If it's only this single one on a short run & if the one-to-one chat works we could make the color/branding as simple as possible (aka. changing page title, color variables + logo & that's all).
If you want more work we have to discuss on. If it's ok, deadline seems OK.
We may need an alwaysdata instance for that too.
That's only branding but it could be nice to have a .startinblox.com instead of a .happy-dev.fr, no? :)
Yes it's just a matter of changing the logo. The main question is about the performance and stability. We have to make sure we have the right quality by then.
@sylvain: That's harder to forsee. Stability we can almost guarantee as the platform is rather stable so far, except when we upgrade stuff which we can avoid doing on their instance. Performance is very framework dependant and I have little visibility over what's causing the issues at the moment but investigation is on.
By Alexandre on 2019-10-25T09:07:37 (imported from GitLab project)
At this time I don't think it's necessary. Actually I'm not sure why this issue is assigned to you. I think it's more on the app and the framework that it's critical.
@sylvain : That's in place yes. I get notified everytime a new feature is shipped on staging by the team so that it gets tested the same day. This is probably not flawless but should decrease the amount of regressions we were getting so far.
Perfomance discussion is on its way as you know :-)
By Alexandre on 2019-10-25T09:34:59 (imported from GitLab project)
@plup : This issue is assigned to you because I wanted to know if we were able to deploy automatically thanks to sib-manager, or if not, and at which level what the customization of the app happening, during the deployment process or at a later stage.
By Alexandre on 2019-10-25T09:41:23 (imported from GitLab project)
The only thing stopping me to say for sure that we can deploy it with the sib manager is the stability issue between the manager and the ldp modules. I don't know where the problem is exactly. JB can't reproduce it and I'll investigate tomorrow.
I can easily try to deploy it automatically and we finish it manually if something gets wrong.
By Plup on 2019-10-25T11:46:54 (imported from GitLab project)
@sylvain: Following our discussion regarding app maintenance, do you still think we should have a dedicated repo? My fear is that it quickly becomes unmaintainable if we have one git repo per instance. That's mostly a gut feeling but I'd tend to set logo and colors as parameters of the app rather than a git repo.
What do you think?
By Alexandre on 2019-10-25T16:24:13 (imported from GitLab project)
I think our value differenciation is on the autonomy you have on your app. If you have a standard app where you can only edit the color and the logo, we don't bring more value than Slack.
So I'd start with an autonomous repo for Smart, and take care of the problem you raise by adding more modularity as discussed today.
That said, we can still make the logo configurable so that all the Happy Dev cells can share the same code base.
I am not battling for this, and the repo solution might be the right one.
Eventually, the client should probably decide though.
My gut feeling is that good UX prevails over the will for autonomy. If we deliver full autonomy with a poor UX, I don't think they will like our value proposition. That's what I fear. That if they are not plugged onto the cutting edge app with the latest cool features, they'll conclude the app sucks.
I understand your point about modularity and agree with it but here we are talking about the app's repo so... I am a bit worried. Twice in a single day: what is happening to me?!
By Alexandre on 2019-10-25T17:23:52 (imported from GitLab project)