Take a ``name`` as an attribute and a HTML template, and create an HTML
custom element you can use as a widget. i.e.
.. code:: html
<!-- Your custom widget to display a customer... -->
<h2>Customer name: ${}</h2>
<!-- ... used in a solid-display -->
fields="name, customer"
In a ``solid-widget``, you have access to these values:
- ``id``: id of the displayed resource
- ``value``: all the values of the current resources
- ``name``: name of the current field
- ``label``: if defined, label of the current field
- ``range``: if defined, range of the current field
NB: Do not forget to define your custom template in a ``<template>``
tag. Otherwise, your widget will not be declared properly.
Special attribute which can be inserted in a ``<solid-form>`` or an ``<input>`` within a ``<solid-widget>``.
When set on an element in the widget, it takes the ``value`` of this element and associate it with the ``field`` targetted by the widget.
If this attribute is combined with ``data-src="${value}"`` on a ``<solid-form>`` in a widget, values from the nested resource are directly editable. It works only if ``value`` is a resource (and not if it's a literal).
It is usable to edit a nested resource (ie: a profile of a user, a customer of a project, ...) by creating a ``<solid-form>`` in a ``<solid-widget>``.
The ``value`` will be the ``@id`` of the nested resource, thus putting it in the ``data-src`` will create a form field on this nested resource.
It cannot be used without ``data-holder`` attribute.
The example below illustrates the input widget with and without ``value="${value}"``
(input's ``value="${value}"`` is equivalent to solid-form's ``data-src="${value}"``) :
.. code:: html
<solid-widget name="custom-form-widget-1">
<input type="text" data-holder />
<solid-widget name="custom-form-widget-2">
<input type="text" data-holder value="${value}" />
.. figure:: ../../_static/images/import_documentation/img-core-examples/data-holder-in-solid-widget.png
:alt: solid-widget with and without value="${value}" attribute