authorization page template
The authorization page, after login, is not understandable for most users. We should redesign it.
Edit @christophehenry:
- design (startinblox/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp-project!19)
- support client name in (startinblox/framework/sib-oidc!19)
- support client name in third-party library (
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Is this a SIB app issue, of a issue?
By Alexandre on 2019-10-07T10:46:35 (imported from GitLab project)
- Author Maintainer
Yes, it's probably an oidc issue but I was reporting it as a user
- Ghost User assigned to @christophehenry
assigned to @christophehenry
By Alexandre on 2019-10-07T10:48:31 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User changed milestone to %Projects part I
changed milestone to %Projects part I
By Alexandre on 2019-10-07T10:48:41 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
@christophehenry : At the moment, the lib returns something like:
Request for Permission Client 1c101c8cadc84b07a350c7b521b8df57 would like to access this information of you ... Decline - Authorize
Could we at least replace
Client 1c101c8cadc84b07a350c7b521b8df57
by a name we would give to the app? @bleme might know. Do not hesitate to ask him. I just sent you his number.By Alexandre on 2019-10-07T10:53:49 (imported from GitLab project)
- Author Maintainer
A little bit of colors could also help :)
- Contributor
But bells and jingles is @gaelleM's realm
By Alexandre on 2019-10-07T12:01:54 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
But bells and jingles is @gaelleM's realm
Let's still have a default design on this page. Just so that I don't get the impression of going back to 1995 each time I login. It wasn't much of an interesting year anyway.
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-08T09:33:40 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
Ok, well, Django template is actually correct:
<p>Client <strong>{{ }}</strong> would like to access this information of you ...</p>
It is just that the name is actually a generated ID in the DB:
So it's something that is missing during the client creation in the implicit flow.
I dig it.
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-08T10:12:03 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
Ok, here is where I ended up:
- currently, on the web page, the client name is presented, not client ID,
- this client name is configurable, this is supported by SIB's custom
, - the bad news is client registration is handled by the
third-party library which is not compilent with the OpenID spec since it doesn't fully handle client registration request payload defined in spec, only a part of it, - this means I now have to test my theory and open a PR upstream.
Beware of the fun down the road!
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-08T15:43:46 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
@christophehenry : Excellent news.
The lead dev of the lib is Ruben Verborgh. We know him rather well. Do not hesitate to contact him beforehand to synchronize on the change. It is always easier to get your PR merged when preceded by a diplomatic call explaining what's the problem and the indented modification.
I am trying to find his number. His email is
By Alexandre on 2019-10-09T09:52:56 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
Well I do not find his number. Ping him by email.
By Alexandre on 2019-10-09T09:55:11 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
@alexandre Got it.
I can confirm the problem. I'll open the PR this afternoon.By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-09T10:58:53 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
I opened solid-auth-client!134 upstream and sib-oidc!19 to solve the client name problem. Now I go for styling.
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-09T14:00:36 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
@christophehenry : Cool. I'd take the time to join Ruben if you haven't done so already. I am not sure he would merge a PR with so little context. A bit of diplomacy would help for sure.
By Alexandre on 2019-10-09T21:56:00 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
I already did by mail. But I doub't I'll get an answer by this mean. The guy seems pretty busy. Wait and see.
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-14T10:34:46 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User changed the description
changed the description
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-11T08:20:50 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
For the record, status here is waiting for an answer of Dmitri and ... I forgot his name, after Ruben put us in contact with them. I'll UP them.
By Alexandre on 2019-10-14T10:34:46 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User mentioned in commit 4ded6401
mentioned in commit 4ded6401
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-15T13:48:04 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User mentioned in merge request !72 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !72 (merged)
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-15T13:48:37 (imported from GitLab project)
- Jean-Baptiste Pasquier mentioned in commit 3625cad5
mentioned in commit 3625cad5
- Ghost User marked the task design (startinblox/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp-project!19) as completed
marked the task design (startinblox/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp-project!19) as completed
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-16T09:45:29 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User marked the task support client name in third-party library ( as completed
marked the task support client name in third-party library ( as completed
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-16T09:45:41 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
Everything ok on our side. There's only upstream MR missing.
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-16T14:09:40 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
I pinged them again hoping to get an answer this time. The third time might be the one ;-)
By Alexandre on 2019-10-16T14:09:40 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User marked the task support client name in third-party library ( as incomplete
marked the task support client name in third-party library ( as incomplete
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-17T13:08:50 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User marked the task support client name in (startinblox/framework/sib-oidc!19) as completed
marked the task support client name in (startinblox/framework/sib-oidc!19) as completed
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-17T13:08:51 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User marked the task support client name in third-party library ( as completed
marked the task support client name in third-party library ( as completed
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-23T08:12:26 (imported from GitLab project)
- Contributor
My PR was merged so closing this.
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-23T08:12:59 (imported from GitLab project)
- Ghost User closed
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-23T08:12:59 (imported from GitLab project)