It seems good @sophie :)
@alexandre I think I will work on the tables with Fred to make something that is as modular as possible (I see content that changes places depending on the screen resolution).
This will also provide a good basis for opening an issue on the complexity of making tables with StartinBlox with a very concrete example.
By Gaëlle Morin on 2019-11-28T18:28:02 (imported from GitLab project)
@alexandre, @sophie, @sylvain I talked to Fred.
We have divided the page into two elements because there is a lot of work to do:
the header
the content.
For now, we'd focus on the header.
It is necessary to rework its display on mobile phones and find the right breakpoints.
It remains the menus and other toggles:
the bell: the details of the notifications will be done later because I don't have the mock-ups for desktop display.
Mobile mock-up is different from the data displayed.
the search field: the filter is not functional so this view will be stylized later.
the user and burger menus will be displayed and stylized on mobile phones.
We estimated the working time at 1.5 days, the menu with the photo + name that appears/disappears requiring a slight adjustment. That's the worst-case estimate.
Two questions are remaining:
Is the horizontal scroll be only on the table or the whole page?
In the notification menu, why is there a name in purple?
By Gaëlle Morin on 2019-12-05T16:55:35 (imported from GitLab project)
Is the horizontal scroll be only on the table or the whole page?
yes only in the table
In the notification menu, why is there a name in purple?
You mean this one ?
If yes then here when user tag me in a circle/project, I receive a notification that appears like this.
the bell: the details of the notifications will be done later because I don't have the mock-ups for desktop display.
You can now see on this page the notification pop up :
There 4 kind of notifications :
your are tagged in a circle or project
you receive a direct message
You have been invited to a circle
You have been invited to a project
You have been promoted Administrator of a circle/project
You have been excluded from the circle/project xxxx
@alexandre @jbpasquier@sylvain There are some differences between the model and the component. How do we handle them (data are different, the HTML structure is not the same, invitations not yet visible, etc)?
By Gaëlle Morin on 2019-12-06T11:11:05 (imported from GitLab project)
You may still feel a bad experience on mobile as we still have performance issues, fixes will come as soon as possible. If you leave the app entirely load, it may be OK.