Setup a DjangoLDP server
This module is an add-on for Django REST Framework that serves a django model respecting the Linked Data Platform convention.
It aims at enabling people with little development skills to serve their own data, to be used with a LDP application.
Building a Startin' Blox application? Read this:
- python 3.6
- postgresql database (for production)
Get started
Install djangoldp:
$ python -m pip install djangoldp
Setup a project with a server instance:
$ djangoldp initserver myldpserver
$ cd myldperver
This step setup a default basic configuration (see: .
Initialize the server:
$ djangoldp configure --with-dummy-admin
And run the server locally:
$ djangoldp runserver
You can now log on http://localhost:8000/admin/
and manage the LDP sources.
Check technical documentation
Contribute to DjangoLDP
Packaged with DjangoLDP is a tests module, containing unit tests
You can extend these tests and add your own test cases by following the examples in the code. You can then run your tests with:
python -m unittest djangoldp.tests.runner
Check your datas integrity
Because of the way the DjangoLDP's federation work, you can reach some integrity issue within your datas.
You can check them with:
./ check_integrity
You can ignore some servers:
./ check_integrity --ignore "https://server/,https://another-server/"
Licence MIT