Find a way to limit votes to one by webid by polls
Ping @calummackervoy : could we check that one vote per user per polls exists before processing the save using a dumb pre_save signal ?
Does it exist ? Should we change the ForeignKey relationship to something else ?
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- Maintainer
This can be done by overriding the
method in theVote
model easily, but it would be cleaner to override the view, so that we can return error 400 (or 409?) to the save request? - Author Owner
@calummackervoy : did you have time to check that already ? I guess not :-)
Will need a fix for today, like early.
👌 1 - Calum Mackervoy mentioned in merge request !16 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !16 (merged)
- Benoit Alessandroni closed via merge request !16 (merged)
closed via merge request !16 (merged)
- Benoit Alessandroni mentioned in commit 1ef0b356
mentioned in commit 1ef0b356
- Benoit Alessandroni reopened
- Author Owner
Ping @calummackervoy : My local testing are not concluding on both cases:
- I can still vote as much as I wish, I never enter the
method onVoteViewSet
- Getting a 403 on the
call of the/can_vote/
route, even when the Authorization header is passed
The POST to create a vote looks as follows:
curl 'http://localhost:8000/polls/1/votes/' \ -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \ -H 'Pragma: no-cache' \ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \ -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjMzYTAxOWZlYTVlNzhhYzAxNDEyMjhmOTcwOGQxNDAxIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjgwMDAiLCJzdWIiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjgwMDAvdXNlcnMvYmFsZXNzYW4vIiwiYXVkIjoiOWU3NmMyNWJhZjRlNDEzN2FhZmU2N2MzYWVmMTMyODQiLCJleHAiOjE2MDY3ODk3MzIsImlhdCI6MTYwMTAyOTczMiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNjAxMDI5NjIzLCJub25jZSI6IktfeVliaGlpaktOQXZDYU9IcjNZNkUweGNkazJkanh1SU00aEloUUZDdm8iLCJhdF9oYXNoIjoiaG56cU15Tk54WndGVW9Nclppcm53dyJ9.B6zhN_TaOmEidOWumB5-aoyYzTp4dXN7W5t9FzifP7CAqjpXy2qPESiIShfrLfCbvZDLbiXd2gupWNm6SaKNvI6ZxuSVYRKfXBKLpzBoSJIeNhUK6tmt_gkFXiWY5hTyCkq-BtyZb_u0oKFSM13Jayid43At-mZhajlc--pVK5ODdW53mwuSbTCTbVSi2vNWr1ENjDfZb8EI-RffIkrgUG6WyO6y6yIHmjV-q0mlk15zAeOkyEKukKSA94OjrmE1Op1uwA6XG0sPiM4KR_2BXEPm1UDUSlzeXHNLHalpKG_a7qujwBcXbmQow8crtADDwNDNAOtzPSaPZ1QCHxLMgQ' \ -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.83 Safari/537.36' \ -H 'content-type: application/ld+json' \ -H 'Accept: */*' \ -H 'Origin: http://localhost:3000' \ -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site' \ -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' \ -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' \ -H 'Referer: http://localhost:3000/polls' \ -H 'Accept-Language: fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7' \ -H 'Cookie: csrftoken=6DtyU8KkkOWyVmCF1eKcVZdb5q2AunjnLMi2Rz2erlyzmK4gTeoQ0XnBAQYLdFhT; sessionid=cjms8e14hpv6fd1wvgj2uzey8j0o0vvr' \ --data-binary '{"choiceValue":"","chosenOption":{"@id":"http://localhost:8000/polloptions/2/"},"@context":{"@vocab":"","rdf":"","rdfs":"","ldp":"","foaf":"","name":"rdfs:label","acl":"","permissions":"acl:accessControl","mode":"acl:mode","geo":"","lat":"geo:lat","lng":"geo:long","inbox":"","object":"","author":"","account":"","jabberID":"foaf:jabberID","picture":"foaf:depiction"}}' \ --compressed
Edited by Benoit Alessandroni - I can still vote as much as I wish, I never enter the
Collapse replies - Author Owner
It actually looks like it never enter the is_safe_create method, still going through the djangoldp.LDPViewSet.is_safe_create (checked that using some
in the code). So always returning True. - Maintainer
I can't replicate the first one
Testing locally I receive
400 - Bad Request
with:[ "You may only vote on this poll once!" ]
are you running the latest version of DjangoLDP? I updated DjangoLDP a few weeks ago to support custom view sets on nested fields, before it would be ignoring the
parameter inVote.Meta
- Maintainer
Also can't replicate the issue for
.. I receive200 - OK
in the response bodythe code is written to send 403 only if the user isn't authenticated:
Edited by Calum Mackervoy - Author Owner
I am actually using the up-to-date version of djangoldp from the master branch, so that I can debug. So yes, latest I would say.
- Maintainer
Could you post a
pip freeze
of your environment please?Not because I don't believe you
😉 Edited by Calum Mackervoy - Author Owner
Pip freeze won't consider symlinked packages I think ?
- Author Owner
Here is my
pip freeze
:balessan@balessan-laptop:~/workspace/hubl$ pip3 freeze alabaster==0.7.12 apturl==0.5.2 asgiref==3.2.3 asn1crypto==0.24.0 Beaker==1.11.0 Brlapi==0.6.6 certifi==2019.11.28 cffi==1.13.2 chardet==3.0.4 Click==7.0 command-not-found==0.3 confusable-homoglyphs==3.2.0 cryptography==2.8 cupshelpers==1.0 decorator==4.4.1 defer==1.0.6 dell-recovery==0.0.0 distro-info===0.18ubuntu0.18.04.1 Django==2.2 django-countries==5.3.3 django-cuser==2017.3.16 django-debug-toolbar==1.11 django-guardian==2.3.0 django-modeltranslation==0.13 django-oidc-provider==0.6.2 django-redis==4.12.1 django-registration==3.0.1 django-rest-framework==0.1.0 django-tinymce==3.0.2 django-webidoidc-provider==0.1.1 djangoldp==1.1.0 djangoldp-account==1.1.3 djangoldp-circle==1.0.0 djangoldp-conversation==1.0.0 djangoldp-dashboard==1.0.0 djangoldp-event==1.0.0 djangoldp-joboffer==0.1.2 djangoldp-like==0.0.2 djangoldp-notification==1.0.1 djangoldp-polls==1.0.2 djangoldp-profile==1.0.0 djangoldp-project==1.0.1 djangoldp-resource==1.0.0 djangoldp-skill==1.0.0 djangoldp-uploader==1.0.0 djangorestframework==3.11.0 future==0.18.2 httplib2==0.9.2 idna==2.8 keyring==10.6.0 keyrings.alt==3.0 language-selector==0.1 launchpadlib==1.10.6 lazr.restfulclient==0.13.5 lazr.uri==1.0.3 louis==3.5.0 macaroonbakery==1.1.3 Mako==1.1.1 MarkupSafe==1.1.1 netifaces==0.10.4 oauth==1.0.1 oic==0.15.1 olefile==0.45.1 pexpect==4.2.1 Pillow==6.1.0 pipdeptree==0.13.2 progressbar==2.3 protobuf==3.0.0 pycairo==1.16.2 pycparser==2.19 pycrypto==2.6.1 pycryptodomex==3.9.6 pycups==1.9.73 pygobject==3.26.1 pyjwkest==1.4.2 PyLD==1.0.5 pymacaroons==0.13.0 PyNaCl==1.1.2 pyRFC3339==1.0 python-apt==1.6.5+ubuntu0.3 python-dateutil==2.6.1 python-debian==0.1.32 pytz==2019.3 pyxdg==0.25 PyYAML==5.3 redis==3.5.3 reportlab==3.4.0 requests==2.22.0 requests-unixsocket==0.1.5 scour==0.36 SecretStorage==2.3.1 sib-manager==0.4.15 simplejson==3.13.2 six==1.14.0 sqlparse==0.3.0 SummerPalace==0.0.0 system-service==0.3 systemd-python==234 ubuntu-drivers-common==0.0.0 ufw==0.36 unattended-upgrades==0.1 urllib3==1.25.8 usb-creator==0.3.3 validators==0.14.2 vboxapi==1.0 wadllib==1.3.2 xkit==0.0.0 zope.interface==4.3.2
👍 1 - Maintainer
I got to the bottom of this ... essentially this code which I merged into DjangoLDP supporting custom nested view sets had been removed from
I think by Git, when mine + JB's performance testing code was merged last week
This will probably explain why your branch of DjangoLDPI18n randomly stopped working as well. I've opened an MR for this here: djangoldp-packages/djangoldp!162 (merged)
Edited by Calum Mackervoy - Please register or sign in to reply
- Calum Mackervoy closed
- Benoit Alessandroni reopened
- Maintainer
It's not closed?
Collapse replies - Author Owner
It is probably, still I am having a weird behaviour briefly explained here: !18 (comment 37530) and I am unsure of the source of the thing.
Leaving it open so we can check together, I'd like to show you tomorrow.
- Maintainer
- Benoit Alessandroni closed