Get Started
Startin'blox is a front framework based on `official Web Component website <>`__ and `Linked Data conventions <>`__ to create interfaces compatible with the solid specifications.
- To know more about Startin'blox, have a look to `our website <>`__.
Try and learn Startin'blox
Startin'blox was designed to be modular. You can integrate only one component to an existing application or build an entire application in SiB. You are not supposed to master javascript to use the framework but as we are still in development, it is advisable to have some notions
Play with Startin'blox
To try the framework, you can play with
- `our demo <>`__.
- `our SiB builder <>`__.
Add a SiB components to a website
You can easily and quickly add a component to an existing application juste adding a script and a tag. We are currently working on making integration even easier with WordPress plugins.
=> `How to integrate a component ? <Use-a-component-alone-in-an-existing-application/>`__
Build an application with SiB
You'll find in the framework everything you need to build an entiere application. To start a project in SiB, you just need a simple HTML file, add framework scripts and put tags.
=> `How to build a full application ? <build-full-application/>`__
The glossary contains an overview of the most commonly used terms in the documentation.
=> `Have a look on the glossary ? <Glossary/>`__
Get involved
Startin'blox is a young technology. If you want to participate in its development you can create components or look at the core of the framework.
Create your components
The components we develop tend to be as close as possible to `last standards <>`__ in web. The objective is to build a library of reusable components to facilitate further development.
What redundant functionality in web applications would you be interested in having available?
=> `How to create your own components ? <How-to-make-components/>`__
Go deeper in the framework
If you want to go further in the understanding of the framework, a developper documentation is dedicated to it.
=> `See the developper documentation <>`__
Give us feedbacks
The best thing you can do to help us in the development of startin'blox is to share your feedback, bug reports and suggestions. If needed, have a look on `our contribution guidelines <Contribution-guidelines/>`__
=> `Come chat with us! <>`__
=> `Open an issue <>`__
Something is missing ?
`Let's us know <>`__ !