It can be import by a simple script in a html file and provide you basics functionalities like making a form, display datas, a map, a calendar etc..
It can be imported by a simple script in a html file and provides you basics functionalities like making a form, displaying data, a map, a calendar etc..
In the Startin'blox philosophy, the logic of the data processing is done on the front side.
Extended features components
Components are web components that conrespond to functionalities that you can easily add to existing applications. Startin'blox creates components according to its uses but in the future we encourage the development of community components.
Components are web components that correspond to functionalities that you can easily add to existing applications. Startin'blox creates components according to its uses but in the future we encourage the development of community components.
For example, Sib-Directory provide you a skills directory of your users.
For example, Sib-Directory provides you with a user directory that includes user skills.
Each components treat a specific shape of data. The validation of this shape is made on the server side.
Each component treats a specific shape of data. The validation of this shape is made on the server side.
A server solution
We offer a server solution based on the `Django framework <>`__ and adapted to be compatible with the Linked datas platform conventions, named DjangoLDP.
It is a simple architecture on which we can add LDP packages, corresponding to the different components used. Those are the ones that will do the work of validating the data of the application.
It is a simple architecture on which we can add LDP packages, corresponding to the different components used. Those are the ones that will do the work of validating the application data.