Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- 404 on empty containers
- can't save a model that has no resource id
- 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_meta'
- Permissions are not set on containers
- Permission classes should have a has_user_permission
- Missing container_path
- Add context based on models
- Anonymous access not working
- Error when there is no LDP_RDF_CONTEXT in the settings
- nested containers don't create the link with parents anymore
- Add view and control to default permissions, if possible
- Author permissions
- Using AnonymousReadOnly permission make POST impossible
- Containers should have a type
- error on filtering of manytomany field
- Review internal permissions
- The default should be no permissions on LDPViewSet
- AnonymousReadOnly not working
- Filter container based on permissions
- Error on notification list
- Refactor federation
- Automatically generate urls from models
- 403 on OPTIONS
- CORS: expose headers Location
- AnonymousReadOnly permissions empty
- Url ID field
- list permissions
- created resource url must be returned in reponse `location` header
- Fields of nested objects
- Add requests in the dependencies
- Include WebACL
- auto_author gives permission to everybody???
- Permission use cases
- serve vcards to xmpp
- AnnymusUser present in the Users list
- Create regression tests for permissions and field exposure
- Pipeline doesn't run test
- Get URL of saved resource from its model
- Permission issue - AnonymousReadOnly
- auto_author receive AnonymousUser instead of the connected User
- serializer_fields should be used by default by the serializer
- Use PATCH method to update resources