Nickname change
Users can change their nickname, which is a serious issue with our use case. This should be blocked.
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- Owner
If you can't change your nickname yourself, you can't join groupchat who contains user with the same name as you.
Let say :
- Jacques D lives on Paris.
- Jacques C lives on Mexico.
- #sib-is-awesome is a MUC on Paris.
- Jacques & Jacques username is "jacques" on their respective servers.
- First Jacques on #sib-is-awesome can join. Second can't.
- Author Maintainer
in startinblox/components/sib-chat#74 I suggested that we use jabberIDs as nicknames, and display the full name
- Owner
For now, we're setting it there :
We can change it for
but we'll still face the same problem.Also it seems that conversejs show the name from the vcard, so the one showed on the MUC can be overwrited by the one prosody serve. @pierredelacroix Any way to include it on the vcard ? If it's already on, we could just put anything unique on nickname & only use the petname from VCard.
- Author Maintainer
Cool, please add any comment on the other issue if you have
- Owner is more a visual issue.
It's not the same problem. Whatever you decide on, the problem here is the same.
- Author Maintainer
Yes but if we separate the display and the technical one, then I guess there's no drawback at using the jid as a technical nickname.
- Ghost User assigned to @jbpasquier
assigned to @jbpasquier
By Alexandre on 2019-09-06T09:39:32 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User changed milestone to %Projects part I
changed milestone to %Projects part I
By Alexandre on 2019-09-06T09:39:37 (imported from GitLab project)
- Jean-Baptiste Pasquier closed
- Contributor
I do agree JID is the shit for a unique identifier
By Alexandre on 2019-09-06T09:47:17 (imported from GitLab project)