Custom external HTTP upload integration
One DjangoLDP server? This one will need to create a conversejs plugin that needs to works with sib file upload.
Multiple DjangoLDP server? Same as above, but with the server of the user
Prosody server? This one needs to implement mod_http_upload (XEP-0363) on Prosody server.
Adding a static field
which point tohttp.../upload/
to every users, depending on the presence ofDjangoLDP Uploader
+DjangoLDP Account
: 30 tokens by @jbpasquier - Prosody Module which consume the webid and use this field per user to upload file: 85 tokens by @MattJ
- Converse: Un-hide the send file button: ? tokens by @manv
- DjangoLDP Uploader part, need an upgrade by support team. 75 tokens
- Converse: Few tokens (TBA) from @jbpasquier / @MattJ 25 tokens
Total : 235 tokens.
Old accounting Protocol