Getting Started

With the Front

To start, simply import the core in your head tag of a simple html file :

.. code:: html
      <!-- ... Import the core ... -->
      <script type="module" src=""></script>

It enables you to use Startin’blox technology and all the main components from the core of the framework.

`Jump to the demonstration to go forward  <sib-demo/>`__

With the back

Since our frontend framework reads RDF, we adapted a Django server to handle linked datas, which gave birth to DjangoLDP.

.. warning:: if you using Windows, you may get some trouble. Please help us to improve reporting your problem on `this issue <>`__

1. Make sure you have the latest version of python 3.6.8 installed.

2. Install ``sib-manager`` that allow you to use the sib command.

.. code-block:: python 

   python -m pip install -U sib-manager

3. Create your server structure

.. code-block:: python 

   sib startproject sibserver 
   cd sibserver
   sib install server

That's it. You're almost ready to start :)

`Jump to the demonstration to go forward  <sib-demo/>`__


The glossary contains an overview of the most commonly used terms in the documentation. 

=> `Have a look on the glossary <Glossary/>`__

Something is missing ? 

`Let's us know <>`__ !