Alice Poggioli authoredAlice Poggioli authored
Build a full app with SiB
With the core of the framework and some offical components, we'll be able to build a full app in SiB.
1. Import the core of Startin’blox
To start, simply import the core in your HTML file:
2. Use core components
You can now freely use all the component included in the core.
For the example we are going to build a directory.
The form and the display are connected to the same data sources. When you add people by the form, it will be rendered by the display.
=> More information about Sib-form
=> More information about Sib-display
=> See all the core components
3. Use official components
Let's assume we want to add a menu to our app. We're gonna add the router component sib-router
=> More information about Sib-Router
=> See all the official components
=> Try this example in the demo
4. Authentification
This part is missing
5. Manage permissions
This part is missing
Something is missing ?