Remove every reference to http://localhost in coopstarter.js
There are at least two references to our local devs environment in the coopstarter.js file
See the language selection method:
* Manage the select language
function manageSelectLanguage() {
const languageSelects = document.getElementsByClassName("languageChoice")
for (let item of languageSelects) {
item.addEventListener("change", function() {
//We listen the selected option for the language
uriLanguage = item.querySelector("option:checked").value
//We retrieve element of the url
var pathAfterThePrefix = window.location.pathname.split('/')[2];
var base_url =
//If the selected language is french
if (uriLanguage === '{"@id": "http://localhost:8000/languages/1/"}') {
//Redirection with the appropriate prefixe.
var redirect = "http://"+base_url+'/fr/'+pathAfterThePrefix
document.location.href = redirect
} else {
var redirect = "http://"+base_url+'/en/'+pathAfterThePrefix
document.location.href = redirect
And this one:
function InitManagementForType() {
var forms = document.querySelectorAll(".resource_by_step");
forms.forEach(form => {
e => {
window.setTimeout(() => {
let type_hidden_field = form.querySelectorAll('select[name="type"]');
type_hidden_field.forEach(function(select_hidden) {
options_hidden = select_hidden.getElementsByTagName("option");
for (let option_hidden of options_hidden) {
if (option_hidden.value == '{"@id": "http://localhost:8000/types/1/"}') {
//Actually selecting the option if it is the good one
option_hidden.setAttribute("selected", "selected");
select_hidden.setAttribute("value", option_hidden.value);
//Trigerring a reload of the associated form
let parent_form = select_hidden.closest("sib-form");
It should be replaced by substr checks on the proper resources IDs so it can work on other environments than dev.