Manually suffixed jid with -smarttoulouse to avoid conflicts with test-paris
Added subscriptions
Re-deploy client with the right branch. I don't know what was published, but that's not the current smart-toulouse branch
packages.yml - jabberid settings are wrong
Client name on config.json (Currently Sib App)
As circles jid is managed by the server, I can't fix Circles without fixing packages.yml
By the way, @alexandre we still can't configure them with their own jid? Because, when they'll migrate to, they'll lose all their chat history & will have to change every users jids manually then recreate circles.
@jbpasquier Roger. Can you synchronize with @plup regarding re-deploy on the relevant branch? I actually told him to deploy staging, I forgot a dedicated branch was needed here.
Regarding dedicated jid domain name, we are hoping @MattJ sticks his head above water soon but so far, he is not responding :) I had closed that one, but you're right that it should ideally been taken care of. It all depends on our good friend's availability here :)
By Alexandre on 2019-11-21T13:30:14 (imported from GitLab project)
You've set up new domains without my help before - is there anything you specifically need from me? I can hopefully look at stuff tomorrow, but I don't want you guys blocked on me if it's just trivial stuff.
By Matthew Wild on 2019-11-21T14:01:34 (imported from GitLab project)
@MattJ : We used to have Pierre helping on that. He isn't any more. At the moment you are the only one in charge of XMPP stuff. I believe that's enough, one day a week sounds good enough for our need at the moment I'd say.
For those "trivial stuff", might be smart indeed that you document somewhere how to do it, so that @plup or @jbpasquier or @christophehenry or @calummackervoy can also take care of it.
By Alexandre on 2019-11-21T14:04:19 (imported from GitLab project)
I updated subscription, you were right they were still on test-paris.
Anyway, it does not the job, still no working MUC with the same error.
It seems that we have the same problem on test-paris.
Is there any errors on subscriptions on or
If no, I will need @dele to get more information on what's wrong.
Hi @jbpasquier
I think i've broken the chat again... As i've seen it worked i assume all of it was fixed, so i've done some cosmetic change in usernames form boriss to Boris-S for exemple.
As "-" is in the list of accepted caracters I wasn't worried...
But now it's impossible to acces cirles. I've an error in the console on GET.
I've change the user name again to boriss but it appear that it still try to load form the previous id (Boris-S)
See screenshot below
By Boris Séguy on 2019-11-27T12:29:07 (imported from GitLab project)
@BorisSeguy You are right, it seems that Django overrides allowed chars on usernames, it seams that I also lost access to the admin, I'll get a look at as soon as possible.
This issue was the thread getting stuck if you sent an invalid JID. In this case "invalid" means either the JID of the circle was null, or it did not end with
This error was returned to the original request made to Prosody. Subsequent requests to update smart-toulouse circles would fail.
I fixed the issue, added some logging (so we can see what the invalid JID is) and I reloaded the module.
By Matthew Wild on 2019-11-27T17:25:00 (imported from GitLab project)