@alexandre @jbpasquier Archive means desactivate the channel and keep it for history, somewhere in the administration panel with the possibility to read messages and reopen the channel. I didn't design those pages on first sprint of work. Do you need it now ?
I think we do need it, unless it is too time consuming for you. But it would help for everybody to understand exactly what is different when the Circle is Archived.
@jbpasquier: I think the main difference is that it stops appearing on the left hand side column. You can still access it via the administration panel though.
@sophie: Who can dearchive a public Circle? and a private Circle?
By Alexandre on 2019-10-28T08:53:27 (imported from GitLab project)
@alexandre @jbpasquier
I have worked a bit on the administration panels
Here is the Archives section : https://invis.io/3POVGBKAQD8#/390675420_Archives
After all allowing user to read an archive sounds tricky in terms of navigation if we want to give access to more the just the chat. Might be easier to just ask user to unarchive in order to go through it.
Administrator only can unarchive public and private circle.
Yes when circle is archived, it desappear from side bar and appear in the administration panel
I have also changed a bit the search bar and table styles of all administration panel. Hope it's fine by you.
Don't we want the archived Circles and Project at the end of the search results in the administration sections?
Might make them easier to find.
I am not fighting against the additional Archives section but it feels to me we'll never go into it. Might be what we want not to bloat the administration panel with useless Projects and Circles though. Just asking :)
By Alexandre on 2019-10-28T11:08:04 (imported from GitLab project)
I don't really understand why we mix projects and circles here. What will happen when we add new kinds of contents? I feel like we're mixing carots and potatoes. Maybe we are too much influenced by the chat use case.
@alexandre @jbpasquier@sylvain Can someone tell me how to create the leave/archive/ask for invite/join button using the framework? The only example I found is leave using sib-delete.
By Christophe Henry on 2019-10-28T15:12:53 (imported from GitLab project)