## Synopsis
This module is an add-on for Django REST Framework that serves a django model respecting the Linked Data Platform convention.
It aims at enabling people with little development skills to serve their own data, to be used with a LDP application.
Building a Startin' Blox application? Read this:
## Requirements
* Django (known to work with django 1.11)
* Django Rest Framework
* django-guardian
* djangorestframework-guardian
$ pip install djangoldp
$ django-admin startproject myldpserver
# make sure all of your own apps are installed BEFORE DjangoLDP
IMPORTANT: DjangoLDP will register any models which haven't been registered, with the admin. As such it is important to add your own apps above DjangoLDP, so that you can use custom Admin classes if you wish
### User model requirements
When implementing authentication in your own application, you have two options:
* Using or extending [DjangoLDP-Account](, a DjangoLDP package modelling federated users
* Using your own user model & defining the authentication behaviour yourself
Please see the [Authentication guide]( for full information
If you're going to use your own model then for federated login to work your user model must extend `DjangoLDP.Model`, or define a `urlid` field on the user model, for example:
urlid = LDPUrlField(blank=True, null=True, unique=True)
If you don't include this field, then all users will be treated as users local to your instance
The `urlid` field is used to uniquely identify the user and is part of the Linked Data Protocol standard. For local users it can be generated at runtime, but for some resources which are from distant servers this is required to be stored
## Creating your first model
1. Create your django model inside a file myldpserver/myldpserver/
Note that container_path will be use to resolve instance iri and container iri
In the future it could also be used to auto configure django router (e.g.
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
deadline = models.DateTimeField()
By default it will be "todos/" with an S for model called Todo
<Model>._meta.container_path = "/my-path/"
Note that at this stage you can limit access to certain fields of models using
<Model>._meta.serializer_fields (<>list of field names to show>)
For example, if you have a model with a related field with type **django.contrib.auth.models.User** you don't want to show personal details or password hashes.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
User._meta.serializer_fields = ('username','first_name','last_name')
Rob Atkinson
Note that this will be overridden if you explicitly set the fields= parameter as an argument to LDPViewSet.urls(), and filtered if you set the excludes= parameter.
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib import admin
url(r'^', include('djangoldp.urls')),
url(r'^admin/',, # Optional
This creates 2 routes for each Model, one for the list, and one with an ID listing the detail of an object.
You could also only use this line in instead:
ROOT_URLCONF = 'djangoldp.urls'
3. In the file, add your application name at the beginning of the application list, and add the following lines
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR), 'static')
SITE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000'
* `LDP_RDF_CONTEXT` tells DjangoLDP where our RDF [ontology]( is defined, which will be returned as part of our views in the 'context' field. This is a web URL and you can visit the value to view the full ontology online. The ontology can be a string, as in the example, but it can also be a dictionary, or a list of ontologies (see the [JSON-LD spec]( for examples)
* `DJANGOLDP_PACKAGES` defines which other [DjangoLDP packages]( we're using in this installation
* `SITE_URL` is the URL serving the site, e.g. ``. Note that if you include the DjangoLDP urls in a nested path (e.g. ``), then `SITE_URL` will need to be set to this value
* `BASE_URL` may be different from SITE_URL, e.g. ``
4. You can also register your model for the django administration site
from djangoldp.admin import DjangoLDPAdmin, DjangoLDPAdmin)
5. You then need to have your WSGI server pointing on myldpserver/myldpserver/
6. You will probably need to create a super user
$ ./ createsuperuser
7. If you have no CSS on the admin screens :
$ ./ collectstatic
To start the server, `cd` to the root of your Django project and run :
$ python3 runserver
## Using DjangoLDP
### Models
To use DjangoLDP in your models you just need to extend djangoldp.Model
The Model class allows you to use your models in federation, adding a `urlid` field, and some key methods useful in federation
If you define a Meta for your Model, you will [need to explicitly inherit Model.Meta]( in order to inherit the default settings, e.g. `default_permissions`
from djangoldp.models import Model, LDPMetaMixin
class Todo(Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class Meta(Model.Meta):
See "Custom Meta options" below to see some helpful ways you can tweak the behaviour of DjangoLDP
Your model will be automatically detected and registered with an LDPViewSet and corresponding URLs, as well as being registered with the Django admin panel. If you register your model with the admin panel manually, make sure to extend djangoldp.DjangoLDPAdmin so that the model is registered with [Django-Guardian object permissions]( An alternative version which extends Django's `UserAdmin` is available as djangoldp.DjangoLDPUserAdmin
Model `urlid`s can be **local** (matching `settings.SITE_URL`), or **external**
To maintain consistency between federated servers, [Activities]( such as Create, Update, Delete are sent to external resources referenced in a ForeignKey relation, instructing them on how to manage the reverse-links with the local server
This behaviour can be disabled in
It can also be disabled on a model instance
instance.allow_create_backlinks = False
### LDPManager
DjangoLDP Models override `models.Manager`, accessible by `Model.objects`
#### local()
For situations where you don't want to include federated resources in a queryset e.g.
Todo.objects.create(name='Local Todo')
Todo.objects.create(name='Distant Todo', urlid='')
Todo.objects.all() # query set containing { Local Todo, Distant Todo }
Todo.objects.local() # { Local Todo } only
For Views, we also define a FilterBackend to achieve the same purpose. See the section on ViewSets for this purpose
#### nested_fields()
returns a list of all nested field names for the model, built of a union of the model class' `nested_fields` setting, the to-many relations on the model, excluding all fields detailed by `nested_fields_exclude`
## LDPViewSet
DjangoLDP automatically generates ViewSets for your models, and registers these at urls, according to the settings configured in the model Meta (see below for options)
Can be used to use a slug in the url instead of the primary key.
LDPViewSet.urls(model=User, lookup_field='username')
list of ForeignKey, ManyToManyField, OneToOneField and their reverse relations. When a field is listed in this parameter, a container will be created inside each single element of the container.
In the following example, besides the urls `/members/` and `/members/<pk>/`, two other will be added to serve a container of the skills of the member: `/members/<pk>/skills/` and `/members/<pk>/skills/<pk>/`
## Filter Backends
To achieve federation, DjangoLDP includes links to objects from federated servers and stores these as local objects (see 1.0 - Models). In some situations, you will want to exclude these from the queryset of a custom view
To provide for this need, there is defined in `djangoldp.filters` a FilterBackend which can be included in custom viewsets to restrict the queryset to only objects which were created locally:
from djangoldp.filters import LocalObjectFilterBackend
class MyViewSet(..):
By default, LDPViewset applies filter backends from the `permission_classes` defined on the model (see 3.1 for configuration)
By default, `LDPViewSets` use another FilterBackend, `LocalObjectOnContainerPathBackend`, which ensures that only local objects are returned when the path matches that of the Models `container_path` (e.g. /users/ will return a list of local users). In very rare situations where this might be undesirable, it's possible to extend `LDPViewSet` and remove the filter_backend:
class LDPSourceViewSet(LDPViewSet):
model = LDPSource
filter_backends = []
Following this you will need to update the model's Meta to use the custom `view_set`:
class Meta:
view_set = LDPSourceViewSet
## Custom Meta options on models
### rdf_type
Indicates the type the model corresponds to in the ontology. E.g. where `'hd:circle'` is defined in an ontology from `settings.LDP_RDF_CONTEXT`
rdf_type = 'hd:circle'
### rdf_context
Sets added `context` fields to be serialized with model instances
rdf_context = {'picture': 'foaf:depiction'}
This property allows to associate a model with the logged in user.
class MyModel(models.Model):
author_user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)
class Meta:
auto_author = 'author_user'
Now when an instance of `MyModel` is saved, its `author_user` property will be set to the authenticated user.
### auto_author_field
Set this property to make the value of the `auto_author` field a property on the authenticated use.
class MyModel(models.Model):
author_user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)
class Meta:
auto_author = 'author_user'
auto_author_field = 'profile'
Now when an instance of `MyModel` is saved, its `author_user` property will be set to the **profile** of the authenticated user.
## permissions
Django-Guardian is used by default to support object-level permissions. Custom permissions can be added to your model using this attribute. See the [Django-Guardian documentation]( for more information
This allows you to add permissions for anonymous, logged in user, author ... in the url:
By default `LDPPermissions` is used.
Specific permissin classes can be developed to fit special needs.
Those allow you to set permissions from your model's meta.
You can give the following permission to them:
* `view`
* `add`
* `change`
* `control`
* `delete`
* `inherit`
With inherit, Users can herit from Anons. Also Owners can herit from Users.
Eg. with this model Anons can view, Auths can add & Owners can edit & delete.
Note that `owner_perms` need a `owner_field` meta that point the field with owner user.
from djangoldp.models import Model
class Todo(Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
deadline = models.DateTimeField()
user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)
anonymous_perms = ['view']
authenticated_perms = ['inherit', 'add']
owner_perms = ['inherit', 'change', 'control', 'delete']
Important note:
If you need to give permissions to owner's object, don't forget to add auto_author in model's meta
In case of custom viewset, you can use
from djangoldp.models import Model
class Todo(Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
deadline = models.DateTimeField()
class Meta:
view_set = TodoViewSet
See 3.1. Configure container path (optional)
### serializer_fields
from djangoldp.models import Model
class Todo(Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
deadline = models.DateTimeField()
class Meta:
serializer_fields = ['name']
Only `name` will be serialized
### serializer_fields_exclude
from djangoldp.models import Model
class Todo(Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
deadline = models.DateTimeField()
class Meta:
serializer_fields_exclude = ['name']
Only `deadline` will be serialized
This is achieved when `LDPViewSet` sets the `exclude` property on the serializer in `build_serializer` method. Note that if you use a custom viewset which does not extend LDPSerializer then you will need to set this property yourself
### nested_fields -- DEPRECIATED
Set on a model to auto-generate viewsets and containers for nested relations (e.g. `/circles/<pk>/members/`)
Depreciated in DjangoLDP 0.8.0, as all to-many fields are included as nested fields by default
### nested_fields_exclude
Will exclude the field `skills` from the model's nested fields, and prevent a container `/model/<pk>/skills/` from being generated
To add customs urls who can not be add through the `Model` class, it's possible de create a file named ``. It will be executed like an `` file
To enable pagination feature just add this configuration to the server `` :
'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'djangoldp.pagination.LDPPagination',
## Sources
To enable sources auto creation for all models, change `djangoldp` by `djangoldp.apps.DjangoldpConfig`, on `INSTALLED_APPS`
To enable 301 redirection on domain mismatch, add `djangoldp.middleware.AllowOnlySiteUrl` on `MIDDLEWARE`
This ensure that your clients will use `SITE_URL` and avoid mismatch betwen url & the id of a resource/container
Notice tht it'll redirect only HTTP 200 Code.
## Extending DjangoLDP
### Testing
Packaged with DjangoLDP is a tests module, containing unit tests
You can extend these tests and add your own test cases by following the examples in the code. You can then run your tests with:
`python -m unittest tests.runner`