I'm reposting @sophie's template here since it isn't really related to /startinblox/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp-account!29: https://invis.io/3POVGBKAQD8#/390220515_Connexion_Page @sophie Template is missing the second part of the form — login with a defferent provider — can you complete you template?
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-24T10:41:51 (imported from GitLab project)
What conditions which template is used is the order in INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py. First packages have priority. So we can imagine a template overloading package that you can install in settings.yml. In the end, if you create templates/registration/login.html directly at the root of your SIB project generated by sib-manager, it should always take priority.
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-28T09:58:55 (imported from GitLab project)
I don't know if what I am going to say is relevant but here we go:
The template for should belongs to DjangoLDP-account
The CSS belongs to the app
I don't know how we are supposed to add CSS to a Django package. Maybe passing a stylesheet as a parameter?
What is sure is that the end user shouldn't have to edit a Django package to customize her logo and colors.
By Alexandre on 2019-10-28T10:03:25 (imported from GitLab project)
Django should manage static files the same way it manages templates. So let's say we source static/css/login.css and static/img/logo.png in the template. If they are overrided in the user's sib installation, it should take priority.
Otherwise, we can think of something where the user drops the image path and the CSS style directly in the YAML configuration. But I think ths would required some controller customisation.
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-28T10:13:30 (imported from GitLab project)
In fact the CSS cannot belong to the app as it belong to the server.
If my webid is on HD Paris, and I log into CoopStarter, I will be redirected to HD Paris' server and see the login page with the HD Paris' colors. I would tend to start with a simple and common style for everyone, maybe with the colors of Freelance Network.
I have to ask to @christophehenry or @jbpasquier how to access the css of login pages.
Then I have a doubt: must I follow Sophie's mockup or Sylvain's instruction (mockup + colors of Freelance Network)?
By Gaëlle Morin on 2019-10-29T09:38:08 (imported from GitLab project)
@gaelleM: On top of adding the To be tested tag, don't hesitate to assign the issue to me. I don't receive any notification when a tag is added to the issue :-)
By Alexandre on 2019-11-25T22:08:52 (imported from GitLab project)
@alexandre OK There was some confusion on my part.
I added the tag so that Jean-Baptiste could take over to merge and make the first feedback.
I'll use it only when I want you to test something :)
By Gaëlle Morin on 2019-11-26T12:39:42 (imported from GitLab project)