@@ -139,12 +139,6 @@ In the following example, besides the urls `/members/` and `/members/<pk>/`, two
From the 0.5 we added permissions check by default on every route, so you may encounter 400 errors code on your POST requests. You can disable those checks by specifying the permission_classes as an empty array in our URLs files.
## Custom Meta options on models
@@ -162,51 +156,39 @@ class MyModel(models.Model):
Now when an instance of `MyModel` is saved, its `author_user` property will be set to the current user.
## permissions_classes
This allows you to add permissions for AnonymousUser, logged in user, author ... in the url:
Currently, there are 3 choices :
* ObjectPermission
* AnonymousReadOnly
* InboxPermissions
This allows you to add permissions for anonymous, logged in user, author ... in the url:
By default `LDPPermissions` is used.
Specific permissin classes can be developed to fit special needs.
ObjectPermission give permissions assign in the administration
## anonymous_perms, user_perms, author_perms
Those allow you to set permissions from your model's meta.
AnonymousReadOnly gives these permissions:
* Anonymous users: can read all posts
* Logged in users: can read all posts + create new posts
* Author: can read all posts + create new posts + update their own
You can give the following permission to them:
With inherit, Users can herit from Anons. Also Owners can herit from Users.
Eg. with this model Anons can view, Auths can add & Owners can edit & delete.