Features ######### We call "mixins" features for SIB components. Basicly they provide attribute to it. .. warning:: The section is a work in progress. It will be soon updated. List ===== [Description] Attributes available: -------------------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Expected", "Default", "Description" `order-by`, "test", "test", "test" `counter`, "test", "test ", "test" `else`, "test", "test", "test" Used in components: ------------------- * link to `Sib-Display <SiB-Display>`__ * link to `Sib-Form <SiB-Form>`__ Store ===== [Description] Attributes available: -------------------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Expected", "Default", "Description" `nested-field`, "test", "test", "test" `counter`, "test", "test ", "test" `else`, "test", "test", "test" Used in components: ------------------- * link to `Sib-Display <SiB-Display>`__ * link to `Sib-Form <SiB-Form>`__ Events ###### Some event are available on specific wiget. You'll find corresponding events for your components in its documentation. .. csv-table:: :header: "Event name ", "Parameters", "Fired by", "Fired when" `resourceSelect`, `{detail:{resource}}`, `sib-display` | `sib-calendar` | `sib-map`, "The user clicks an child in the list, with the resource as a detail of the event." `populate`, `{detail:{resource}}`,`sib-display` | `sib-form` | `sib-calendar` | `sib-map`, "The component got and displayed all its datas." `save`, `{detail:{resource}}`, `sib-form`, The form has saved successfully. Examples ======== Populate -------- Use to do something if and when the element is generated. .. code:: js element.addEventListener("populate", event => { // Do something when the element is generated. }) Save ---- Use to do something when a form is successfully saved. .. code:: js form.addEventListener("save", event => { // Do something when the form has been successfully saved. });