@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Get started with the DjangoLDP server
What is behind the DjangoLDP server ?
Startin'Blox is a front framework, based on a server named `DjangoLDP <https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp/>`__ and based on `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`__.The DjangoLDP server is adapted to be compatible with Linked Datas convention.
Startin'Blox is a front framework, based on a server named `DjangoLDP <https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp/>`__ and based on `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`__.The DjangoLDP server is adapted to be compatible with Linked Data's convention.
As a reminder and as specified in :ref:`Startin'Blox presentation <sib-presentation>`, Startin'Blox is data source agnostic,
i.e. it adapts to data sources that are compatible with the Linked Data Platform conventions.