 
-    server:
-        site_url: 'https://api.batman.happy-dev.fr'
-        allowed_hosts:
-            - api.batman.happy-dev.fr
-        db_host: postgresql-batman.happy-dev.fr
-        db_name: batman_db
-        db_user: batman
-        db_pass: changeit
-        smtp_host: smtp-batman.happy-dev.fr
-        smtp_user: batman
-        smtp_pass: changeit
-        admin_email: admin@example.org
-        admin_name: admin
-        admin_pass: changeit
-        xmpp_url: 'https://jabber.happy-dev.fr'
-        jabber_host: 'happy-dev.fr'
-Make your migration
-.. code-block:: bash 
-    python manage.py migrate
-Create your super user
-.. code-block:: bash 
-    python manage.py createsuperuser
-Follow the instructions you get in your terminal.
-Launch the server
-Run the server in development:
-.. code-block:: bash 
-    python manage.py runserver 
-Then go to ` <>`__ to acces to your Django administration.
-Enter the identifier you've just created and you shoud see the Django admin.
-.. warning:: 
-    In some case, you could get this kind of error : `no such table: djangoldp_xyz_abc`. Enter this command to solve it : `python3 manage.py migrate - -run-syncdb`
-You should be able to get you api at `http://localhost:8000/abc/` where abc is the model of data you want to get.
-To update the installation
-Install/update the project:
-.. code-block:: bash 
-   sib install sibserver
-To launch the server in production:
-* You have to install the static files with `python manage.py collectstatic`
-* You have to configure your python server to server the script: wsgi.py on the URL api.batman.happy-dev.fr/.
-If you have any problem, `tell us reporting it in an issue <https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp/>`__. Thanks!
-Tips & tricks
-Activate debug mode
-To activate the debug mode (default in development) you can override manually the `DEBUG` variable in the settings.py
-Install the server as a subfolder URL
-This method isn't officially supported and requires to change values in the core configuration.
-To setup the SIB server on a subfolder https://batman.happy-dev.fr/api you have to manually override the configuration in the settings.py:
-.. code-block:: python
-    BASE_URL = 'https://batman.happy-dev.fr'
-    SITE_URL = 'https://batman.happy-dev.fr/api'
-    STATIC_URL = '/api/static/'
-and URLs in urls.py:
-.. code-block:: python
-    urlpatterns = [
-        url(r'^api/', include('djangoldp.urls')),
-        url(r'^api/admin/', admin.site.urls),
-    ]
-Note: Alwaysdata static config /api/static/=/static/
-Initiate the server with Docker
-This is not intended to support production running.
-Setup your SIB server
-Create your packages.yml according to the documentation.
-Create the Dockerfile:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    FROM python:3.6
-    ENV PATH="/root/.local/bin:${PATH}"
-    RUN pip install --user -U sib-manager
-    WORKDIR /opt
-    RUN cd /opt/ && sib startproject sib_server
-    ADD packages.yml /opt/sib_server/packages.yml
-    RUN cd /opt/sib_server && sib install sib_server
-    EXPOSE 8000
-    CMD cd /opt/sib_server && python manage.py runserver
-Build the image:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    docker build -t sibserver .
-Run the container:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    docker run --rm -p -d sibserver
-Serve your client app
-Launch a container from within your code folder:
-.. code-block:: bash
-    docker run --rm -v $PWD:/code -w /code -u $UID -it -p node npm install && npm run watch
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diff --git a/source/index.rst b/source/index.rst
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--- a/source/index.rst
+++ b/source/index.rst
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Welcome to Startinblox's documentation
    :caption: How it works
-   import_documentation/install-sib-server
-   import_documentation/develop-sib-ldp-packages
+   import_documentation/install-djangoldp-server
+   import_documentation/djangoldp-references