@@ -20,64 +36,44 @@ This component uses the following mixins:
* :ref:`validation-mixin <validation-mixin>`
* :ref:`widget-mixin <widget-mixin>`
Please check their documentation to know more about their capabilities.
Please refer to their documentation for more details about their capabilities.
Specific attributes
List of the fields used to create the form (by default, all of them are used).
.. _autocomplete-field-sf:
*Available from version 0.15*
More details on its use below (in **widget-mixin attributes**).
When set to ``off``, it disables the automatic entry of values in the specified ``[field]``.
This attribute can be added to ``inputs``, ``textarea`` and ``select``.
.. _label-field-sf:
When displaying a form, the default labels are the fields names of the model.
If you want something fancier, you can set this attribute.
i.e. ``label-username="Your name"``
.. _naked:
When the attribute is set, the submit button will be
removed. It’s particularly useful to prevent the nested forms to
display their own submit button.
.. _autosave:
*Available from version 0.16*
.. _upload-url-field:
URL to upload file for field ``[field]``, it
automatically set ``widget-[field]`` to ``solid-form-file`` if net defined.
It’s particularly useful with a dropdown field.
If this attribute is defined, each change in an input will trigger a request to update the resource.
This attribute works only when editing resources, not creating them.
.. _submit-button-sf:
Text of the submit button of the form.
.. _class-submit-button-sf:
Define the ``class`` of the ``div`` containing the submit button.
.. _range-field-sf:
URL of a container which list the accepted values
for the field ``[field]``. It’s particularly useful with a dropdown
.. _enum-field-sf:
*Available from version 0.13*
List of values of your choice for the field ``[field]``.
They have to be filled manually and must be separated by commas.
It’s particularly useful with a dropdown or radio field.
Specifies a list of values for the specified ``[field]``.
These values must be be filled manually and separated by commas.
This is particularly useful for dropdown or radio fields.
Two formats are possible:
* ``enum-[field]="value 1, value 2, value 3"`` : each value will be displayed
@@ -86,95 +82,127 @@ Define the ``class`` of the ``div`` containing the submit button.
* ``enum-[field]="value1 = a, value2 = b, value3 = c"``: each value will be displayed
and "a", "b", "c" will be loaded in value attribute.
Specifies the list of fields used to create the form. By default, all fields are used.
More details can be found in the **widget-mixin attributes** section
.. _label-field-sf:
When displaying a form, the default labels are the field names of the model.
To customize a label, use this attribute, i.e. ``label-username="Your name"``
.. _max-field:
Specifies the maximum value for the specified ``[field]``.
This attribute works only with ``solid-form-number`` and ``solid-form-time`` widgets.
.. _maxlength-field:
*Available from version 0.16*
Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be typed for the specified ``[field]``.
This attribute works only with ``solid-form-text``, ``solid-form-email`` or ``solid-form-password`` and ``solid-form-textarea`` widgets.
.. _min-field:
Specifies the minimum value for the specified ``[field]``.
This attribute works only with ``solid-form-number`` and ``solid-form-time`` widgets.
.. _minlength-field:
*Available from version 0.16*
Specifies the minimum number of characters that can be typed for the specified ``[field]``.
This attribute works only with ``solid-form-text``, ``solid-form-email`` or ``solid-form-password`` and ``solid-form-textarea`` widgets.
.. _naked:
When set, this attribute removes the submit button. This is particularly useful to prevent the nested forms to
display their own submit button.
.. _order-asc-field:
.. _order-desc-field:
``order-asc-[field]`` or ``order-desc-[field]``
Name of the field used to order the range list ``[field]``.
Specifies the field used to order the range list ``[field]``.
i.e. ``order-asc-users="username"``
.. _partial:
Add this attribute when the form does not include
all the fields of the resource to update.
.. _required-field:
Add this attribute to make the ``[field]`` required by adding the ``required`` attribute to the input.
Use this attribute when the form does not include all the fields of the resource that you want to update.
This indicates that only the provided fields should be updated, leaving the unspecified fields unchanged.
.. _min-field:
Add this attribute for the field ``[field]`` to define its minimum value.
It works only with ``solid-form-number`` and ``solid-form-time`` widgets.
.. _max-field:
Add this attribute for the field ``[field]`` to define its maximum value.
It works only with ``solid-form-number`` and ``solid-form-time`` widgets.
.. _pattern-field:
*Available from version 0.13*
Add this attribute for the field ``[field]`` to define a regular expression to check the input's value.
It works only with a ``solid-form-text`` widget.
ASpecifies a regular expression to validate the input's value for the specified ``[field]``.
This attribute works only with a ``solid-form-text`` widget.
.. _title-field:
.. _range-field-sf:
*Available from version 0.13*
Specifies the URL of a container that lists the accepted values for the specified ``[field]``.
This is particularly useful with a dropdown field.
Add this attribute for the field ``[field]`` to precise extra information about an element.
It works only with a ``solid-form-text`` widget.
.. _autocomplete-field-sf:
*Available from version 0.15*
.. _required-field:
Makes the specified ``[field]`` required by adding the ``required`` attribute to the input.
Equal to the value ``off``, it cancels the automatic entry of values in the relevant ``[field]``.
It can be added to ``inputs``, ``textarea`` and ``select``.
.. _autosave:
.. _step-field:
*Available from version 0.16*
If the attribute is defined, each change in an input will trigger a request to update the resource.
This attribute works only when editing resources, not creating them.
Specifies the stepping interval number for the specified ``[field]`` based on the ``min-[field]`` value. This attribute works with:
- ``solid-form-time`` widget : The value is given in seconds (default value is 60).
- ``solid-form-number`` widget : The default value is 1.
.. _maxlength-field:
*Available from version 0.16*
.. _submit-button-sf:
Specifies the text of the form's submit button.
Add this attribute for the field ``[field]`` to define the maximum number of characters that can be typed.
It works only with ``solid-form-text``, ``solid-form-email`` or ``solid-form-password`` and ``solid-form-textarea`` widgets.
.. _minlength-field:
*Available from version 0.16*
.. _title-field:
*Available from version 0.13*
Add this attribute for the field ``[field]`` to define the minimum number of characters that can be typed.
It works only with ``solid-form-text``, ``solid-form-email`` or ``solid-form-password`` and ``solid-form-textarea`` widgets.
Adds extra information about the specified ``[field]``.
This attribute works only with a ``solid-form-text`` widget.
.. _step-field:
*Available from version 0.16*
Add this attribute for the field ``[field]`` to define the stepping interval number to use as constraint validation. Its based on the ``min-[field]`` value.
It works with :
- ``solid-form-time`` widget : Its value is given in seconds (default value is 60).
- ``solid-form-number`` widget : Its default value is 1.
.. _upload-url-field:
Specifies the URL to upload a file for the specified ``[field]``. This attribute automatically sets
``widget-[field]`` to ``solid-form-file`` if not defined.
This is particularly useful with a dropdown field.