This is a really strange bug. Here are my observations based on some tests with my profile:
I deleted all my skills -> OK
I add the same skills than Sophie Chauvin -> BUG
The server never responded to the request. It stayed pending forever.
After I refreshed the page, only 4 tags were added on the list of 8 I selected
I add the 4 missing tags -> BUG
Still no response from the server.
After a few seconds, I refresh the page: 2 more tags are added, but the list is still not complete
I delete 1 tag -> OK
The server responds, the tag is deleted properly.
Then I tried various actions like adding and deleting tags (including adding the same 8 tags than Sophie Chauvin), and everything worked fine. The server responds quickly, and everything is saved.
There is obviously no error in the console, and nothing is logged on Sentry neither.
It seems like a problem with the server, but it seems complicated to reproduce consistently. @balessan do you have any idea?
Then I tried various actions like adding and deleting tags (including adding the same 8 tags than Sophie Chauvin), and everything worked fine. The server responds quickly, and everything is saved.
Really no problems afterwards ? What was the action which fixed at least temporarily the issue ?
Did you "Copy as Fetch" or "Curl" the requests somewhere ? Could help reproduce, especially for the request which is pending. Could be an investigation starting point.
Really no problems afterwards ? What was the action which fixed at least temporarily the issue ?
Yes no problem at all after this. I did not do anything else that what is described above.
I did not copy the requests, but I looked at it in the inspector and they looked the same when it failed and when it worked.
Thank you Audrey. Nice to digitally meet you by the way.
Sophie reportedly use the Desktop app of a Mac. Did you try in that environment as well?
I guess it still depends on the browser she used to install the app though, and I realize we don't have this info but you can definitely ask her if necessary.
What I can add then is that we asked Sophie to try again, and it failed again on her side.
That's when she took the screenshots.
Maybe worth asking her directly?
Maybe a screen sharing session?
And maybe we wait for another user to report this problem again, so we know we have at least 2 environments in which the problem occurs, multiplying our chances to figure out what is going wrong?
Hello ! Sophie tried again, she refreshed the page and it worked, her skills were saved and displayed. It's a quick fix but not sustainable of course. Does it help you to find the source of the bug ?
@AudreyP@alexbourlier I confirm, we've still experimented this behavior. There's a reactivity matter. How can we improve the reactivity at this point ? @balessan FYI
@alexbourlier the difference is that this time, after having saved her skills, she refreshed the page. If we do not refresh, skills do no appear (even if we get the "Succès !" message). Is that clear enough or do you need me to film my screen ? :)
As you can se on the description of this issue, at the moment I posted I reported the skills array to be empty on her webid. it wasn't just a reactivity issue, otherwise I would not have brought it up as s1.
You can also see above than when @matthieu try to reproduce the issue, he faced the same behavior on his first trials, and then it "magically" disappeared and the thing ended up... working
@alexbourlier@Cyrilthiriet how can I download the app version of Hubl? I could try on my side as well to see if I can reproduce to give as much info as we can to Balessan.
@alexbourlier@balessan@AudreyP I replicate the issue on my profil.
On my profil, I select my skills and save them.
I have a "success" message but the skills are not displayed.
If I go back on the page to edit my skill they are still there.
It loops for ever.
they seems to be. If I quit the page of my profil, navigate in the app and then get back to my profil I still see them on the editing page.
Then you are not reproducing the bug then. The bug really is that the skills are not saved.
I had verified the skills container on Sophie's webid and it was empty. Another of our users reported the bug this morning or yesterday. Florianne will provide us with more detail here soon
@alexbourlier ok this is not that they are not displayed. This is really a matter of saving. Got it!
I'll wait for Florianne's feedback but I guess the next step would be to arrange a call with Sophie and Balessan to investigate further. @balessan what do you think? I can't think of anything else if no one can replicate the bug on our side.
And to be noted that, after trying for the 4th time or something (probably a good student), she did manage to save them somehow... So it must be a sneaky thing
@balessan my skills are saved and displayed in the app when I do a hard refresh.
If I don't they seems to be saved but they are not displayed.
So I really don't replicate the initial issue.
Let's wait for Florianne's feedback.
@AudreyP@Berengere@balessan For you to know this is a critical bug S1 for us created 1,5 month ago ( 27/10) .
In a short time to avoid BAD USER EXPERIENCE : How can we ADD/DEL/EDIT skills in the back office for users ?
We have to have a solution to help users doing this.
As well if SIB is not able to be browsed on safari at all, it should be display somewhere I guess.
We speak about 26% of mobil and 15 % of desktop uses.
Tell us please how we can help. Thx
CC @alexbourlier@sylvain
@Cyrilthiriet As you can read above, we have tried to replicate the bug several times last week with no results.
We were waiting for a feedback from Florianne as she knows someone who had the problem. Unfortunately in the meantime, she has deleted and recreated the account and the user successed saving her skills.
I think we are facing 2 different issues:
skills are not saved at all in the Hubl App. Cf. this issue right here describes by Alex
skills are saved but not display on the user profil except if he refresh his page.
I will create a new issue for the second one to not mix the comments and feedbacks.
@Berengere ok thx, I just sent a email to you both with another user encounter pb with safari registration. I Think it's a good move to make a visio with this user to see live how it is with skills implementation within the same time.