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update: apply pagination to actor and contribution models

Calum Mackervoy requested to merge pagination-views into dev

Updates these models to use LDPPagination, example usage http://localhost:8000/actors/?limit=1&offset=1

LDPPagination ultimately uses Rest Framework's LimitOffsetPagination, but places next and prev as Link headers (complete code below)

class LDPPagination(LimitOffsetPagination):
    def get_paginated_response(self, data):
        next_url = self.get_next_link()
        previous_url = self.get_previous_link()

        links = []
        for url, label in ((previous_url, 'prev'), (next_url, 'next')):
            if url is not None:
               links.append('<{}>; rel="{}"'.format(url, label))

        headers = {'Link': ', '.join(links)} if links else {}
        return Response(data, headers=headers)

For the front-end, this means that the next and previous pages can be found in the headers, and the response body is unchanged

Note also that if no limit or offset are included in the request parameters then it will not paginate the response

Edited by Calum Mackervoy

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