Server Architecture ################### DjangoLDP server ================ The solution we offer is DjangoLDP based on Django framework and adapted to be compatible with Linked Datas convention. .. notice:: The section could be improve Sib Command ------------ To help you to deploy easily your server, we put at your disposal a command that make it for you. .. warning:: The section should be improve LDP packages =========== Once you have your server DjangoLDP installed, you can plug to it DLP packages which are extention to treat a specific shape of data. Each component has its own datas shapes. The server that will manage datas of a specific component has to get the specfic package related. You'll find the right package in the documentation of each component. .. warning:: The section should be improve A request in detail =================== .. figure:: ../_static/images/import_documentation/Servers-of-the-future-#2.png :alt: How we imagine the servers of the future