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Commit e8881f3f authored by Benoit Alessandroni's avatar Benoit Alessandroni
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Merge branch 'feature/change-subscriptions' into 'master'

fixing: the user subscription

See merge request !57
parents bdb1aa96 895ea8d5
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1 merge request!57fixing: the user subscription
Pipeline #17719 passed with stage
in 30 seconds
......@@ -35,16 +35,14 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
# Allow us to manage general information about circles and projects like name, jabberIDs, description, etc.
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/circles/", inbox=xmpp + "/conference." + jabber_host + "/startinblox_muc_admin", field=None)
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/projects/", inbox=xmpp + "/conference." + jabber_host + "/startinblox_muc_admin", field=None)
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/circles/", inbox=xmpp + "/conference." + jabber_host + "/startinblox_groups_muc_admin", field=None)
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/projects/", inbox=xmpp + "/conference." + jabber_host + "/startinblox_groups_muc_admin", field=None)
# The management of circle and projets members now comes from management of groups
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/groups/", inbox=xmpp + "/conference." + jabber_host + "/startinblox_groups_muc_members_admin", field=None)
# Allow us to manage general information about users, like their names, jabberID, avatars, etc.
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/users/", inbox=xmpp + "/" + jabber_host + "/happydev_user_admin", field=None)
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/profiles/", inbox=xmpp + "/" + jabber_host + "/happydev_user_admin", field="user")
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/chatprofiles/", inbox=xmpp + "/" + jabber_host + "/happydev_user_admin", field="user")
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/accounts/", inbox=xmpp + "/" + jabber_host + "/happydev_user_admin", field="user")
Subscription.objects.get_or_create(object=host+"/users/", inbox=xmpp + "/" + jabber_host + "/startinblox_groups_user_admin", field=None)
# When we change an information about the user (like avatar and so on) we want to notify prosody
self.stdout.write("Successfully created subscriptions\nhost: "+host+"\nxmpp server: "+xmpp+"\njabber host: "+jabber_host))
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