RequestResourceInfo :Can't find a resource you are looking for? You need resources to acquire certain skills or progress in your cooperative development? It can be a book, a document template, a tutorial, anything you need, make a request to our contributors to let them know how to help you.
ResourceIsNotValidated:Resource is not validated and improvement is suggested. The contributor gets a list of improvements to edit and re-post the resource. It will go through the validation process again.
ResourceReportedInapropriate:Resource is reported inappropriate. The contributor gets a notification with a message from the peer reviewer explaning why.
ResourceReportedInapropriate:Resource is reported inappropriate. The contributor gets a notification with a message from the peer reviewer explaning why.
ThanksMsg:Once one peer reviewer, a fellow contributor, validates your resource, it will be published online and the system will send you a notification.
Classification :Classification
Classification :Classification
AuthorReq :Resource author*
AuthorReq :Resource author*
SkillReq :"Learningoutcomes,skills*"
SkillReq :Learning outcomes, skills*
IframeLink:For videos, insert iframe link
UploadPreviewImage:Upload preview image
UploadPreviewImage:Upload preview image
AddTags:Add tags
AddTags:Add tags
ResourceTargetReq:Resource target*
ResourceTargetReq:Resource target*
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ ExplainReasonsRefusal: Explain reasons of refusal*
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ ExplainReasonsRefusal: Explain reasons of refusal*
IAmContributor:I am a contributor
IAmContributor:I am a contributor
IAmSearcher:I am a searcher
IAmSearcher:I am a searcher
RequestIntro:The resources listed bellow were requested by searchers. By posting related resources you will help the cooperative community and enrich the database.
RequestIntro:The resources listed bellow were requested by searchers. By posting related resources you will help the cooperative community and enrich the database.
DescriptionRequestEntrepreneur :"Howcanwehelp?"
DescriptionRequestEntrepreneur :How can we help?
WhatIsAContributor :A contributor feeds the database and is part of the validation process of the resources.
WhatIsAContributor :A contributor feeds the database and is part of the validation process of the resources.
WhatIsASearcher :A searcher uses the database and can post requests for new resources.
WhatIsASearcher :A searcher uses the database and can post requests for new resources.
AboutField :The fields you choose here must be related to your own field of expertise. Resources available for validation will be filtered based on that selection. The same thing is true regarding the languages you select here.
AboutField :The fields you choose here must be related to your own field of expertise. Resources available for validation will be filtered based on that selection. The same thing is true regarding the languages you select here.
AboutYouExplanation :These information will appear on your profile to inform searchers about your skills and activities. We will also use those information to define which resources you are best suited to validate.
AboutYouExplanation :These information will appear on your profile to inform searchers about your skills and activities. We will also use those information to define which resources you are best suited to validate.