I am not sure clicking on project to access list of all projects is good
To me, clicking on project on the left menu should collapse the list.
We should then have another system to access list of projects and circle. Would need to work on that to make it clear
@sophie Just a suggestion, can be bad or good don't know, but what if we don't make the left menu things collapsible but we put a (+) button to create or join a Project, Circle, Chat with an user? Don't know what should it show, maybe a modal?
Yes I think you are right slack doesn't collapse menu lists.
So I have replaced the collapsing icon by an arrow. It leads to the administration page of the projects where user can see list of projects, join or leave them. It will be exactly the same for circles.
Do we keep private and open circles/projects ? I think we should.
For private channels, I have included an "ask for invite" button. This could send an invite to the channel chat as an invite and anyone in the channel can accept or decline it. What do you think about it ?
@alexandre there is a link on the arrow to the administration project page on every page except on the project page of course :)
You are right, I think you can see private channels only if you are part of it, otherwise it's hidden.
And if it's hidden then you can't ask for invite. Administrator will have to invite you through the information page of the channel :
I guess it makes senses for a public circle. We should probably create a dedicated issue for that as it is a completely different subject.
I'm not sure how this should be implemented from a technical point of view. One option would be for Prosody to send a notification to an unsubscribed user, and have an agent that adds the user in the group whenever this notification is received. We probably need some brainstorming to decide what is the best option.