@user-name doesn't fonction in a newly created circle
How is it now?
After a starting a discussion in a Circle, I've decided to create a new one for clarity reasons.
I've created the new circle and added all the users at once. To ping a user about the new palce for a discussion I've tried to mention him by @user-name. But even if all the members are register in the newly created circle (I see them in UI and in the Django Admin) I cannot ping him. The only user I'm able to ping is myself.
How should it be?
When a user is a member of a circle we can ping it with @user-name and he should see a notification.
Steps to reproduce
- Create a circle
- In circle admin add all the members even if the UI Doesn't update
- reload the page (F5) to see all the users in the cicle admin page
- Try to ping with @user-name a newly added member of the Circle